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Posts posted by Canuckfanforlife82

  1. 3 minutes ago, 250Integra said:

    Virtanen: 2 steps forward 3 steps back..

    Exactly. its why they only signed him to a one year deal. You would think someone who grew up watching the canucks he would have more passion. He just lacks that drive to want to be an impact player. He was given a top 6 position out of default and he still hasnt wanted to prove something. Its very telling. He should be grabbing this opportunity and run with it but hes not built that way.

    • Cheers 2
  2. Pretty easy to score when everyone just watches you come in and shoot. Motte needs to be benched for two penalties that he know should be called. Our pk tonight has been downright awful. They look so old tonight. Pettersson so far has been invisible for 1 and a half games. Lets just come to terms Virtanen is what he is. He is not a driven player which is the biggest problem. I don't think you can tech to be hungry. That is the most important thing he lacks in his game. He just along for the ride.

  3. Quote


    Great first period. You can tell everyone is rusty. The breakout pass was a struggle but to be expected without preseason games. In regards to Virtanen. Whats happened to his physical game? Canucks could use a power forward like Josh Anderson. Virtanen looks so disinterested. Its early, but I dont know if Virtanen will ever have that drive. he needs to hit and use his body

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  4. I just think this colour scheme works better than the Bertuzzi/Naslund era colours. Having said that, I do think there were better fan made jerseys out there. I always think that the acqulinis see and know what the fans want but always go with the opposite. They and the people making the jersey always seem to go against what the fans desire to put their mark on it. A full green jersey made sense but they have to put their own twist on it. Now that I have seen the full jersey, pants and socks it doesnt look too bad but there were better choices. Here are a few I would have chosen:




    I really like this green jersey and it seemed to make sense but as I said they love to come up with their own jersey that has to have a twist. This just looks cleaner and could have been worn for a long time.




  5. I know that the Acquillinis have said that it is not a priority at this time but a couple of years ago I heard they were talking about replacing the seats. I think with all this time off wouldn't it be the perfect time? They are 25 years old and I know that the red burgundy seat colour just looks off. They really need to go with the colours of the team. I have gone to many games at Rogers Arena but I haven't been there in several years so I am not sure how they feel or what shape they are in now. Again wouldn't it be best to replace them now when there are no fans. It's not a major issue. Its just for the sake of conversation. Another question is about the scoreboard. How often do they change scoreboard or upgrade them. When they built it and put it in they used HD screens well now they have 4K, 8K screens and most new or upgraded arena have amazing huge scoreboards. I am just wondering how many years the current one will last? Anyways feel free to chime in. Again very minute issues but its something to discuss.


  6. 2 minutes ago, The Lock said:

    Keep in mind, much of the league is going through issues right now with money. A lot of free agents have taken paycuts and we'll probably see abnormally more rookies being played across the league.

    Yes. I am all for playing rookies, I am more worried about our wingers. Hopefully Hoglander can come in or Podkolzin at the end of the year and surprise. I just want support for Horvat because I always feel he gets the short end of the stick in terms of wingers. That is why I had a hard time with Toffoli leaving but maybe Hoglander can come in and fill that role.

  7. 2 minutes ago, The Lock said:

    See, I'm of a totally different mindset. I think we don't ever play enough rookies. We expect development and then we suffocate them with competition.

    Yes I can see that as well. Who knows maybe it will be good to see Rathbone and Raferty add something new back there. I am really excited about Rathbone.

    • Cheers 2
  8. 5 minutes ago, The Lock said:

    But I stated where his wrongs were. I tried everything to give us middle ground. Did you even read it?

    Yes and I agreed and you are right, there is no use in rehashing the past but it is one of reasons we are right against the cap. I also said the off-season isn’t over yet, so we need to be patient and see but if there is no more help coming we may see a regression. Maybe the goal is too implement more rookies and see if there are any great surprises this year. Like I said we will see.

  9. 5 minutes ago, janisahockeynut said:

    I do have to say that this off season has tarnished Benning's shine in my eyes......


    He was so lucky on Schmidt................................................Sooooooooo, Lucky!

    We will see. It’s not over yet but we are risking a lot by relying on rookies to come and play big minutes.

