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Posts posted by Canuckfanforlife82

  1. 8 minutes ago, Amebushi said:

    Yeah ...I mean who would attack someone from behind a computer screen without knowing them?  I mean yet another thread about how JB is and how terrible his signings are. How are “never in on big UFA’s”. I’m assuming you know Benning to attack him from behind a screen like this right?  Oh and please tell me all the teams that are better than when the season ended?  A flat cap has made life difficult for everyone and I personally like the moves so far. Are we better today than at the end of the year?  Probably not. Are we better than if we had given money and term to Toffoli, Tanev, Markstrom and Stecher?  Yeah I think we are. We are finally in a position to play some of the youth we have been piling up, clearly have a plan to have available cap to sign Hughes and Petey. Go get a chocolate donut with the perfect amount of sprinkles and cheer up a bit. The glass may be half empty but at least no one pissed in it this year. 

    Completely different as I am judging Benning based on his signings and trades and not on his personality. You like the fact our bottom two lines are one of the most expensive for what they bring to the table? That doesn't make sense. Montreal, Calgary, Ottawa, Detroit, will all be better then they were since the season ended. I don't understand the purpose of an argument when you end it with a weird way of trying to insult me. Seems immature to me. It would have been better to just state why you don't agree and leave it at that than coming up with childish responses.

  2. 15 minutes ago, The Lock said:

    Oh I know why you've said what you've been saying. I don't agree with it without giving the man credit where credit is due or the team credit where credit is due. I haven't really seen you do either; therefore, I disagree with your assessment.

    Benning has done a lot of good things. It’s just there were deadlines where he let people walk or didn’t trade players with over payed contracts where he could have and it just seems he either didn’t get assets when he should have because of where this team was at the time (rebuilding/retooling ).  Now nobody wants those players because the money being paid to them is too much. Losing Toffoli hurts because he at least had a history of scoring and it was great for Bo to  have a legitimate winger. He also gave up assets to get him. Now Bo doesn’t have that winger again. Benning is talking about Baertchi and Virtanen but we know what they bring. Inconsistency is a good word to sum them up. So my frustration comes from that and the fact we have no money to spend is because of those contracts that were signed that were just too much for those bottom players. It’s the fact that right now we look to have taken a step back after that playoffs where we knew we needed to improve. So as I said the off-season isn’t over. We will see.

  3. 1 minute ago, luckylager said:

    So we need 10 guys to fill those 7 spots and completely close the door on Lind and Hoglander, then make it nearly impossible to work Pod  and Tram into the mix later in the season?


    Our bottom six is bloated AF. 


    Yes there is definitely going to have to be a move made. So much money being spent in that bottom six. It’s hard to see where the relief will come from. Everyone is up against the cap.

    • Cheers 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, The Lock said:

    Dude. I haven't been taking you seriously for pages now. lol This is a forum on the internet. This isn't a place to take conversations like these seriously.

    Sure. You have been responding to everything I said so far. What you were saying was ridiculous. Keep backtracking. Anyways I am out in terms of responding to you. I was merely explaining why I said what I said about Benning. 

  5. 1 hour ago, The Lock said:

    I stand by what I've said and continue to fully mean what I said. If you can't understand the metaphorical statements and what they actually mean, that's on you. If you're this easily offended from metaphors, that tells me you "what to be right" but are afraid of being wrong and just don't want to admit it.


    Think of a debate as a journey to learn, not about being right all the time. If you show up just to be right, 99% of the time you'll leave unsatisfied.

    You talked about me wanting to punch you. Lol. I couldn’t take you serious after that. What out of what I said would make you think I would do that. There is nothing metaphorical about that. Benning hasn’t made one mistake, he’s made quite a few which I have said has put us in a position where we couldn’t resign Toffoli and look at other free agents. So it is not one thing like your metaphorical sprinkled cupcake comment would suggest. That doesn’t even work. That would suggest I was upset at the one mistake he made. The bottom six is paid too much. I think one of the most on the league. That is not a place to be tops in the league in where you are paying your bottom six players a lot of money. 

