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Posts posted by TOMapleLaughs

  1. In what way specifically is Ehlers similar to Burrows?

    Maybe 'hockey IQ?' Which could mean anything.

    I see more bite, pardon the use, in Virtanen's game that makes him a better comparable, if that matters. Which it doesn't, since Burrows isn't a comparable worth mentioning about any of these guys.

  2. The thing is, Ehlers is already solid defensively and he has the higher hockey IQ imo. Those 2 things already make him more versatile than Virtanen. I think you've misjudged Ehlers and as always you have the right to your opinion but it just seems you haven't watched much of Ehlers other than highlight packages.

    Ehlers is relentless on the forecheck and on the puck. What I saw in him was that superstar trait that he always wanted the puck and was always around the puck, always hungry for the puck. That's something only great players have. Also he's a true professional when it comes to the fans and he has a great work ethic. That alone with his skill should be enough.

    Now he's not perfect, will his game translate to the NHL? Will he fill out his frame? Will he be the same player without Drouin on the team? Only time will tell, but I'm willing to take that risk, hopefully Linden and our new GM are as well.

    Also this pick doesn't define our team, it's a piece that might just make the fading Sedin era a lot easier to manage. Ehlers does throw the occasional "big hit" (however big that may seem), but what makes him harder to play against than Virtanen, is his hunger for the puck. Although Virtanen, when on, can be a monster, he's very inconsistent.

    I guess it all depends on your definition of tough to play against. Personally, throwing big hits and just being big doesn't make you tough to play against, being relentless on the forecheck and forcing defenders to make mistakes is tough to play against.

    Seen many backcheck-free shifts from him, and that was during an important playoff series. Relentless on the forecheck? Not sure. Maybe now and then he'll pressure a guy, but defenders are able to brush him off fairly easily, with and without the puck, from what i saw. I think he could be an effective 'pick off the pass' guy like prime Raymond was. Grabner was good at that as well. But on the boards? Nah-ah.

    I think Forsberg's point stands. It's a pretty simple one to follow and there's no reason to make it more complicated.

  3. Ehlers is more likely to have success in the east. A team like Carolina should take him.

    Virtanen seems like the safer pick who may be able to contribute right away with his combination of size,speed, and shot.

    I would be wary about Ritchie who is already that heavy. Will he be the next Dustin Penner or Byfuglien(the forward version) if he can't keep his weight in check?

    I totally agree. I think Carolina has a love for Kapanen though. We'll see. NYI/Buf may roll the dice on Ehlers. TO? We'll see there too. I think he'd do far better in the east like post-injury Raymond and Grabner.

    I think scouts look at total package and not just points. Plenty of high-points guys in every draft fall because of other issues.

  4. Figured Ritchie would not be a qualcomp player because he's so damn big. However, he did a lot less in round two.

    It was cool that he upset Bennett's team, but in no way does that make Ritchie a better player. Although that's not being discussed i think.

    My concerns about Ritchie has always been fitness level and injury history. The two factors may put him in the high risk power forward category.

    That being said, he's not a physical beast like Lucic nor a star scorer like Nash. But I think that's been well covered. We'll just have to wait and see how this plays out. Ritchie has worked hard to figure out how to put himself in this position in the draft and that's applause-worthy.

    • Upvote 2
  5. I guess the points-only argument is appropiate, as Ehlers is a purely offensive player. The question is if it can translate. Hence the argument about the offense being sub-Drouin and being not quite as good against tougher checking. But why?

    During my watching of him, I've noticed that he's not the most balanced skater on the ice. This is a bit of a concern.

    He seemed to do most of his damage in wide open opportunites and on the power play. This is typical for most offensive stars. He was moved from the right boards to the point later on in the playoffs. To either mix it up or to get him some more room, as the power play effectiveness dropped. Anyway, it's pretty easy to watch him play and tell that he needs space to operate effectively. It's just how he plays. It's very likely going to be the way he plays to be effective until he becomes a more balanced skater, or a bit more effective on the boards.

    Not sure why Ritchie or Virtanen came up, and this will be viewed as an 'excuse', but Virtanen and Ritchie bring more to the table than mere points. They have a more diverse skillset, including physical skills that scouts love, while having compatable offensive skills to Ehlers. That's probably why they're ranked higher in this draft. However, both those players have risks too.

