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Posts posted by Canuckfanforlife82

  1. 5 minutes ago, TheCustodian said:

    MacEwen actually has played relatively well. I don't know know why Roussel continues to be in the line-up over him.

    Exactly. I get it that you are trying to light a fire under those young guys but he has never sent a message to his veterans. Who runs the asylum here? They just do what they want. Those young guys must be thinking " ya but he just threw the puck into the middle or taken a horrible penalty and he's back out there?" They do it and they are pulled from the game. Remember its the veterans making those blatant obvious mistakes for the most part anyway.

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  2. Benning has for the most part made great picks but he has also given away a lot of draft picks and made  two poor picks in Juolevi and Virtanen. He hasn't been perfect. I just think in some ways he hurt his ability to have more picks and players with the trades he has made and giving them away. Giving them away without keeping the assets he brought in. I don't think you can ever not retain the players you trade for picks. You better be sure you can resign them if you do it. It sort of felt like with Toffoli they sort of shrugged and said oh well we will worry about that later. The vision for the future is lacking in this organization. They live too much in the now.

  3. I think my biggest problem with the lineup is that they took out Virtanen, Gaudette, and Macewen. They haven't played great but isn't the biggest problem is that the veterens have been making the mistakes not these young guys. It feels like they are putting blame on the wrong guys here. A lot of the major mistakes have been made by older players. It just looks bad that they all get a free pass.

  4. 11 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

    "Get rid of money" isn't a one sided deal though.   Someone has to "take" what you want to "give".  If we don't want players what makes them attractive to other teams?  


    How do you do "more investigating" into Ferland?  Bottom line is it took him fighting to get us to where we are...he tried.  We needed what he potentially was going to bring.  Concussions aren't all the same OR predictable.  Sven too.  


    Some of what you're saying - sure.  But it's also easier to use hindsight in a current situation that really doesn't offer a lot of that.  

    I just feel like the really good general managers find a way to do it. The reality is we should have never had that much money tied up in our bottom six but the organization does so what do they do about it? There really is nothing. I just think the ownership has every right to find a new GM at this point. If they are more involved then they should be then that is a really big issue. They should have no say in how trades and signings are made. I feel like they are too involved but I don't know if that is true or not, it just feels that way. If they aren't then How much more time does Benning deserve? Other than drafting and a couple of good trades over 7 years, he really shouldn't be given any more time. When General managers know they are in the hot seat they usually make desperate attempts to save their jobs. Look at Edmontons last gm.

  5. 10 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

    There's SO much wrong with this.


    First point:  "Posters are allowed to point out the things wrong with this team".   Not sure what qualifies them to, but it is a discussion board so "opinions" are fine.  When presented like facts, some people do have an issue with that.  If you have all the answers...why has no one hired you yet?


    No one predicted a pandemic.  No revenue.  Caps flattened (when they were projecting an increase of $3-7M - a big one and threw a wrench into some plans).  A schedule that's really unheard of.


    Not incompetent....this deal's full of unknowns and uncertainties.  And some pretend that everything should have been known when some of it couldn't be.  This is not a year to judge based on....it's an anomaly.


    It's far from perfect and yes, mistakes have been made along the way.  But I feel some just like to gripe whenever they can because they get heard that way.


    I've been through some pretty grim years with the Canucks....hang in there, it's not nearly as bad as it could be.  At least we have a roster and young players who offer some glimmer of hope when they do get back on stride again.  Wasn't always so.    People SCREAMED to ditch the older players and go with young guns.  Now we are and it isn't happening fast enough.

    The flip side to rose coloured glasses and positivity is a bleak outlook and the first opportunity to pounce with that is premature at times.  The sky isn't falling yet...time will tell.  

    When Benning comes out and says they ran out of time, it shows incompetence. He had plenty of time to get rid of money and couldn’t which also shows he doesn’t have the ability to shed money when they have to. He should have never handed out contracts to players like Baertchi, Sutter, roussel, Beagle, and he should have done more investigating into Ferland’s situation. Having 20 million spent on our bottom forwards is bad compared to the rest of the league. He gave contract extensions to Newell Brown and Baumgartner in the middle of the season last year when it wasn’t needed. I don’t get the Baumgartner extension as the team defence has been brutal. Markstrom was a big reason why our GAA was respectable. The shot totals were bad last year too. So yes I do think he has shown incompetence. He has wasted a lot of money.

  6. Just now, Provost said:

    This may be the most depressing thing I have experienced since Messier...


    The idea that Loui is going to be slotted into the lineup to help us.


    ... and that I can sit there and think “yep, that sounds reasonable”.


    Good God, that is horrifying....

    It’s really all they can do. I don’t want Benning making anymore trades out of desperation. He is incompetent. He gives up way too much in deals that will set this organization further back than it already is. Really, what other options do they have? I would say start giving younger guys a chance from Utica. That’s about it though. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Devron44 said:

    Literally nothing good to say ever! If it’s not the gm, coach (understandably right now) it’s the players. Why do you even bother being a fan?

