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Hank Moody

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Status Updates posted by Hank Moody

  1. Would love to flip both 2nd rounders this year and get into the first round, or trade Tanev for a first + asset. I can see one of those good D-men falling to 15-20 range, and i'd love to nab one (Liljegren, Foote, MAYBE Makar?)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hank Moody

      Hank Moody

      I don't see why not.


      Rebuilding team, would rather give the spot to a guy who can be here when we're good enough for a long period of time.


      For example: Trade Tanev for a top 15 pick. Take Liljegren/Foote. 


      Next season:

      Stecher - Edler

      Sbisa - Juolevi

      Hutton - Gudbranson


      Then in 3-4 years when we're ready to compete for a playoff spot, we're looking at:


      Player (Age)


      Stecher (26) - Juolevi (22)

      Hutton (27) - Liljegren/Foote (21)

      Gudbranson (28) - Filler Dman/J. Subban


      This is of course assuming no player movements or extra D-men are drafted in that time period which is probably not reasonable.


      I think that's a lot more solid than a 32-33 year old Tanev moving forward who could be in the tail end of his prime.

    3. Xbox


      Solid points. A 27 year old RD should be on ANY contending teams radar. This dude even knows how to play in the SCF.


      Plus you never know, we could end up getting Tryamkin back down the road when the team finds success.

    4. Hank Moody

      Hank Moody

      Absolutely Xbox. On the same page, especially on the Tryamkin comment

  2. Canucks need to jump on this Quick injury opportunity and deal Miller to LA... Miller's wife lives in LA, he's a UFA after the year so his contract comes off the books, perfect fill-in for LA and we could get some assets back in return and let Markstrom run with it. IMO, it's a great opportunity.

  3. for those of you around in 94 and were old enough to remember, did we hate the rangers more after that series or the bruins more after 2011? mean did we hate the rangers as much even 3-4 years after the fact?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Heretic


      Never really hated the Rangers.

    3. Warhippy


      The hate was solidly with the Rangers honestly, I mean how do you cope with not a full season later dealing with the captain and keenan of the Rags coming over and then immediately stripping Linden of the C before shipping him out?

    4. Tearloch7


      dark and dreary days indeed .. hated Messier mostly, and of course the Bruins now.

  4. Linden: "I want to talk to some candidate GM's in the playoffs, keep in mind they might even make it to the finals so it could take a while" - Benning anyone?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Stork

      The Stork

      Hope he signs Nicholson :)

    3. Warhippy


      Benning would truly be great for the club I agree

    4. Henrik Kesler

      Henrik Kesler

      Please be Benning. I just hope Gilman is kept on too because if not, he'll find a job pretty quickly and kill it wherever he goes...unless he goes to Edmonton.

  5. I hate losing just as much as the next guy, but a part of me wants us to just lose out a) For a good draft position B) So SOMEBODY in this organization can finally wake up and make changes and c) Because I don't want mediocrity to be justification for no changes. I want us to fall flat on our faces so we can rebuild, and rebuild right.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Batmania


      5th this year won't get us as much as we paid for a 9th last year. I'm not sure anyone out of the top 4 this year would have been in the top 15 last year.

    3. Hank Moody

      Hank Moody

      I guess you never know, right? Look at Seth Jones last year, he dropped to 4th. Who knows what could happen

    4. mpass1


      Suck Bad for Ekblad!!(or someone else :)

  6. I hate losing just as much as the next guy, but a part of me wants us to just lose out a) For a good draft position B) So SOMEBODY in this organization can finally wake up and make changes and c) Because I don't want mediocrity to be justification for no changes. I want us to fall flat on our faces so we can rebuild, and rebuild right.

  7. Lapierre... Come Back ;-(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hank Moody

      Hank Moody

      It's starting to hit me more as the season gets closer... my Lapierre jerseys gonna be collecting dust now :(

    3. LeanBeef


      Just watch... Lappy and Reaves will be terrorizing whichever plugs are playing on our fourth line

    4. LeanBeef


      Just watch... Lappy and Reaves will be terrorizing whichever plugs are playing on our fourth line

  8. Wishlist: Cooke, Blum, Iginla (not sure how much our bonus cushion for over 35's is)... but Cooke would be a great replacement for Torres. Just what we need, plus he had 19 goals in 2011/2012

    1. Hank Moody

      Hank Moody

      Oh yeah and Lapierre. Please please re-sign Lapierre

    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      we can't afford cooke or iginla.....blum yes...lappy...yes...weise..yes....tanev...yes

  9. Can someone tell me the poker sign up info ? Is it on Pokerstars Home Games?

  10. Really hope Raymond proves me wrong this year. I hope we don't skip out on getting a legitimate top 6 just to give him another chance

  11. Hey guys let's all calm down. Lapierre is still a Canuck, that's all we need!

  12. There's only room for one word beginning with "L" and ending with "e" on the recap, and Lapierre wasn't dressed tonight, leaving us with only the only option: Lose.

  13. Luongo vs. USA please. Brodeur scares the crap out of me in there, his style makes me nervous

  14. Well i dont really check my comments :P No "notifications" or anything haha

    I had a good summer.. Travelled, did some partying hahaha.. You goin to any games this year?

  15. I've been okay, celebratin the first win haha

    How about you? How was your summer?

  16. Waassuuuup wassuuuup long time no talk

  17. Yea i remember you

    PS im -Nasluongo- and Luongoforhart :P

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