  6. Bure was always a ridiculous comparison. The Canucks' best player ever had freakin' tree trunks for legs. Truly a one of a kind talent. Truly a superstar.

    Man I miss Bure.

    • Upvote 3
  7. I like Tuch over Ritchie as well. Tuch is Raw but has much more potentialll. Ritchie is what he is, a monster with a good shot and okay skating. I'm not sure he's going to thrive in the NHL playing his style against guys as big as him. But people with more knowledge than me think he will, so who knows..

    My picks @ 6: Obviously if someone falls we take them, otherwise I like Nylander, Ehlers, Virtanen in that order.

    Drop back picks: Fluery, Tuch, Fiala, Barbashev

    Tuch or Fleury are my fallbacks if Reinhart, Ekblad, Dal Colle, Bennett, Virtanen and Draisaitl are taken.
  8. There's a big difference between facing actual reality and letting your big ego get in the way of it.

    Fabbri going past 20th is just obscene...

    Really? CSS has him as the 21st NA skater. So... He indeed may be outside 20 in reality.

    Let us be a bit more balanced and consider the other prospects before making grand statements.

  9. The minister put up some objective facts for us to take or reject.

    You just put up -yet another- negative diatribe of subjective spin that you cant prove. Like all of your Ehlers posts for the past 50 pages. I do have to give you credit for this one. You really rolled up your sleeves and put your back into this psychosis

    Allow me to rewrite your post to take out the sugar coating so we can see your honest assessment.

    ..........Ehlers is ineffective against top pairing defensemen which really sucks if you want to be considered a skill forward in the draft. The coach noticed how weak he was and felt sorry for the guy. He tried to get him softer 'checkers' so he could actually do something for a change. Ehlers insecurity became evident however as it was apparent the jig was up as he was being exposed as the fraud he really is :unsure: ...........so he ignored his defensive responsibilities to cheat up ice so he could get a head start which will put the rest of his team under more duress.

    .......right when the chips were down, in the most perfect moments when his team needed a goal scorer to step up, the clown fell over a few times for no reason, and gave the puck away a few times to boot. What a bummer huh? :sadno:

    Drouin didnt score any goals at all so I cant claim he helped because it will be proven a lie, but he did do a hell of a lot more than Ehlers did in spite of his goal -Take my word for it ! ;)

    Its basically a given that in the future the guy will continue to be unproductive and insecure, He will have to be be a selfish team mate by cheaingt on his backchecking . And all for what? He will just end up falling down and give the puck away. :picard: . Sad but true.

    However, if he gets to play with other players who can carry him out of the goodness of their hearts he could compliment them, - just as long as they dont expect him to do anything against real defenders. :mad:

    So how do you all like Ehlers now that you heard an objective eye witness account?

    p.s. I mean it all in the nicest way :) and to show you what a fair guy I am feel free to disagree.

    Um, i didn't write that. Maybe you should ignore me as well. Just because you don't agree with an analysis, it doesn't mean the analysis is negative or you should take it personally.

    Why are you taking all this so personally though?

    Never mind. You'll find a lot of scouts sharing my concerns about the prospect. They are valid concerns. But every prospect has 'em. Nothing wrong with admitting that.

    • Upvote 3
  10. We should go for Fabbri, as you look at past drafts sometimes the top 5, 6 etc means nothing. Look at the 2006 draft for example how Erik Johnson was ranked #1 and Toews 3rd? Central rankings sometimes mean nothing but nothing

    North American

    1 United States Erik Johnson (defense)

    2 Canada Jordan Staal (centre)

    3 Canada Jonathan Toews (centre)

    4 Canada Derick Brassard (centre)

    5 United States Phil Kessel (C/RW)

    6 United States Peter Mueller (centre)

    7 Canada Bryan Little (centre)

    8 Canada Chris Stewart (right wing)

    9 Canada James Sheppard (C/LW)

    10 Canada Cory Emmerton (LW/C)

    It's not like Johnson isn't a #1 defenseman.
  11. That's true but he also had 10 of those points in 4 games vs Charlottetown who was a bad team. Now that leaves 18 points in 12 games. still good.

