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Mustard Tiger

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Everything posted by Mustard Tiger

  1. Oh now this is pretty epic. Come back from 4-0 to lead, Get screwed by the ref so they tie it and then score on ourself to blow the lead. Canucks hockey if I've ever seen it
  2. This is super impressive. Almost as impressive as the easy 3+ 1st round equivalent pieces we will get back in a deal for him
  3. Gally must be some sort of stat leader for longest NHL tenure while being a total bust for draft position. In the record books beside chiasson for PTO king. Career just keeps on going somehow Is there actually a list for most times on waivers in NHL history? Lol
  4. It's just the daily compounding self inflicted issues which from even just a PR perspective makes our franchise look like trash. If this was a isolated incident.. sure it's whatever. But when you add it to the bonfire of poor choices our franchise keeps making it really amplifies things for me anyways
  5. We are such a clown franchise. ZEROOOOO communication. Let's fire everyone including owner... And just run a fan voting system GM / coach. I know for a DAMN fact we would all do 10000 times better than what we have seen for the last decade lmao. Total embarrassment honestly. Gave away row 6 seats to upcoming saturday game. Was not easy to find someone willing to take em either lol. Not supporting this in person. ( I'm still spamming this site / Twitter/ watching via streams lol )
  6. Zero issue with taking cap back. It's a must anyways.. The issue is it needs to expire this year imo
  7. 25 and younger + faster means re sign everyone instead according to JR lmao. No present no future. Interesting direction but who's really surprised
  8. Even worse. We could have done jbone + 2nd. One of those assets we pissed away to take on another cap dump and the other we waste by giving him zero opportunity. Even though I don't want to keep adding to this group and tear it down instead... I would have paid that for Marino rather than what we did instead. If the plan was to sign mik no matter what I'm moving Garland or boeser out last off season to make the cap space. Could have had both + utilized our assets instead of give them away to hurt ourselves even more
  9. Oh yeah I know no matter what trades are made we much take some cap back.. I only mentioned the value side of things! I HATE PLDs me first attitude. He did have to play under torts in clb and with two toxic guys in wpg so maybe it's not all on him... but at the same time I would take what you suggest. I really want this salomonsson kid in the system. We can have ALL the elias's!!!
  10. He should be moved too. I've seen enough WPG fans say they like him enough to know he's got solid value. Not when you compare what we gave up to get him but still... Salomonnson + 2nd. Now boeser. Prospect + conditional pick. I mean that alone would be a great start if we commit to rebuilding around EP properly. 11m cap savings on top of adding depth to the prospect pool. Obviously we would need to eat a bunch of cap as well but as long as it ends this off season who cares. Buffalo has 4 first rounders + tons of other high picks developing + 17m in cap space plus a ton of young good players who are doing just as good as us PLUS a all their picks and then some. We have 1st rounder who is 3+ years away and that's about it lol. Just to keep going in my fantasy world I'd move BO for the equivalent of 3+ 1st rounders thanks to the bidding war and try to convince Nashville they should take Miller on for free. We could be in the exact same position as Buffalo with tons in the prospect pool, a young roster and tons of capspace. Probably would have the exact same record as we do right now spinning our tires in the mud and paying a premium to do so
  11. Mouth full of marbles when he sings, And a hand full of marbles when he types out boeser opinions
  12. I usually spam other teams twitter hyping up our guys we trying to unload haha! It's all just fan opinions so it holds zero weight.... But it's always interesting to hear other fanbases opinions on guys. I get the feeling the general consensus is a cap dump + conditional pick + prospect between fans which would be pretty decent as long as we retain 0$. Any cap saving MUST be used to gain more futures for it to be a good deal for us though imo. If we simply take his cap saving and bring on another player like him / use it to resign say horvat... It's a total fail as we do not improve anything now or in the future
  13. The general consensus from other fanbases anyways is he has value... But not a ton. The other side of the argument is not wanting to take back the full cap hit. Not really any complaining that he has negative value which is nice to hear... Granted it's just hockey fans opinions lol
  14. I'm just living in my own little fantasy world in hope we pick the correct path for once. Considering we almost always do the polar opposite of what makes sense I'm fully expecting us to only get " ready to play " players in our classic attempt to retool a value village roster
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