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Posts posted by HighOnHockey

  1. 5 minutes ago, Devron44 said:

    Not sure why it matters 

    And if I'm being serious, I really didn't join this league to get cursed at and insulted. He did the same $&!# to me just over a trade negotiation that went south.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Crabby said:

    Building those rivalries! :P

    Lol reminds me of Torts talking about how he hates to see his players joking around with opponents during games. Lets get some hatred back into the game!

    • Haha 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Mike Vanderhoek said:

    What I don't get is why teams are not signing the other free agents but pursuing trade options ? you know the cost is ZERO assets when signing a player.

    I've had offers in on free agents for what feels like must be a month now and have yet to hear anything back.

  4. 6 hours ago, Sharpshooter said:

    You weren’t willing to do it before.  

    “Not my problem” was your attitude. 


    No point in any GM making deals with you now. 

    I can’t stand people who are self serving when they don’t help when the help is asked for. 

    &^@# you. 

    He said "suitable" compensation.

  5. 18 hours ago, Primo604 said:

    Hey everyone! Its about that time of year again that we are starting up our keeper league. 2 years ago i came in as an expansion team and have slowly been acquiring picks and building my team up. Im a little stuck at the moment on my last few keepers. If you guys can give me any advice on who to take to help me do the best i can it would be much appreciated. 


    Each team is carrying 6 keepers over from last year and the rest will be recycled back into the draft. So far im pretty set except for my last 1-2 spots. So far i see myself keeping as follows;


    Panarin, Aho, A.Svechnikov, Hughes, _____, ______.


    - I was originally going to go ahead with Lafreniere as he was my number 1 over all draft pick last year as its a keeper and i hoped he came out the gates blazing but i now have my doubts if its worth waiting for him to produce.

    - Do i keep Malkin even though hes going to constantly be injured and start off the season that way?

    - Seth Jones, as he might have a killer year with his new team chicago?

    - Lehner seams like a no brainer with Vegas all to himself now and in a weak division.


    Or anyone else on the list!? Anyways, all you fantasy gurus can let me know what you see best! Thanks in advance for any help. 



    Screen Shot 2021-10-03 at 2.01.05 AM.png

    Screen Shot 2021-10-03 at 2.06.54 AM.png

    Back in my day we picked our own keepers.

    • Haha 1
  6. 10 hours ago, Nail said:



    The San Jose Sharks have signed Alex Steeves to a 2 year deal worth $1.650M ($0.825M AAV).




    11 hours ago, Nail said:

    We have a trade to announce...


    To FLA - Joel Edmundson, SJS 2023 2nd Round Pick

    To SJS - Ryan Hartman

    We're excited about the new additions. Alex Steeves adds to our continually growing prospect depth and could conceivably see game action this season.


    And we'd been looking to add some quality NHL depth with cost-certainty and playoff pedigree. We'd been in talks with a number of teams and the ask seemed slightly high, but with Vrana's injury we felt it made sense to do this deal now.

  7. 2 minutes ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

    I think you are taking my post wrong.


    I 100 % get your posts, and enjoy your insight.  And I was not trying in any way to question your opinion or what you have seen. In fact, I use your opinions regularly to keep updated, as I do not have the time or interest to put the time you put into it. In short, you are the expert here not I.


    I was merely pointing out for those that you are talking to, that it is early and players on a downward trend have time to correct their rankings, or continue their downward trend, if that is the case.


    I am sorry, if it appeared to you, that I was questioning your opinion or review. It was not my intention. So keep on doing exactly what you are doing, and I will continue to read and enjoy your posts.


    Just keep in mind, that my statement was not wrong, only misunderstood, and probably not correctly placed into your narrative. Again, I am a fan of your reports and opinions in general. 


    Keep trucking! Cheers!