    However, he also had 10 points in 5 games in the next round vs Gatineau, who wasn't a top tier team all year, leaving him 8 in 7 games vs Val d'Or.

    That's pretty good considering how good VDO was this year but it puts the numbers into better perspective IMO.

    Disregard the analysis if you want to but it means something to me, in my experience.

    This is what I noticed as well. I only watched the last series, but he seemed to be shut down against the better defenders, and even had to play point on the power play. They were trying to get him away from the checking, and he also did his best to find open ice by not paying close attention to the back-check.

    The pivotal moments, in which his team needed a goal in the final minutes of the elimination game, he wasn't able to generate much offense at all and fell down once or twice and turned over the puck once or twice. Drouin didn't get it done either, but he was controlling the play and generated some chances.

    I think there's a high probability of him continuing to be this type of player in the coming years. People may disagree with that. I think he may succeed to a higher degree if given a superior team to support him or if he plays a lot of games against inferior defenses. Right now that means the east. Could change.

  12. Refering to yourself in the third party is creepy and border on sociopath. Then again, coming to a thread dedicated to one prospect to continually argue against that said prospect and harass the prospects supporters for months on end is definitely sociopathic.

    Sociopaths could utterly care less about others. They lose the basic concept of empathy towards other people. They just do whatever they want with no regard for anyone else because their personal issues over ride their sense of what is reasonable behavior towards others.

    In spite of the fact there are all kinds of other threads dedicated to any prospect of your choice, including a 6th overall thread, you take it upon yourself to argue and re argue for well over 50 pages the supporters of Ehlers. You argue about Ehlers. You argue about the people who support Ehlers. Not only do you find nothing wrong with your never ending wrath, your insanity holds you blameless and tells you to pin it on the Ehlers supporters themselves for having the gall to want to talk about Ehlers.

    Now you demand to know why they are Ehlers fans and justify what degree they are fans like they owe you an explanation for it. Nobody owes you any explanation nor is it your place to judge what they do.

    Snypers7 is right. You are starting to border on the ban hammer.

    There is a reason why I put you on ignore long ago. You are incapable of having an objective debate which requires you to have the empathy to respect those who disagree with your views.

    I am certain that we can all agree, that if you want to support another prospect, dont let the door hit you on the way out. :)

    Over 200 posts in just this one thread and many more in other threads. That's dedication bordering on insanity, sorry. But i'm just wondering why. Nothing wrong with that. Nor is there anything wrong with calling misinformation what it is.

    I've been more than fair and objective here and the only response has been screaming about the objectivity.

    Methinks there is a personal attachment to the prospect. If not, then that's creepy.

    • Upvote 2
  13. "The Canucks interim management team is working under the assumption a new man may not be in charge until after the entry draft in Philadelphia, June 27-28. Vancouver has the sixth pick."

    I think it is safe to assume we might not get our GM until after the draft. If we want a guy who is familiar with drafting and scouting then it is unlikely a team would give up that guy until after the draft just so we don't steal their picks.

    If we need hire a GM in order to steal another teams' picks, then our scouting staff needs to go.

    Pretty sure this is irrelevant, but it might be an excuse for the Canucks to pick the wrong guys again if there's no precious new gm in place.

  14. I view this thread as a forum to discuss draft eligible prospects, not just guys around #6 hole.

    And its not as if this year has a consensus draft order to follow.. we could see a "top-5' player fall to 7 or 8 and we could see a mid-20's player grabbed in the top-10.

    Hell, we see that kind of stuff in drafts that are far easier to predict than this year.

    Long offseason, high draft pick.. don't look at it as being sad, just let it happen

    Oh. I read the title of the thread as otherwise, but if Fabbri needs to be discussed regardless, okily-dokily.

    What about Sonny Milano? Alex Tuch? They're better prospects than Fabbri imho. I'd even pick Tuch over Ritchie, but was called dumb because of that. Tuch is a similar player without the injury history though.

  15. TOMapleLaughs needs to be banned. Too negative.

    TOMapleLaughs is just wondering why this is Canucks talk. He is also wondering why misinformation about this one mere so-so prospect is being trumpeted by a few posters over and over again. Relatives? Or what?

