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Mustard Tiger

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Everything posted by Mustard Tiger

  1. It's just wild. I like how the league pretends they want accountability and change meanwhile they arnt transparent at all and now they are naming Bill Haslam the majority owner of Nashville? I just don't even
  2. Flames are garbage. Ez win. Embarrass them as well so they pay us a premium for a middling winger like Garland lol
  3. We should have Guenther stankoven + likely one more come the draft. We elected to take on 12m in capdumps and klimovich instead
  4. Do something weird and wild. Bo to Philly for always injuried but selke calibre couturier + their 1st Then give Miller away to Nashville. Boeser to Dallas and Garland to wpg. I'm going to assume we continue to ignore futures and try to get flames like returns for everyone lol. Might as well swing for a massive risk vs reward outcome if that's the case considering Sean seems injury prone AF now but meh I want two lottery picks
  5. Hellllllllll nahhhhhh. Selling severson on his own brings over half that value lmao! They still have a full top pair in hughes-nemec plus soooooo much more to come it's kinda silly
  6. Lol mcdrai doing everything to mask how bad Campbell is (and the defense)
  7. Farhan being a goof trying to say everyone but horvat is toxic lmao. Typical east coast networks trying to kill any value our guys have lol
  8. It's wild to me. I think it comes down to our fanbase is honestly just soooo dedicated to hockey that many get lost in their emotions towards the players. It doesn't help we have been the worst managed team top to bottom since our cup final. I want to believe we will make the right moves and build around our EP properly but sooo many people begged for a Miller signing and our owner took the bait. How do you fix a culture now with this guy locked up. When he's on his game I love Miller. But let's be honest, His play away from the puck / his horrible lazy give aways will never allow us to fix this culture issue unless he snaps out of whatever he's doing now lol
  9. The exact same as now. Everyones beloved players are a major reason for the on ice product. They demanded to be paid way too much for 1 way play. Fans clearly haven't had enough of it and want to keep being locked into the same guys lol. Makes zero sense
  10. Hopefully we arnt brain dead and just accept the best dmen package or whatever out there. The focus should be cap space, picks and prospects. Those 3 things are the most valuable to everyone. If we do some dumb crap like make a package around a fabbro or something I'll lose my mind lol
  11. Hurry up and trade him so I don't have to hear on the radio or see all over the internet a bunch of casual Benning jrs yelling and screaming how we need to keep Bo at all cost lmao
  12. Ah yes, The classic spend 2nd rounder on a future cap dump while watching the 2nd rounder turn into the player we needed lol. Why is this our life cycle
  13. After this we should also flip boeser to Dallas for capdumps and picks. Gurianov + khudobin
  14. Necas is a perimeter player...Honestly not what we need to be spending a good chunk on again imo But I have no idea, All I know is canes fans get mad when you suggest poaching him
  15. So we slipping a 9.69x8 along with the C to EP this summer or what
  16. Peak willy D team could take his final build to a game 7 in a series lol. Almost every team has 1 mistake... We have 50m worth lol wooo
  17. I'm genuinely concerned we will focus a Calgary-FLA like package. Two ready now in their prime pieces
  18. You sir are correct. While the dollar seems high he is worth it. He has scoring, He has speed, He has defensive awareness ( something we lack the most in the league ) and he cost considerably less than all our useless 1 way wingers not named kuzmenko. If we actually can't just give Miller away I would make a risky deal. Miller for Sean couturier. When healthy we have a selke C behind EP or he's always hurt and we get to naturally tank
  19. Actually how messed up is it that we are still trying to lock into MORE 8x8s while having all these issues lmao
  20. I'd rather have 2 ELCs than one 1.5m middling talent guy. You cannot fully bury that contract in the minors. We have nearly 10m in these overpaid middling talent guys already on these types of contracts
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