  10. 32 minutes ago, The Lock said:

    Note how he never even responded to my final post giving him all of the reasons why things are more positive than he's portraying. I wonder if he even knows what he's arguing about anymore at this point to be honest.

    I didn’t respond because you two want to talk about it and then go about using childish antics to get me to discuss or you just disagree anyways without admitting in how his wrongs have created a bit of cap mess right now. So I would rather not put in the effort. It’s a waste of my time.

  11. 1 hour ago, ken kaniff said:

    I find it funny how many people defend JB as if he's not the one that signed those contracts that are handcuffing our team now. They were bad contracts when they were signed and they're bad now.

    Yes, my thoughts exactly. It's just if you write anything negative about the team on here people get so upset and want you to leave. They start to use the flat cap as an excuse as to why we are where we are. He has also done some great things in terms of the Miller trade, Petersson, Hughes, Toffoli at the time, and for the most part not including this offseason, dealing with our own free agents. A very big reason we are stuck is because of the money tied up in bottom six players and players that are not really making an impact with the team, Baersthi and Ferland. The deal with Ferland should have been a show me deal considering the injuries he suffered and not for his past play. 

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  12. 2 minutes ago, Amebushi said:

    Enjoy your donuts and sprinkles...thanks for answering absolutely nothing as usual. Keep on trollin baby!

    If you would at least come and quote me properly I might be able to understand what it is you want. You kept saying I said things that I didn't. I don't understand why you would think I would take you seriously if you can't even have a conversation using things that I actually said but you didn't. That is why I am not answering your questions and false statements. ….Enjoy your donuts and sprinkles... what are you six? Again have a great night man.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Amebushi said:

    Seems to be a common theme for you. I said you want “in on UFA players”. Jay Beagle, Brandon Sutter and Louie Eriksson were big UFA signings. This is how they got here, by being “in on them”. You called me immature and my responses childish. Where are your answers?  How many of our expiring contracts did you want to keep?  Where was the money for Toffoli supposed to come from?  Are you opposed the the Nate Schmidt deal too? Which overpaid UFA did you want this year?  I’m not upset or angry, but I am calling you out. Try typing a response that makes sense. What do you want??? I see complaints about existing contracts. I see complaints that we can’t get more UFA contracts. Without a crystal ball or a time machine what do you want from Benning this year?

    You keep responding with the wrong quotes. lol. The topic on this thread says TOP free agents. Beagle, Sutter and Eriksson are not top free agents. Maybe Eriksson at that time but he was never an all star. Unless you have low expectations. I can't even with you anymore because you aren't even quoting what I said right. Later 

  14. 22 minutes ago, Amebushi said:

    How is that different?  @The Lock was responding to your comments, not your personality. You do seem bitter and want it all. You don’t like any of our UFA signings but want to be “in on the next ones”. You don’t respond to the questions of others but keep ranting about what you want. How hard is it for Detroit to be better?  You want to call me immature and childish. Keep trolling somewhere else please. If you read anything I’ve written in this thread as well as several others our “overpaid” bottom lines are the exact contracts you want to be “in on”. I’m happy that we didn’t over pay on long term to anyone this year. If it’s a step back so be it. You think it’s OK to trash someone you don’t know but call out others. You name call and tell others they are childish. Do you know me?  You didn’t answer any of my questions or respond to any of my points but continue to throw comments at others that you don’t live up to. I’m up for healthy debate but all you do is whine and name call.  If you don’t like the way I end my comments too bad. Go cheer for Calgary, Montreal, Ottawa or Detroit since you seem to think their GM is doing a superior job. What do you actually want other than to complain that Louie sucks and we overpaid for some vets a few years ago when the team sucked?

    You just further proved my point. Look how upset you are. It's ridiculous. I never once said we should be overpaying to bottom line players so I don't know what your talking about. That is why I can't take anything you say seriously. When did I name call I said you were acting immature and from the tone of this last message I am not far off. I was talking to a totally different person that posted and you weren't even a part of that conversation. Your just bored and have to put your two cents in. You are angry because what I am saying is true. Those bad contracts for those players have helped put us in a bind right now. Again I have never said go sign bottom six free agents for lots of money. So I am done with you and whatever your trying to prove but I will keep on with the conversation without all this other petty stuff. Have a great rest of the night, weekend, year etc.

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