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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I'd very much like to give it a go.
  2. I thought that was a pretty cool pic, had to share, haha.
  3. Does anybody else have a serious f***ing problem with the quality of the games on steam? half the crap on their nowadays belongs on newgrounds/freeware sites in 1999 ffs. Getting real tired of seeing people charge .99 cents for a virtual turd of a game; I wish Steam would go back to being the "Elite" of games instead of allowing every dumb kid with a hacked version of RPG maker to release crap on there I mean Wtf. HunieCam/Pop crap, Grass simulator, Poop in My soup, Mountain, man....
  4. Playing Mafia breaks my brain.

    1. SedinMadness


      thats why i play mob wars!

    2. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      don't worry it was already broken

  5. an insulting note; Not a single Tweet/Mention about Chyna from any WWE Employees/Superstars. Just a tweet from Maryse laughing, and a tweet from Steph hitting the Gym.
  6. I'd seen a recent video of her on Instagram/Twitter and she looked pretty rough, I had hoped for years that she would find the strength to pull herself out of whatever she was obviously stuck in. RIP Chyna
  7. hey hey HEY HEEEEY....




    1. thejazz97


      I thought of this with the "hey"s


  8. So......What are the chances he's decided to make a few more million getting "fake" punched in the face in WWE? Lol. It's worked out pretty well for Lesnar and Nakamura. :X
  9. ...If True my opinion of Conor drops drastically, loses and leaves like a coward, really?....wow. I'm not really buying it though, I'm thinking Conor is trolling
  10. Great Raw! Solid card from top to bottom; I love not seeing Triple H every week, after seeing him every week on my screen since 1997, I've kind of had enough of the dude and wish he'd stay off screen unless its something important like a death or something. I would still like to see Owens V Ambrose in an ECW/Attitude era style Hardcore match. Those two would be great at that, though it should be saved for Summerslam. Loving the Bullet Club angle; WWE is pretty 50/50 with doing stable angles properly, if and when they do it right, it'll be a home run, if not, it'll be a big meh; but I can't really see anything with AJ Styles/Potentially Finn Balor actually failing....too much talent.
  11. On suffering a torn rotator cuff heading into WrestleMania 32: The hardest thing for me was, I went into that event with a torn rotator cuff. I tore it pretty good trying to train too heavy and I figured I'd be able to work around it. What I didn't factor in was the fact that I was going to need a few working punches to get into a position to throw the Stunners that they wanted me to throw. So, on that first right hand to Rusev, I hit him right in the mouth [or] right in the nose, just busted him open, got him in the corner, and that first punch blew everything out. And so, getting through the rest of it, catching the beers, holding those beers up when you're in the moment with the adrenaline and all that going, it's easy to do. All of a sudden, backstage, you can't even drink a beer, so I went into that with a bit of a handicap, so the thing about it is it was what it was." That's probably why he wasn't wearing his ring gear.
  12. That's got to be some kind of record... Bahahaha.
  13. Man, that roster really makes me wonder, where the hell have all the heels gone?
  14. 2 Main reasons why the brand split will not happen; 1. WWE does not have the Roster depth. 2.It has not been long enough since the WWE World Heavyweight Title was established, I don't think they want another belt on the cards; considering they didn't even have the Tag Titles up for grabs at mania, do we really want another unappreciated title running around? Hell No. If they do a roster split now; It would have be NXT VS WWE, for the simple fact that they already have a title established, and because Vince is probably looking for a way to take NXT out behind the shed and put a bullet in it's head before it becomes a threat to him.
  15. I agree, cheapshot; Sorry JV77; Uncalled for. You were alot more eloquent about things, lol; - I used to like TNA, way back when, most of the guys I liked have moved now; now, its NJPW/ROH/LU/AAA/Indies that I can find for me. As for Shane's spot, I didn't "hate" it I just thought it seriously cheapened the original spot with Undertaker and Mankind 98', plus, having seen literally every Shane Mcmahon match; I knew as soon as they said Hell in a Cell that he would be jumping off, they even tried to hype it up with alot of the Network previews for Shane-O! - All of his insane bumps!
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