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Everything posted by Tanti9

  1. I’m not sure how much longer it takes Alvin and JR to accept we are not a real playoff team / contender and need to make major changes. The speed of Winnipeg and real contenders and how they dominate us is very obvious. People crying about trading Bo when he wants 9 mil, when keeping him will only prevent us from improving the team are delusional. Is this a team that can win a cup? look at how Winnipeg is dominating. Move Bo, Miller, Boeser, Garland, Pearson, Myers and start tanking please
  2. Ya i’m just assuming if Bolts fans have soured on him and skating is an issue, that’s a big red flag (the latter)
  3. Love the passive aggressive response thanks for sharing
  4. And Lafreniere benched...seems like some teams are looking at our needs
  5. from a scouting report Skating Raty is a good but not great skater. He can get around the ice well enough and keeps up with the play but he is not going to beat opponents purely on his footwork. His first few steps are good, and his acceleration is decent. His top-end speed is also good but does not challenge the best players in the draft. The best aspect of Raty’s skating is his agility and edgework. He has very good lateral movement. This allows him to get by defenders, both on the rush and in the offensive zone. When facing his own age group, he is strong on his skates with the ability to battle through checks and keep going. He also wins battles on the boards and in front of the net. However, he must get stronger to face men.
  6. I think it was Craig Button who said the Canucks have the best collection of bottom pair defenseman in the NHL (all of our d other than QH) We don't need more
  7. My point is no player has to take a discount. Its up to them. Bo saying no contract talks till after the season is a clear message they will test UFA, its not fishy about his intentions, they are clear. He's going to go where he chooses based on whatever criteria matters to him, money, cup, combination, city etc. Players only get to UFA and a chance for such a huge payout once in their lives, its not personal against the canucks or the fans or city...its just business. Bo or any player doesn't owe your or me or the Canucks anything. He's played up to his responsibilities and contract and has been a very good leader for the Canucks.
  8. Five guys is awesome for fast food. Have to say other than White Spot which I will always have a soft spot for they’re awesome. When you order fries get a small, they basically fill your bag with more fries so unless there’s four of you, you don’t need a medium or large! haha
  9. Mike Johnson was saying last game that Lysell needs to learn to pass. Says he tries to do too much alone
  10. I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I think a lot of Canucks fans are underrating Boeser because of expectations. Yes he’s not living up to the contract goal wise but he does have 20 pts in 26 games and his goal last game showed he can still snipe. I think many would be surprised that there is interest around the league for him but the issue is most teams are capped out and as the season progresses and caps open up because of injuries etc there will be more interest. My proposal is to send him to the Isles. Why? Consider where Boeser is at his best. He’s a average skater who needs a good set up man who draws attention away from him, so he can find shooting areas and wait Who’s a center just like that? Matt Barzal. Barzal is a fast, crafty pass first center the Isles have a tough time scoring and Boeser could fit like a glove with barzal. Proposal Boeser to the Isles for Aatu Raty straight up. If we can get more great, but this is a trade that would be hard to say no to for the isles and helps both teams. We get a future 3c maybe 2c Isles don’t lose a roster player We may have to take back a contract We solve a hole in our future lineup I personally think this is a realistic and good hockey trade Boeser’s value isn’t high but it isn’t so low that a team wouldn’t consider this heavily imho
  11. Prediction Bedard breaks the record for points in a game with 8 tonight Austria is going to get crushed
  12. Funny thing about opinons We’re all entitled to them No one is more right than another particularly when predicting the future And as importantly, my or your opinion of a future event isn’t a fact, some need to accept that
  13. thanks nostradamus you got Saturday’s 6-49 numbers for me too? lol
  14. One game over .500 Take out Bo and Miller and we’re not imho
  15. His off-season home is in Kelowna He loves BC, he came back for that reason. I am sure he’d happily come back for a 2-3 year end of career contract after a rental to a cup contender. He’s already don’t it once and has his roots here
  16. And you may want to learn about the new draft rules coming this year for the bottom 2 teams I’d be more than happy with Michkov, Carlsson, or Fantilli as a consolation prize along with the haul for Bo All of that better positions this team for a cup, along with the cap flexibility we get to improve But I do use my brain to consider what happens from paying Bo 9 mil
  17. Sure but Miller didn’t take a Sedin discount, he really didn’t take much less. And I don’t fault players these days for trying to max what the make. It’s their right to do so.
  18. your insult response is noted try debating in the future
  19. For those wanting to keep Bo, let me ask this. How many of you are watching the world juniors? Have you seen Connor Bedard play? Are you aware he's from North Vancouver and wants to play here? Trading Bo quickly takes out alot of goal scoring, Trading Miller does the same Would you not be ecstatic to see Connor Bedard in a Canucks uniform for the next 15 years? The leafs tanked for Matthews, the Canucks NEED to do it.
  20. It's easy to say money first, but why should anyone take less than what they market would offer them if its material? If the Canucks are offering 50 mil total and some team offers 7x9 = 63 mil would you say no? If you are making 100k a year and love where you work, but some company offers you 160k and is just as good and can help you achieve other goals (aka win a cup in Bo's view) would you say no? I don't criticize anyone looking to get the most pay for their services.
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