  6. 4 hours ago, The Lock said:

    Sensitive dude aren't you. This is the internet. If you can't handle criticism for your posts than don't post. Simple.


    And for the record. I'd say the exact same thing to your face. I don't really care about hiding behind a screen. I'm speaking my opinion and if you're that easily offended to the point where you'd "punch me in the face" or something just because I disagree with you then you have issues.

    Your maturity is showing again. I don’t deal with people like that and I don’t go online to call people bitter and make cupcake sprinkle remarks. I just think you don’t like the fact that what you said was immature. The last post and the one before. I would never punch anyone. I have self control. I just find it funny that you keep making remarks about me and trying to make yourself look good when all your posts did was show that you try to get a laugh at the expense of others. Making cupcake references about how I would freak if one sprinkle was off had nothing to do with this post. Anyways back to the topic at hand. I am a long time fan and have been through the ups and downs and as I said I will wait and see what happens. I just don’t like the amount the bottom 6 is making in the lineup. It is affecting our ability to do things. That is a true statement that I am entitled to make. 

    • Cheers 1
  7. 2 hours ago, The Lock said:

    I just think the OP's being bitter for the sake of being bitter. No logic, no realistic thinking, just bitter. Doesn't just want everything dipped in chocolate but also expect the perfect sprinkles, like if one sprinkle's off, fire the sprinkle maker! lol

    I think it says more about your personality than it does mine when you attack someone behind a computer screen without knowing them. You are allowed to voice your displeasures. If you don't like it don't post here. It is pretty immature to attack someone without knowing who they are. Benning has made some good moves but he has also made moves that have hurt us. That is undeniable. If you want to look past that. That is fine. They are moves that make it hard to improve the team right now. I also said that we will wait and see what he does. As of right now the team is not better than when the season ended. It should be about progression not regression.

    • Cheers 1
  8. 46 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

    Not completely how it was...their game plan was to allow Vegas a lot of shots...just remove the good quality scoring chances.


    Yes, Demko was huge in that but the amount of shots don't tell the entire story...again, stats only go so far.


    We also had two back to backs in a week and that was a HUGE factor...the team had pressed, hard, to have that changed.  So it's not just a measure of good team versus bad team...you have to consider these things as well.  The guys ran out of gas, plain and simple.  They'd had a tougher route to get there than Vegas did.  It's all relevant.  Despite it all, Vegas still didn't beat us handily...it could have gone either way.  That's no laughing matter for them....they were expected to be there, we really were not.

    We gave Vegas a good run...they were HORRIBLE in their first game vs Dallas and blamed the series vs us as part of that.  They were worn down.  You make it sound like a cake walk...it wasn't.


    Anyhow...straying here.  JB made it perfectly clear he wasn't going to go the FA route as much as look inward to bring players up.  Very selective process and I'm glad he was restrained rather than desperate.  Measured.

    Vegas stated Demko was the reason not the team. I am just stating facts. He got into their heads and if you want to believe they allowed Vegas to take tons of shots as a plan. I don't think that is a great game plan do you? It doesn't make sense to play them that way either.


    I don't mind Benning not signing our own free agents but I do mind the fact that we can't do anything because of past mistakes. I am bringing up Eriksson because it is hurting us now. I know that he was expected at the time of the deal to do so much more and for a longer period but its been four years and we still have him on this team and you can't tell me a young player isn't capable of doing what he does on the ice for a better price. It is a deal like that which has hindered our ability to bring in better options now. Again Benning wasn't expecting for him to be this bad but the fact is he is on the bottom like making 6 million dollars. That is where he is at this stage of his career. I blame him more for deals like Sutter, Beagle, Roussel and Ferland. A player like Ferland who had the concussion problems before he made that deal. On his medical history alone, he should have not been signed for four years at that price. It's those deals that have hurt the team now. We can't go after or keep free agents like Tafolli. 


