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Posts posted by TOMapleLaughs

  1. What lists? The ones that trump up undersized skill are usually picking up Nylander.

    Can somebody please point to the skill from either that makes the hype worth it? Because i haven't seen it. They are not close to the skill levels of some of the guys they've been compared to.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Even better then, the older you get the easier it is put on muscle. The prime being between 25 and 35, but at 18 he can easily put on 20 pounds by the time he is 20 and an other 10 to 15 by the time he is 25. Playing in the NHL at 21 and making an impact.

    Virtanen would be good pick up, but he does not have the same skill level. Virtanen is fast, but again he does not have elite speed.

    Virtanen's speed level and shot is A-rated by scouts. Given he's not undersized, he's going to have an edge immediately. Take that where you will.

    I would treat mass gain on a case-by-case basis. If he's 168lbs as a skinny 18yr old, then the odds of him becoming Nhl weight any time soon go down. It's never easy for skinny kids with narrow shoulders to put on mass, and the older you are the less likely you are to change your frame.

    I've seen many undersized prospects simply remain undersized. Many more in that scenario than those who put on the pounds, certainly. And a lot of those undersized players busted. This is a concern for Ehlers, who's ranked not high enough by ISS and CSS to make the hype on and undersized kid even worth it.

    Maybe if he was a number one pick like the Nuge, but he's not.

  3. TOMaple please do not write about what you have no clue about, I have trained many kids between the ages of 15 and 18 who have put on a lot overall muscle mass ( 20- 60 pounds) and their speed and skill improved on the ice. Frame size was not a factor with proper training. All my athletes that gained a lot of weight from the age of 15 to 18 also gained in all aspects of their athletic abilities; why because of proper planing and natural maturity. I'm a good trainer, but their are a lot of trainers out there miles above me. Nothing you have written has any truth.

    Ehlers is 18.
  4. Anyway, Ehlers isn't even ranked top-10. Is he worth going off the board to pick at 6? Being undersized and redundant here (Shinkaruk), i'd say no.

    Thinking Linden will concur. He's probably looking at Virtanen's skillset as being more Nhl-transferable and is also considering one of the top-5 falling. Dal Colle is a lot nicer a prospect than Ehlers, certainly.

  5. I haven't even seen any of this star potential from Ehlers to make the hype believable.

    When I bring up prospect highlight packages of the stars he's being compared to, they all show players with obvious superior skill, similar speed, and more bite to their game.

    Bring up Ehlers and you see the speed, but the skill is a notch down and the bite isn't there. Him being crumpled on the ice after hits is what really turns me off though. 'Speed, buttonhook, hit, crumple' reminds me of Raymond. 'Speed, round end boards, hit, crumple' also reminds me of Raymond. And Grabner.

    I think he should go to the east like Raymond and Grabner. But Nashville could roll the dice on him. Nothing to lose.

  6. When will people understand there is speed without the puck( Weise) and then there is speed with the puck(Ehlers). What sets Ehlers apart from other players is his ability to make plays at high speeds. He does everything at elite speed and that is hard to stop at any level of hockey.

    Does this mean he is going to make the NHL during his first NHL tryout, more than likely no. He does need to put on weight and being near six foot he could easily put on 20 pounds.

    So who ever drafts Ehlers is going to have an excellent player in two to three years. I would love to see Van draft the kid.

    I see Ehler in his prime as 185 to 195 pound elite top six player who can change the tempo of a game with one rush up the ice. Kid has everything working for him except body weight; if he was 180 pounds already then he would be in the top 3 in scouting reports. People are also forgetting he is one of the youngest players in the draft.

    Could you image this kid growing to six foot two and weighing 200 pounds with his skill and the Canucks passed on him because he was 160 pounds at draft time. Lets hope the scouts have done their job and looked at his parents and asked the right question about how most males grew in the family.

    I just know in my family both me and my bro were about five foot eight at the age of 15 ( weight about 145) and by age 18 we were both over six foot ( weighing about 190). I found out both my parents siblings had similar grows patterns.

    This is just it though, people speculating and imagining that he puts on 30lbs.

    Two problems with that. 1. He puts on 30lbs, he slows down, losing his only edge over his peers. 2. He likely won't be able to put on Nhl weight, due to his frame.

    If we're requiring a kid to put on a lot of mass before he even steps onto the ice, then that kid is not worth a top-10 pick in any draft.

    Hence him being ranked 11th (Nashville) by ISS. Nashville is a team that may want to roll the dice on him.

    At 6th we'll have many better options available to us, esp. when one of the top-5 falls. It's pretty much an automatic then.

    We could trade for a 10th to pick Ehlers, but imho if we do that we're likely picking up Virtanen instead. He has similar potential without the mass problem. You don't have to 'imagine' a 200lb kid with elite speed in that scenario because he's already like that.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Correct. The special need to call you out for the countess bull ish you spew daily. Bout time someone did. I'm glad I'm the one. Carry on, carry on.

    So not only are you adding nothing to this thread, but you're not adding anything new to your troll either? I'm bored already.

    You haven't even countered my point that you so wanted to, um, call out? Is that what this is, you are calling me out?

  8. no way seguin develops into the player he is without the bruins influence.

