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Everything posted by ronthecivil

  1. I understand your concerns about this, but if were going to have more housing, there's going to be more UP and out. Like noted in examples I gave above, the Broadway plan is up, Laughead is up, the stuff across North Road is up, and only the new community in south Mallairdville which was the old transfer station is new (as some would call it sprawl). So to build up, you need the kind of deep pockets that can afford to build rowhouses, townhouses, apartments, and towers. The government shouldn't be in the business of building these things. (They can however buy them and offer it out as rentals if they want. Like when the property market tanks and people end up defaulting on their taxes and you get property that way, just as Vancouver used to do as an exampled).
  2. Even at 2%, to finance a million plus, is kind of stupid on the hit on your income. People in BC have the lowest wages and the highest prices. How does that circle round? That said, the last time I said this, they did double, and the second, they doubled again. So f**king knows?
  3. The Denver approach for first contact looks good. It's not like the paramedic couldn't radio a cop if it looked hairy. That would be step one. If the person that is suffering an OD thinks that it's a bit of a wake up call, and wants to voluntarily enter treatment, that would be step two. It's certainly not a "radical" approach as much as it's a "much smarter, so I suppose that confuses people" kind of approach.
  4. Well the province has stepped in and given the finger to municipalities (which is it's right to do contrary to popular opinion) and told them to get building. For an example of the change look at the Broadway plan in Vancouver. The usual cries about demoviction etc are there. But the best they have gotten is an almost vote to SURVEY how much demoviction actually happens. The plan is full steam ahead. A second downtown. https://vancouver.ca/home-property-development/broadway-plan.aspx Basically doubling the population over the next 30 years. It's going to be non stop construction. And this is a happy go luck nice guy plan. Burnaby said "were going to go nuts and develop the hell out of Lougheed mall. Another downtown.... https://thecityoflougheed.com/vision-and-masterplan/ I don't have an easy link for it, but Coquitlam basically said "fine, we will see your towers, and raise you more!". There's basically a tower or two always under construction on the other side of north road. And also in Coquitlam, a whole new neighborhood. The preloading is done and it looks like they are building it. https://www.coquitlam.ca/459/Waterfront-Village-Centre-Neighbourhood- Those are just the things that I know of on the top of my head. The problem is going to be finding enough workers, concrete, and lumber to build it! Of course, the question then becomes, will even all that (and all the other stuff, I don't even know what Surrey is up to for example), will it keep up with the aggressive immigration targets? You know, we don't have enough housing. So build more. But we don't have enough workers. So import some. But we don't have housing for them. Etc. If you think I am pointing out an inflationary hole in our bucket, you right. But they sure as hell are trying to build their way out!
  5. All those fires and floods and higher wages at the insurance company and stuff ya know. But sure, inflation is going down lol! Ethical question! If I see bananas at the store for 49 cents a pound on Saturday (cheap, we bought some!) and then popping in the next day to say 'omg they are 79 cents a pound now" and then openly questioning if they will be 20 bucks a pound by the end of the month? I suppose it can be seen as jest right? Better than getting out of a crowded elevator and saying "thanks for the COVID party". I know for a fact that still goes over like a lead ballon.
  6. Ya. When a crypto pumper says "I don't understand it" I say "ya, it's "money" but without the backing of government! With out at least trying effort of a bank! And when they say "so that makes money better" I say "I don't believe in money either!". (In case your wondering if it's not clear, I believe in assets, and owning the means of production, duh!). People that are concerned about big brother should start by taking a hammer to their phone. At least then you can't be location tracked if you stick to cash, mostly. But you kinda have to go off the grid if you don't want someone stealing your identity to try to sell you more (insert the last thing you made the mistake of googling). As is, the government can take over your property and you can't do anything about it, but you do get some ledger credits. (Expropriation). They routinely take a cut of all the money you make or spend (taxation). The can force you to join the army and be ordered to charge machine gun fire (the draft). People are so stuck to their phones they can't even be brought to leave them at home when they are on a crime spree lol, so the last bit of privacy has been given up voluntarily. My only issue with the digital currency that is propose is "why bother" and "what's the point" as it's pretty clear as we both agree that it already freaking IS!
