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Mustard Tiger

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Everything posted by Mustard Tiger

  1. Canucks version of buttered bread is burnt ancient grain
  2. I know for a FACT Dyson mayo's parents named their son after the first two objects they saw in the room
  3. We love our dries / petans / Stillmans instead. Even more love if they make more than 1m
  4. Wow all the bottom feeders passed on a potential TDL profit flip. At the same time the 1.5m or whatever is probably alot more valuable in cap space lol. Unless you're the Canucks of course
  5. Meh we had the same record during the darkest willy d times as we do with all these "amazing" players currently lol. It will be easy to deal with if we prioritized youth and rebuild this time as oppose to whatever we did last time
  6. Avs are going through injury hell and NEED a 2c even when healthy. I know everyone loves byram but if thats a possibility i stay miles away. Hes sooooo injury prone and that will only amplify here in Vancouver
  7. I want the massive step back to stay in the lottery personally. It's soo pathetic we signed Miller first. Makes zero sense to anyone other than the super diehards who loved him as a player which I understand... But it just caused nothing but lose lose scenarios now
  8. Bit of a suspect take. You can't just pick and choose what you want to give them credit for because it doesn't help when trying to crap all over what they have done. Lekki was said to take 3 or so years of development. We got nearly a PPG Russian dman in the 7th round and new EP looks like a solid dman from the 3rd round. I'm not praising them but I'll give them props in some areas. Sucks it's been countered with horrible decisions obviously but that's life for us canucks fans at this point
  9. Why spend 5+ years rebuilding when you can spend 10 years of waiting till dead cap expires so we can spend the money on more dead cap for another 10 years of fun Remember rebuilds take a looooong time and we couldn't handle things taking that long
  10. Stillman is terrible but I don't really have a issue with the rest of the players PA brought in. Aman Lazar kuz mik Joshua studnicka bear are all not the problem. That's some solid young cheap change. The issues lie with all the existing talent they inherited. Been digging their own Graves before year 1 with the horrible boeser and Miller contracts and now trying to get locked into get another one with Bo lol. We need to purge nearly every single member of the team they inherited to actually create meaningful change. Obvs keep some young guys
  11. By actually giving roles and opportunities to others. Development is a word that's never applied in Vancouver but the time is now
  12. I wish we could just look in the damn mirror like all the teams at our level and realize what we are. Kent Hughes already said they are sellers regardless what their record is. Ducks knew better than to sign two pending UFAs and making a playoff push last year. Would be neat to make even a single logical move for once
  13. Garbage franchise spinning the garbage decision wheel some more I see. Why are we trying to lock into more top dollar retirement deals for players with minimal skill sets lmfao. Management KILLS us every time they having something to do with keeping or moving existing talent. Dickinson deal = horrible. Miller's signing = horrible. Boesers contract = horrible. Now they are trying to 8x8 Bo? Holy I need a vacation Banners will be in the sky soon if they don't smarten up with these trash decisions
  14. Cowgary needs offense and we need the opposite. Not horvat but they should take Miller for weegar
  15. I'm assuming waiver priority is based off current standings by now?
  16. I don't see signing horvat as a wise move at all unless it's for RNH money. Regardless we ruined everything with signing Miller lol
  17. Not much movement at all since the off season throughout the entire league. I lost most my faith when we made another goofball decision and signed Miller. This franchise is just filled with ego. Even though the hockey world tells them they are directionless, Have been for 10 years and will continue that path for another 10... They don't care and are all in on playoffs or bust... With no present and absolutely nothing in the pipeline lmao. -Sign Bo and keep Miller = another decade + of no man's land. -Trade Bo and keep Miller = more directionless no man's land decisions as we still arnt commiting to a path. - Trade Bo and give Miller away, Followed by sitting on our dead cap till it naturally expires. Along with using freed up cap over the rest of this and next season to bring in more cap dumps + picks / prospects. Put the full focus on 24' off season and just gain as much youth / Trade value in that timeframe is my path. I don't expect trades to be made right now as it takes two to tango... But for the love of gawd just let the expiring deals over this and next year just expire naturally / get value for those that you can. Boeser + Garland is such a waste of 12m. Zero reason we need that much tied up in redundant 1 way wingers who don't even drive any offense ever. Allocate half that money to Kuzmenkos new deal if we need that type of winger ( I keep him ). Next year give opportunity to some youth. Give karlsson and McDonough / maybe our 1st rounder this year Garland and boeser minutes. Also stop wasting podz and give him a real role to develop into. Put him in every defensive situation till he starts to grasp it hopefully
  18. Sign him. We deserve first dibs on these free prospects because we give away all our other ones to take on cap dumps
  19. BREAKING NEWS: #MustardSports reports Eeli Tolvanen deemed bust years ago proves to be just that as per #DevronSports
  20. Habs will claim him and all their fans will say he's the next superstar like they do to every single prospect / young player lol
  21. Well in regards to Garland he's small and terrible so I would refer to him as that also
  22. Remember these guys get dirty the second they are trailing. They added greasy Reaves as well
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