    I guess in that he he should be happy Edmonton passed on him. I have no real problem with Hall though, although I'd never build a franchise around a winger, like Edmonton is purposely doing.
  9. Hahaha. Exactly what I thought. Pretentious p.o.s. That's crying??? It was an accurate observation of your insecurity. I can tell your the kind of person that is the 1st to get knocked the frack out at the bar homie. Carry on.

    Ah, I can see you have special needs. I'll take note.
  10. The knock on the Nuge was his weight as well. 170lbs at draft. As opposed to Landeskog, who's part of the Avs' 'more legitimate' rebuild effort, who weighed 200+.

    If Edmonton re-did a couple of their tank picks to Landy/Seguin as opposed to Hall/Nuge, wouldn't they be way better off? There's nothing wrong with Hall, but they passed on a center who did more as a prospect than Hall did. When all things are equal, who picks a winger over a center anyway? It's not like Edmonton had a star center for him at the time.

    The Nuge is still pretty slight now at close to his draft weight. I think there's definitely something to be said about size at the draft. If he's pretty far away from NHL weight by draft, then you have to consider the risks with that. Nuge got injured early and often, which hampered his development and he's still struggling to find his place among the league's top centers.

  11. Linden's mentioned Fleury and defense in the draft. I think he wants to address it. But it'll be easier when there are more to choose from, certainly. He also said 2nd and 3rd round guys have turned into franchise defenders. Solid point.

    We talk moving in the draft every year and usually nothing comes of it. We did it last year when it was a cap need. This year there's no urgency.

  12. What is the thought that next year's "will almost immediately surpass them" based on?

    Speculation, that's what.

    We're in the here and now. We have no idea where we'll be picking next year, whether the player we pick next year boom or bust etc etc.

    Be mindful of the future but not at the expense of the present.

    No. They're better prospects. They 2015 draft is a lot stronger, esp. with more defensemen, euro and khl guys to choose from. Not to mention at least one potential generational talent, if not more.

    If there is no real reason to make a move in the 2014 draft, then don't. Do it for 2015 instead.

  13. Next year will have better cell phones and TV's with newer features too. Should I hold off on buying either of those and have no TV or phone for the next year?

    Really you eventually either have to @#$% or get off the pot. We' have a 6th pick and possibly assets to move this year with good players available. Waiting will just prolong the re-tool unnecessarily and watch yet another year tick off the core in futility.

    Should we look to get as much out of next year's draft as possible? Absolutely! Should we do it at the expense of getting perfectly good players in this year's draft? Nope.

    If next years' prospects will surpass this years' almost immediately, then what exactly is the panic to get this years' based on? Other than a toilet-based expression.

    Just plan correctly. That will lead to geater success. Afterall, rebuilds don't happen overnight. And if we just fired Torts i'm not sure Kesler will be moved right away anymore regardless.

    edit: Then again, trading Kesler will get us closer to McDavid. Is that what you mean?

    If we do something idiotic like trading our 2015 1st for Kane or whoever, then I don't know where to begin on the level of fail that is. TO-Level?

  14. There are way more solid defensemen available in 2015: Hanifin, Werenski, Kylington, Andersson, Spencer.

    Not to mention forwards: McDavid, Eichel, Saarela, Svechnikov, Greenway, Strome, Franzen.

    Way more top-end skill and NHL-transferable upside.

    Next year is the draft to make a move in.

  15. I have Ehlers maintaining his spot at 11 and Nylander being picked up by a Canadian team.

    1. Florida will shock us by taking Reinhart instead of Ekblad.

    2. Buffalo will take Ekblad and will get to work on a Myers trade.

    3. Edmonton will take Draisaitl. Too early.

    4. Calgary will take big Nick Ritchie WAY too early.

    5. The Islanders will pass their pick on to Buffalo, who will select Bennett. Buffalo wins this years' draft.

    6. Vancouver will then select Dal Colle or will roll the dice on local boy Virtanen.

    7. Carolina will take longtime favorite Kasperi Kapanen.

    8. TO will pick up Nylander.

    9. Winnipeg will take Perlini.

    10. Anaheim will take Virtanen and they won't regret it.

    11. Nashville, who has nothing to lose, will roll the dice on Ehlers.

    12. Phoenix will take Tuch.

    13. Washington will pick up Fleury. Fleury may go sooner though.

    14. Dallas will take Larkin.

    15. Detroit will take Fabbri.

    16. CBJ will take McCann.

  16. Our fastest player on the Team last season was Dale Weise.....just think about that...

    No he wasn't.

    Oh wait. He clearly was based on a meaningless and flawed fan event contest. Sorry.

    Hey this is redundant too.

  17. Why do you always reply like a pretentious p.o.s on almost every post? Are you some sort of hockey guru? Do you know everything there is about the NHL or hockey for that matter? Posters like you are hilarious. As if your word is more credible than the next fan regardless of how well articulated it may be.

    Is this the official crybaby thread?

    I mean, out of all the pretentious pos posts i've posted over the years, THAT redundant thought is the one you've selected to whine about? It wasn't even a troll, just a simple observation. If you're upset about that, well, calm down.

    Instead of blah, blah, blah, how about adding to the discussion? More useful.

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