  7. Lol it already IS digital. Nobody actually "prints" money to generate the money that creates inflation. If I borrow a ton of money out of my line of credit to buy stocks, and then get a tax return, no actually money is printed. I end up owing more money to the bank, but it's just a ledger in the bank. So is my paycheck, and so are the interest payments. The stocks are all digital, they don't send my stock certificates! The dividends I get are all just bank transfers. The money that the feds use to give me my tax returns are just ledgers, that they create by selling bonds that are just ledgers in those accounts. Nobody actually has to use any cash (and few do) to do just about anything. Even if you did the super silly "go to crypto" all of the above could and would apply. But instead of inflation, you would just have shrinkflation, making microcrpto, then picocrypto, and so on. And in fact you could acquire a bunch of crypto and print out certificates that represent it. So why bother? What actual difference with it make?
  8. Money well spent. It's worth the significantly higher fine if say Tocket has an optional practice in early August to do a check in on various players progress on having "a good summer".
  9. Doesn't his contract slide a year if he's in Sweden? Just bring him over next year. He will still be plenty young and moldable. Just let him get the Tocket message of "have a good summer" and raise him a "if your in the pressbox, spend more time in the gym and at practice and have a good year that way too!", get him eating right, and all of next year is prep for starting in the AHL next year. That wouldn't be a terrible plan.
  10. I think I will put in a write in ballot of "anyone that can do math please" next ellection.
  11. The US Fed now has the danger of bank failure to look at. But as noted by the boss because of this a lot of the banks, not out of regulation, but out of outright fear for their own survival, are tightening lending standards (or as I call it, getting religion lol) and that in itself is will help with US inflation. But if they think that inflation is going below 3% as a result, well, they don't think that honestly. They know they have to go up a bit more yet. It's a pretty weird recession with full employment.... The Canadian fed has the danger of large swathes of Canadians defaulting on their mortgages (that's far worse than a few smaller banks being gobbled up by bigger one!) and even with the existing interest rates has had to take a bunch of people that over extended themselves and turned their 25 year variable rate mortgage into 80 year ones! So what do they do? The Canadian dollar is gonna tank. Which keep exports up, encourages local spending, but might result in 25 dollar baskets of strawberries etc. There will be inflation on everything we import if they don't raise rates. So our inflation is going to go on even longer. Unless of course Canada wants to pay catch up and we extend those mortgages into the 100 or 200 year horizon.
  12. It's the government's fault for creating the money in the first place. Maybe it is price "gouging" but if you don't like it, don't buy it! You can bike if you don't like gas. You can eat "what's on sale". It's totally possible to skip skipping the dishes. And so on. So the corporate side is easy to fix. Don't patronize them. But the government side, and as noted, both right and left fail at this these days, has not been fixed. And that's the agnostic point I am trying to make. If you don't like the corporate gouging, look out, it's going to get even worse, because the source of the problem isn't even CLOSE to getting religion on over spending, and the people that vote for them haven't either. And the funny thing about over spending, it's not a political issue, it's math. And when the numbers don't add up, something has to give. And the thing that gives to balance it out is inflation....
  13. Wow you can't move off of the plus and minus of Hronek. But let's assume he gets over his injury and comes out and plays, well, like steal, like your crystal ball says? How the hell are we going to sign him, and for how much (since you can see the future) and Petey, and all the other people we need to sign, when we are currently over the cap!!!!!
  14. I mean maybe he technically moved himself to an advisor role with Tampa before they won it all, but he did built that team...... You know, how like Brian Burke didn't so sweet in Vancouver. You know, just building a crappy team. That went to the finals shortly after he left? The Wings are a better team than the Canucks already, and they are building a huge hand of nice depth to get even better. We suck and are still trading away picks and have one of the worst rated prospect pools in the league.