    Do you think we are better off after this free agency period? We have more holes than when they left the bubble and they still weren't good enough then. If things are left the way they are, which I hope they aren't there is no way we think we can be better next year. I just hope there are a few more deals to be made to fill some of the holes left. We do have to give Benning the whole off season so we shall see.

  9. 25 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

    We made it TO the playoffs...that was exceeding expectations and it was because they HAD support.


    Hindsight cannot be used to grade deals because they happen according to immediate and future needs and what's available in line with that at the time.  It costs to get players...just how it is.  Not very often a team is the beneficiary of them...and some turn out better than others.  I mean...JT Miller's a good example of how you don't know until you know.  We're not the only team that has players who didn't pan out as well as hoped/expected.  It's just a thing.  There are surprises both good and bad but you take your chances.


    This is about getting the right "mix" of players and stats only tell half the story....what happens in the room and chemistry is something that's not shown on paper but matters.


    Look at the team as a whole not just as individuals.


    As for "Vegas was laughing at our team".  Yeah but we came within an inch of beating them....so maybe they should have been more focused/less cocky.  You noticed they quit bawking and baby lipping as we challenged them?   They became quiet awfully fast.  The no respect was their deal, not ours.  They don't all play a respectable game....Reaves is a perfect example of that.  Headhunting (McNabb?) and post whistle hits are part of their MO at times.   They're the new Bruins but until they do something, they've got nothing.  Just a big bag of wind.  I don't respect them, so it seems fair.

    You have to remember how badly outplayed the team was in those last few games. Not even close. The only reason we got there was because of Demko. The series was not close. We still have a long way to go to get close to Vegas.  Our bottom two lines if you look at the stats did not provide the support that is needed in the playoffs.

  10. 31 minutes ago, apollo said:

    Myers was a top free agent. In fact pretty much every single hockey outlet had Myers as the #1 dman on the market. So yea you're just being ungrateful that Jim landed #1 dman on market and you try to hate on him... Yikes 

    Source: (Sportsnet, hockeynews, it was unanimous... Myers was top dman and he chose van because of the city) 



    5 year deal at 6 mill is a bargain for the towering defenseman... 


    Miller... Again another player choosing here and turning down same deal in Edmonton, again iono y u being ungrateful... Miller didn't win a vezina but he was certainly world class his 3 years here. 


    Holtby... He's not far removed from vezina and a cup... Elite goaltenders of his caliber don't suddenly disappear at age of 31 - he's gonna have a major bounce back year under Ian Clark so there's that... 


    Look on the bright side of things man

    Myers is not a #1 dman. I don't know anyone who would call him that. You obviously like Benning that's ok that's your right but you can't ignore some glaring mistakes that have put us in the situation that we are in where we can't move money out. Asset management has not been one of his strong traits. He has made good moves as well. I am just saying he does a lot of head scratcher moves or lack of moves at times and when he does he gives quite a bit up. Nate Schmidt not included because that might have been one of his best moves. Miller was 34 when he signed here not exactly young and for 6 million a season. Holtby has seen his numbers go down the past three years. You have to look at stats as well. A Stanley cup and vezina are great but he is not at the top of his game right now. Players at the top of their games have not been attracted to this organization and I laugh when Benning says we are finally at a point where free agents want to come here and we have only seen one so far. A lot of that has to do with the bad money in our bottom two lines. Something like 25 million on the bottom two lines that's ridiculous and it is why we can't do anything more in free agency. That is on Benning.

  11. 8 hours ago, apollo said:

    This has the be one of the worst posts I've seen... 


    Top free agents are constantly flocking to Vancouver... This is the best city in the NHL by far and we've never had a shortage of talent coming in. 


    Vezina winner holtby ring a bell? 

    Vezina goalie Ryan Miller? 

    Myers was top dman available last year other than EK65 who destroyed SJ with his extension and he wasn't  a real UFA 


    Toffoli Marky Tanev all would have took the same deal in Vancouver in a heart beat. Why? Because this city doesn't suck for raising a family and we have a better chance to win than mtl or Calgary. 