    He's decent, don't get me wrong. But so are a lot of other potential picks. Not near as much blind fanboyism on them though. Why?

  16. I think it would be wise to draft Thatcher Demko or any other goalie in this draft with our second or third pick. Lack is 26 and our 3 other goalies are 24, so by the time Demko or another goalie is entering the AHL those guys will be entering there prime.

    Or we can just sign them as late bloomer free agents, like we did Lack.

    There are more pressing needs, such as LHD and RHF.

  17. Ok. Thankyou for clarifying it. I certainly looks that way. Its a pretty rough thread to get into the middle of for some guy who has never been on here before. I admire your courage. ::D

    ISS and 'Central Scouting' isnt some 'headquarters' where there is round the clock surveillance by NHL verified personnel sworn to uphold the level of impartiality of NHL officiating. They are just a group of guys with their own subjective takes who called themselves a fancy name.

    Not that they dont know what they are talking about, but like I said. Go check out the link I sent you and go look at all the mock drafts to get a gist of where the 'experts' say they are at.

    I believe it will be one of three players. Ehlers, Nylander or Ritchie. From what I have seen from scouting reports and all the mock drafts, Jake Virtanen will not be taken 6th . Trevor Linden would have to have a personal stake in the 'hometown' angle to pick him over these three others and in my opinion, picking a local boy this high in the draft is actually a disadvantage as it adds enormous pressure to the prospect.

    I pick Ritchie 3rd behind Ehlers and Nylander, soley because of where I think the NHL is heading. The league is increasingly moving to speed and skill, and getting away from fighting , intimidation and hitting.

    There hasnt been a fight in the entire playoffs, and hitting someone risks penalization and even suspension nowadays. This unfortunately for Ritchie takes away from his appeal.

    Big strong guys are still an advantage, but only if they are just as skilled as the smaller guys. They can no long rub out the speedsters.

    Food for thought. Welcome to CDC by the way.

    Go read my post on the last page. Ehlers scored 70% of his points without Drouin at all. Most of the rest were on the powerplay.

    You dont have to be torn between Nylander and Virtanen. Nobody has Virt at #6 anymore in any recent mock draft. He is increasingly being shoved out of the top 10 altogether.

    Recent mock drafts by whom? And why would those matter? You'll find Virtanen at #6 and Ehlers out of the top-10 in some that matter.

    Why do you continuously misinform us here over and over again to promote this Ehlers kid? Are you a relative?

  18. Brian Lawton was asked on twitter about his comments about Benning not wanting Canucks GM position and he says that wasn't him on 1040 that said that

    Lawton response from twitter:

    Brian Lawton ‏@brianlawton9 31m

    "ahhhh no I never said that...... Wrong person"

    Does it matter if the real Lawton said this or that?

    Does it even matter if we hire Benning or another guy?

    As much as media is to blame for creating stories, here we are, hanging onto every insignificant tidbit.

    • Upvote 1
  19. I always see that question pop up and I'd like to address it. Basically the answer is... We don't know. Plain and simple. That's the answer for every prospect though. Will Ritchie be able to play the same game against men instead of boys? Will Virtanen? Will Ehlers? You could ask that question to any player in any draft but you won't get an answer until he laces them up in the show.

    You get hints, but those hints are small pieces to a thousand piece puzzle. You're still not sure what to make of it or what the big picture is. The reason I prefer Ehlers is Vancouver needs a star player. Someone who can at any time takeover a game and get the fans on the edge of their seats. We haven't had that since Bure, and I miss that.

    Whoever we draft will have time to develop and learn Canuck culture and I think will become a solid contributor for our team in the future. We have Utica to develop these prospects now. I trust Linden and whoever our new GM may be. I trust the professionals to do their jobs.

    If Vancouver needs a star player, then they should get a legit star player. Not cross their fingers that Ehlers pans out.

    There's no excitement on anyone in this draft being a saviour, let lone Ehlers.


    yes lets build a team of booth clones


    no idea what it takes to build a team do you

    Build a team? Is drafting Ehlers somehow equating to that? Explain. And explain 'Booth clones' too.
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