    Lol you are far too polite. I barely know how to deal with this. But I think my point was actually somewhat in line with yours: my frustration has been with this assumption that so many fans have seen and uncritically adopted of a big three, more than a year out from the draft. So the point I'm trying to make is that early assessments based on direct knowledge is very different than early assessments based on whatever guesses and assumptions these people base them on.


    Take Raty last year for example: he was considered the consensus top ranked player pre-season (before Bob's list). I'd seen very little of him myself, but I had heard from smart hockey people that he was far from the best prospect in the draft and that he would undoubtedly fall far in the rankings. So mid-way through the season many people thought Raty was just having a tough year and falling because of it. But actually he was never the top prospect and was falling because the early assessments that considered him the top prospect were wrong and we were seeing a market correction.


    Same goes for Savoie here, for instance. I've said for a long time he is a prospect with a ton of talent and upside but also a lot of issues. He hasn't even played yet this season so his rankings on Bob's list isn't a reflection of him "falling" but that the NHL scouts don't agree with the popular opinion on him. I hope he proves me and the NHL scouts wrong, because he has the potential to be the most electrifying player to come out of this draft if he figures it out.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 8 hours ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

    You must admit HOH

    Early rankings seldom stay constant..............other the generational talents, things are pretty fluid until after the new year, and even then there is lots of movement

    It's not like anyone should be shocked!

    I'm confused at this post. Did I say something to the contrary? Shocked about Miro moving ahead of Lambert and Savoie? Well anybody who has seen all three play a significant amount will not be shocked at all. But there was a narrative - particularly on HF that seemed to have leaked its way here - that there was "big three" of Wright, Lambert, Savoie. Presumably this was started by mostly stat- and highlight-watchers. Against the popular opinion, I've been saying since spring of 2020 (after the 5NU17s) that Miro is a clear cut above the rest of the draft (only behind Wright), so you can't blame me for being a little excited to see that the majority of NHL scouts agree with me, at least up to this point.


    Obviously a ton of hockey left to be played, and I'm happy to change my mind, but I have 20+ viewings on Miro (YOG, 5NU17, U18, Hlinkas, MHL, VHL), and upwards of 10 each on Lambert (U17s, U20s, U18s) and Savoie (YOG, U17s, USHL), so I have pretty well-formed opinions of all three. Lambert seems to be on a steep downward slide. There's still a chance Savoie could put all the pieces together and emerge as a bluechip superstar, but most likely if someone is going to pass Miro for the second spot, it will be somebody new emerging, not one of those two. If that's going to happen, best guesses right now would be Joakim Kemell, Conor Geekie, Juraj Slafkovsky. Also can't count out three of my personal favourites - Frank Nazar, Seamus Casey and Tristan Luneau.

    • Cheers 1
  9. Prediction for Finland rosters:


    Roby Jarventie - Roni Hirvonen - Joakim Kemell

    Brad Lambert - Juuso Maenpaa - Kasper Simontaival

    Ville Koivunen - Aatu Raty - Samu Tuomaala (Karpat line)

    Samu Salminen - Samuel Helenius - Artu Jamsen

    Oliver Suni / Kalle Vaisanen


    Joni Jurmo - Topi Niemela

    Eemil Viro - Kasper Puutio

    Ruben Rafkin - Aleksi Heimosalmi

    Ville Ottovainen / Kasper Kulonummi


    Joel Blomqvist

    Leevi Merilainen

    Rasmus Korhonen

    • Upvote 1
  10. Bob's list is out. Miroshnichenko is number two. Feels like someone around here was saying Miroshnichenko was the second best prospect way back when most folks were drooling over Lambert and Savoie.


    Slafkovsky at four makes sense. NHL scouts love big players who can play. He reminds me of Rick Nash a little.



    McGroarty outside the top ten. Interesting...


    Well there goes my hidden gem Lekkerimaki.


    But the fact that Luneau, Nazar, Howard fall outside the top 15 is a testament to how stacked this draft is. They'd be top ten in an average year without question.