    But you know what? Our GM decided we wanted to go a diff direction and didn't match those deals 


    Not gonna waste my time further on this. What a terrible post (no offense) 



    Give me a break. I am talking players like Petriangelo who are in their prime. Not the players you suggested who are past. Myers was not a top free agent. He was signed by us but it wasn't like people desperately were waiting in line to grab him at that price. You mention Miller and Holtby. Well they are also not at the top of their games either. Miller was old and Holtby has a lot to prove. I am meaning top players that you get excited about that choose to come here. I don't think Holtby, Miller and Myers fall into that category. I guess I should have made it clear that I mean Top free agents that you can really be excited about. I guess I should have said Top free agents with all star qualities. We haven't had a ton of those come through our organization. You are mentioning payers who are not at the top of their game.

    • Haha 2
  12. I think it’s more frustrating when teams like Tampa and Vegas who are already talented can continue to go get top players either through trade or free agency and we always seem to have an excuse as to why we can’t. They never seem to have those excuses and they have very smart and aggressive GMs. That’s what gets me upset at trade deadlines and free agency. It just seems we are always one step behind or stuck under badly spent money.

  13. On 10/13/2020 at 4:00 PM, Schmautzie said:

    I’ve been a hardcore fan since 1970 so I’ve seen far more rainy than sunny days in Canuck land!


    As I stated in my post I would only lose confidence in Benning if he didn’t have a major trade in the works and he pulled one off later in the day. Losing Toffoli at a low cap hit still bothers me though.

    I totally agree with you. How else do you explain it. He knew what it was going to cost to resign him and they were desperate to make the playoffs. Two young assets is a lot for 17 games and not good asset management. I also noticed on this board that when you make any negative comments, people then complain about not making comments when they are doing well. People just don’t like facts either and get upset and try to chase people away. If your a long time fan you should not be ok, ever with not winning a cup by now. 50 years folks! Tampa has two cups already, Carolina, Anaheim for crying out loud. Not one GM so far has gotten it right in 50 years, so don’t give fans crap when they post negative comments and have been through the dark days and good days. We are just tired of obvious critical mistakes.

    • Thanks 2
  14. Just now, 48MPHSlapShot said:

    I think you're underestimating just how good Edler still is. 33 points in 59 games, +13, averaged 22.37 TOI. blocked 162 shots and threw 108 hits. That's top 4 on pretty much any team in the league. 

    Edler is great don't get me wrong. I just think he is slowing down and there should have been someone who could have stepped into that 2nd pairing so they wouldn't have to rely on him as much. It would keep him a little bit fresher throughout the year.

  15. Edler should in no way at this stage in his career be in the top four. That is a major problem and Benning has had six years to fix that. He's 35 and our second best left side defenseman. I think after six years there should have been someone who could have stepped in. He should be a third pairing defenseman right now in his career.

    • Wat 2
  16. 1 hour ago, 24K PureCool said:

    This did not age well at all.

    Not really, he still needs two wingers - another skilled forward and a power forward. Another defenseman who can play defense like a Cernak. Yes he got schmidt for a third but he still has to give up more assets to acquire players. What are those going to be? He made one deal so far but still has holes so dont act like this one trade solves everything and we are fine now. I am still worried he is going to give up assets that we shouldn't give away.

    • Haha 1
  17. 1 hour ago, ba;;isticsports said:

    Exactly, you don't need big name expensive free agents that rarely turn out, you just need complimenting players

    Vegas was built without what would have been big name free agents and only 2, 1st rounders Sbisa and Fleury

    Build your team with vison, the type you want and plan for your approaching window of opportunity


    If any time is a good time to ice a weak team, it is when the owner doesn't have to worry about icing a team to draw people to come fill the arena, because it won't be at full capacity anyways. So if your cleaning house, now is the time, Just have a plan and vison

    I am not saying big expensive ones now. It is more I would love for once for us to be in a position to sign one if there was one available. I am tired of seeing other teams always in the mix. Teams like Las Vegas which are already one of the elite teams.