    Man some posters  just want people on hear to pretend like everything is fine. Posters are allowed to point out the things wrong with this team. It doesn’t mean they are giving up or should or they are not a true fan. People don’t want to read negative comments, well then don’t. The way this team has been built in 7 years is not good enough to contend and it should be. Posters are pointing that out. It’s obvious how bad we are right now because of the goals against and Benning saying comments such as I ran out of time. It just makes the organization look incompetent. Fans have a right to feel embarassed and voice their displeasure. It says Canucks talk, it doesn’t say Canucks talk only if you are positive and want to paint everything with rose coloured glasses on.



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  8. 2 minutes ago, DSVII said:

    I'm not a big fan of this management group. But a realistic assessment of Benning isn't complete without knowing how much and when Aquilini interferred with his decisions (i.e Loui/Myers). And that won't come till years down the line



    What does that tell you about our chances of ever winning a cup if you don’t have a gm who can speak for himself. The organization is set up for failure and being soft comes from the top right now. The team is as soft as the group from the top. Is there anyone who will say enough is enough and be tough and show some leadership?

    • Huggy Bear 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Wolfgang Durst said:

    Greener got it, finally. With such a tight schedule and the team looking tired you have to bring in fresh bodies. Excellent call. Thanks Greener. !

    When is bringing Eriksson coming in ever a good idea? He offers nothing except empty net goals and penalty


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  10. Benning is unwilling to admit he made

    mistakes and just defends every player that hasn’t made it into the lineup yet. Green is basically telling him that Jake isn’t committed to what it takes to becoming an everyday player. Every team sees this so there isn’t a trade to be had but how many chances should he get? Joulevi no matter how well he plays sits in the pressbox. There is nothing really that Chatfield has done that warrants him to stay in the lineup. So many lineup decisions that don’t make sense and no accountability. Only young rookies are made to sit while veterans are free to make mistake after mistake and know they will be back in the lineup next game.

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  11. I think Green sees the writing on the wall if they lose. This lineup wreaks of desperation which is a bad place to be in as a coach. I still think there have been more than enough reasons to get rid of Benning but it seems he can do no wrong under the aquilini’s eyes. They should understand they are paying a ton of players to sit in the pressbox. Paying players for free. Anyone who is smart enough would say this is not acceptable. Yet Benning is still here.

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  12. Yep you know your in trouble when you have to bring back Eriksson and demote Hoglander. It makes so much sense. Demoting someone who always tries hard and bringing in someone who can’t score at all except for empty netters. Eriksson should never see the ice with this team yet here we are. What’s the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. 

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  13. 3 minutes ago, ShawnAntoski said:

    I agree with this cause this is a good time to see if any of these players are part of the longterm - moving forward.


    If JB remains, he should do a better job communicating with his players/team and letting them know that he has there back whether they are leaving or staying cause working for someone that doesnt have your back is a cancer to workforce morale).  JB seems to not be a corporate creature (unlike, Weisbrod) but who knows how the office politics is between management ...

    A little bit too late for that now.

  14. 3 minutes ago, NHTyrany said:

    that's not really fair. Other than Eriksson, which ends soon, he can't be responsible for concussions or recapture. Also I still like beagle and Sutter's pay was for sticking out a rebuild and ends soon. Just wish the rebuild would have started earlier but where did that get Edmonton or Toronto. When did they last contend? Our window is still a few years away and I'm hoping Benning will have a couple more years to finish his work.

    Ferland had concussion problems before we signed him. There was nothing to warrant giving Sutter an extension, Beagle and roussel the money they got. Its way too much. More than any other team in the league for the money spent on the bottom 6. It is fair, sorry.

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  15. 1 minute ago, BarnBurner said:

    Nobody's denying anything. But it's pretty pathetic and childish to continually act like a fool. These problems are beyond us whether we like them or not. It's up to whoever is in charge to make those changes. Some of you guys don't when to stop. Nobody likes losing and there were bad choices. But that's life. Let's hope you guys got it all together.

    How did he act like a fool? He posted real numbers.

  16. 3 minutes ago, BarnBurner said:

    You should be a comedian because you bringing this up after every blow out is laughable at best. And to think, you use to be a Mod. Haha!

    This is a reality. It’s why this team is bad and can’t do a thing. Should we pretend this isn’t a problem. It’s bad cap management. It’s reflective of his management. So yes it’s ok to look at why we’re at where we are at. It proves he’s not a good manager.

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  17. Just now, Monty said:

    Tyler Myers - 6M 
    Loui Eriksson - 6M 
    Brandon Sutter - 4.375M
    Michael Ferland - 3.5M
    Roberto Luengo 3M
    Antoinne Roussel - 3M
    Jay Beagle - 3M 
    Jordie Benn - 2M 
    Sven Bartschi 2.291M
    Ryan Spooner - 1.033M

    Exactly. Enough said. One more thing though. We pay the most to our bottom six than any other team. I don’t see any team following this model. it’s a losing model.

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