  15. Well you can call it crony but it's sometimes necessary. Bank runs, banks going under, and what not (and the way the US interfered so far was to simply bail out the depositors, the shareholders are getting nothing, as it should be...). Better regulation yada yada I agree but we're at where were at and so you just can't let it fail. You can let Bed Bath and Beyond fail so it's not like every industry is loved. Now the green industry on the other hand is getting pretty crony. 12k from the BC government to get a heat pump (if you have a house so progressive!). Big discounts on electric vehicles. That's just what we got in BC from first hand inquiry. (I want a heat pump one day and my gf is interested in an electric car and would probably already have one if you could have driven it off the lot). So you know people selling those things are probably not to worried about price reductions and are happily profiteering. In the states the "inflation reduction act" should have been called the "green crony capitalisms act". And no, I don't like either. If you want green then start taxing carbon more. Or sugar. Or meat. Lots of sticks left to drive behavior. And with regards to banking, you bail our the depositors, and then you raise taxes on the banks to help step in with (in the states where they are going belly up) better FDIC insurance, and maybe greater reserve requirements. And you keep doing that until they stop going bankrupt. And yes, it's stupid politics that go back and forth (see Surrey police stupidly) that just allows people to point fingers at one another all the time. And for green things, you don't need to subsidize the electric car. If energy is expensive enough, the natural progression to more fuel efficient, hybrid, and electric vehicles will happen on their own. As noted, I want a heat pump because it's better. For now though since I don't have a house and thus don't qualify for the subsidy, and since providers have tons of business installing them in big houses where the money is flowing from multiple sources, I guess I have to wait. So ya, government can regulate business, and tax business, but it should otherwise stay the hell out as much as possible. I fully agree.
  16. From my memory during the last cap run the first round was like a 50% premium, the second double, the third triple, and the finals quadruple.... I would call that a low range estimate. They are freaking expensive. The cup run tickets basically were like being another set of season tickets, the 16 or so games cost as much as the first 42!
  17. Uhhh see inflation thread. The Canadian dollar HAS been falling and having a low dollar might be a strategy of the Federal Government and the Bank of Canada. Like for real. It's like the least painful (ish) option and it's not like everything they are DOING doesn't contribute to that strategy! Now moving a team from the west where there aren't enough teams, and the backlash, and what not might save a move. But the Canadian dollar? Don't bank on that!
  18. I dunno then I wouldn't even have the option of blowing 10k a year on watching a bad team with an owner that seems to only look at me as a cash cow and can't stop meddling with the tema.
  19. If it's close to a skytrain station that would cool with me lol.
  20. Just wait for empty bank branches to show up (you know like closed but has a vault and stuff) and buy up the properties and just open up TD branches in them. Grow organically instead. And slowly but surely accumulate stock in the big guys. I am surprised the US hasn't gotten upset about the slow but certain acquisition of the American banking system by the Canadian one lol.
  21. Infinite growth? So long as the population is going up there will be growth.... A FEATURE of capitalism is the weak portions die! It's usually the small guys, but sometimes it's the big guys! Sometimes the little guys getting devoured get a big payout too. You know, the get rich joke of "Oh no our business is failing" to "Oh wait! We just got bought by Google!!!!!!" to loud cheers. The problem with other systems, is that if you have a bad system, it just sits there, sucking, to "protect jobs" and "maintain services" and it's efficiency and ability to perform can degrade over time and it's hard to fix it. It's a feature of government programs but it can happen in big corporations too! Like Bed Bath and Beyond going belly up. So go out and profiteer on some cheep sheets and what not if you need them!
  22. Ya if I don't know which team is what and the jersey is just an ad for a Telecom it turns off my interest. I WAS starting to get interest but since I can't tell which team is which I give up.
  23. LOL at your "how not to do it approach".... Dear Chat GDP..... How do we stop the robots and AI from taking over the world? And more importantly, why bother since people are so stupid anyways?
  24. It makes you sign in with an email and/or phone. Pass. I already have enough big brothers in the AI fraternity looking over me.
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