  18. 5 minutes ago, Coconuts said:

    Thing is, we didn't throw away Madden and a 2nd for nothing. Our goal at the beginning of last season was to make the playoffs, we did that and he contributed. Now, one care argue whether we'd have made the playoffs or not had Covid never derailed the season but the bottom line is we did. Not only did we make the playoffs, we won two rounds and took one of the top teams in the west to game seven with a banged up lineup. Bo, Petey, Hughes, Boeser, and Demko all stepped up for us during the playoffs and that's absolutely huge. We can also speculate about whether Demko's perfomance helped make the Marky decision or not. He wouldn't have performed if we hadn't gotten in.


    Now, if we hadn't made the playoffs it'd have been for nothing. 

    In all fairness, the cap and forecasted cap were very different prior to Covid derailing the season than it is now. That cannot be understated. Had the cap raised we'd have had a bit more cap to play with and other teams would have more room to make deals and take on cap. But that's not how things went down, the cap is stagnant and the prices to dump cap likely reflect that. What Jim was hoping to be able to do when Toffoli was brought in and the position he was in going into free agency are two different things. 


    I'd love to somehow dump Sutter and Eriksson and have been actively pursuing some of the guys that have been scooped up the last few days, but realistically if I were privy to the prices required to dump said players I'd probably think twice. We've still got Jake and Gaudette to sign, we need an RD to replace Tanev, we've got to keep Ferland's cap hit in mind, and keep the bonuses of EP and Hughes in mind as well. Management's in a tough spot.


    Realistically we'll take a step back this season, but we've got roughly 20m coming off the books next season. Assume that EP and Hughes take bridge deals, we re-sign Edler to a smaller contract, and find someone to fill Sutter and Pearson's spots. There's also the chance we flip Eriksson with one year remaining, which shouldn't cost as much. But if not, his contract and a few others come off the books a year after with Boeser being the only big fish we need to re-sign.


    We probably won't have a ton of flex for big time free agents the next couple offseasons unless management gets creative. 

    So your saying next year doesn't really matter? What does what has happened in free agency say to Pettersson and Hughes for next year? you think they see next year as a regression year? I just think it sends the wrong message to fans and players.

  19. 33 minutes ago, Dats hockey said:

    Benning set the Canucks up with a bright future ( EP40 BB6 QH43 ) after 1 successful season FIRE HIM!

    Thats becuase its one out of six. The lack of moves is telling all of us they are going to concede a set back for next year. Basically next year we are going to be worse. A wasted year with Pettersson and Hughes. We shouldnt be happy about that. When you think of his tenure here . There hasnt been a lot of success has there? You would think we would be getting better not worse.

  20. 14 minutes ago, Amebushi said:

    So you want to have Marky signed long term?  How about Tanev?  It’s easy to sit here saying how bad moves are but you didn’t answer what you would do?  This post is about not being in on free agents so the ones we are in on you don’t like. Good UFA’s typically get overpaid. When the likes of Beagle were signed we were a bottom dweller and he was a Stanley cup champion. They don’t come cheap. Do you think it’s a coincidence that Bo, Petey, Quinn, Brock etc continue to impress?  Is it remotely possible that these overpaid vets may have filled some of the role of mentor?  I’m glad my job isn’t criticized by thousands of completely unqualified people. Not all moves work out and some work our well. If you want to be “in” on free agents as a team in lottery contention you have to have a lot of open cap space and usually give out more term than you want to. I for one am ok with the current wait and see approach instead of opening up the wallets. We have youth coming up that everyone complains is blocked by aging vets and now there are spots. I would like to hear your stance on my comments regarding waiting to see what JB does with these holes before complaining and calling for his head?