    • Thanks 1
    • Cheers 1
  11. 6 hours ago, hammertime said:

    SJ is undergoing a full rebuild the best way to do that is draft high just so happens that the next 2 drafts are pretty loaded at the top. So what do they need pker's for?? By the time the deadline rolls around I expect Rathbone will be making his mark and turning some heads. 


    To VAN 

    Mario Ferraro + Matt Nieto + 3rd


    To SJ

    Rathbone +5th



    We get a Left side D who can PK and log 20 defensively responsible minutes while putting up 20-25 points and a depth LW who can defend and plays with energy. And JB's favorite pick in the draft.


    They get "The best player" 


    I don't think "full rebuild" is the best way to describe it. Look no further than Vancouver for a model for how San Jose will have to get through this rebuild. There is absolutely nothing you can do with those Karlsson and Vlasic contracts for, well, I dunno. Quite a while. Kane and Burns could be issues too. They have no choice but to take this slow and steady. They'll be doing their best to keep this thing as competitive as possible while they tick away the years on those contracts.


    They still have a really solid core in place with Couture, Hertl, Meiers, Labanc. Add in Balcers, Leonard, Hill, Gambrell, Ferraro. A full scale rebuild makes no sense for them right now.

  12. Well I'm calling it now, Brad Lambert is on the slide. 1 assist and -4 through 7 games, averaging 12:35.


    Teammate Joakim Kemell on the rise with 6 points and +3 in 7 games, averaging 15:55.


    A couple of players from less traditional markets (at least as far as producing high NHL draft picks) are off to solid starts in Sweden. Big 6'5 Swiss defenseman Lian Bichsel has an assist in 3 games and played 14:16 and 11:33 in his last 2.


    6'1 Austrian center Marco Kasper has a goal and is averaging 12:38 through 3 SHL games. He also has 5 points in 4 Champions League games so far.

  13. 40 minutes ago, Rush17 said:

    Poor Keeper.


    Go show them what you are made up Mikey!!!  DIPIETRO!!! DIPIETRO!!! DIPIETRO!!





    Oh God, don't remind me of that. The worst coaching performance in recent World Junior memory. Top pairing Markus Phillips. Wrong hands on powerplays, guys standing still. Comtois in the shootout.


    Looking at it from the other end though, what a heroic tournament for Talvitie. Not sure what he'll do in NHL, but will always be a hero to Finland hockey.

  14. So the one kinda neat thing about this NYR team I took over to start a rebuild, is the farm system is fully stocked. To try to make things easier for myself and teams I'm negotiating with (kind of amazing how many times Ranta has already been brought up as a toss-in), I've categorized my minor leaguers into three tiers: tier A is legit NHL prospects (maybe even with some upside), tier B is journeymen and B prospects who could end up depth or call-up players, and tier C is career minor leaguers I don't expect to get more than a cup of coffee at best.


    Tier A I wouldn't trade unless a high quality piece is coming back. Tier B have some trade value and I wouldn't mind holding on to, but could be involved in low level trades, or as a balancer when late picks are involved in bigger trades. Tier C I don't expect to get much value for. If you see someone there you like, offer me a half-full bag of pucks. I tried to put them in rough order for the first two tiers, but didn't care enough to do the third tier.



    Angus Crookshank

    Rasmus Kupari

    Mattias Samuelsson

    Sampo Ranta

    Keith Petruzzelli

    Graeme Clarke

    Alexei Protas

    Daniil Misyul

    Leon Gawanke

    Joseph Woll



    Parker Wotherspoon

    Dmytro Timashov

    Thomas Novak

    Jakov Novak

    Mitch Eliot

    Pheonix Copley

    Kevin Mandolese

    Filip Westerlund

    Yaroslav Likhachyov



    Tim Soderlund

    Jimmy Huntington

    Danny O'Regan

    Michael Gildon

    Nick Henry

    • Cheers 2
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