    I would have committed to a rebuild not go in between. How exactly have the players they signed done anything to improve the club. Their experience hasn't amounted to much. I dont mind if they signed them to short term contracts but they offered long term and now its hindered their ability to do anything,  to keep players like Toffoli that they lost for NOTHING! You want to ignore terrible mistakes thats ok but taking one step forward and two steps back is not a recipe for success. Think of this Toffoli is getting less than Sutter. It's just terrible management. Do you think we should have the most expensive bottom two lines right now? Why do you think so many fans are angry right now.It's not one or two people here. There is a reason for frustration.

  21. 6 minutes ago, Amebushi said:

    So you want to have Marky signed long term?  How about Tanev?  It’s easy to sit here saying how bad moves are but you didn’t answer what you would do?  This post is about not being in on free agents so the ones we are in on you don’t like. Good UFA’s typically get overpaid. When the likes of Beagle were signed we were a bottom dweller and he was a Stanley cup champion. They don’t come cheap. Do you think it’s a coincidence that Bo, Petey, Quinn, Brock etc continue to impress?  Is it remotely possible that these overpaid vets may have filled some of the role of mentor?  I’m glad my job isn’t criticized by thousands of completely unqualified people. Not all moves work out and some work our well. If you want to be “in” on free agents as a team in lottery contention you have to have a lot of open cap space and usually give out more term than you want to. I for one am ok with the current wait and see approach instead of opening up the wallets. We have youth coming up that everyone complains is blocked by aging vets and now there are spots. I would like to hear your stance on my comments regarding waiting to see what JB does with these holes before complaining and calling for his head?

    I would have committed to a rebuild not go in between. How exactly have the players they signed done anything to that young players couldnt have done? Their experience has amounted to much. I dont mind if they signed them to shirt term contracts but htey offered long term and now its hindered their ability to do anything,  to keep players like Toffoli that they lost for NOTHING! 

  22. Some people are saying wait and see but what they are failing to realize is that we need assets to trade. Do you really want to trade a first and a second to get a little bit better now? We dont have the assets to trade. Its that simple. People are disheartened because that Toffoli deal could have been done and it doesnt look like they can fill the spots they lost with better solutions. Imagine how Pettersson, Hughes  feel knowing we might just throw away a year. Would that make you want to sign long term. You are not only telling fans something about this year but as well as the players who are still on the roster when you have no nhl quality replacements. If we knew we were going to have a tough time signing defenseman maube we should have signed Tryamkin. Its just a weird situation.

  23. 34 minutes ago, Amebushi said:

    So if we sign UFA players like:

    Erikkson, Beagle, Sutter, Myers then JB sucks at cap management. If we let players walk that have an injury history or are “too small” then JB sucks at asset management. If he lets an aging vet go (Markstrom) then signs a cheaper UFA goalie JB should have got better value. No one forsaw Covid and a flat cap...can we at least wait until the roster is filled out before running from the falling sky?  Tampa Bay has some players to let go, trades have barely started. I admit Toffoli at that price makes me wish he was here but at least see what the rest of the roster looks like before crying about regression...this lousy GM got a team deeper than every other Canadian market is he “held accountable” for that too. Tell me how you would do it?  Eriksson Basrtchi and a first for McDavid with 50% retained?  This board makes me question things sometimes. I want to be clear before I get flamed. I don’t necessarily agree with every move made but hindsight is 20/20 and we haven’t seen who is filling in these holes with the newfound cap. I am optimistic that with a flat cap and an unknown future Benning may yet surprise with a positive move or two before the season starts. 

    I have never liked the term on those free agent deals and it just seems like money not well spent especially when we are one of the highest paying teams in terms of bottom two lines. That is not a fact I like associated with this team. We pay 25 million for our bottom two lines.


  24. 3 minutes ago, Pink Sock said:

    This is exactly how I feel as well. 

    Reality is that it has been a mixed bag. He's been ok on trades, although I find he gives way too much up. and he has done well in the draft but you could also say there are a few misses in there as well. I just don't like or undertand the game plan.

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