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Posts posted by TOMapleLaughs

  1. You guys are wasting your time. The same troll objections these guys are putting up are the exact same ones that were asked and answered 20 pages ago -to the exact same guys.

    They find joy in hiding behind the internet with a fake name and argue with other members of their supposed same team in a never ending game of belligerence.

    We should get a sticky highlighting these points.

    -Ehlers is not 'small' . He is 5ft 11 - 5ft 11.75 and anywhere from 170 to 176 pounds. He is the same size as many fantastic NHL players including Mac Kinnon, Datsyuk , Alfie, Kane, Zetterburg and dozens of others I am too lazy to list. If these players can play in the NHL without getting 'pasted' into the ice, so can Ehlers.

    - Ehlers is one of the fastest if not the fastest player with the puck in 2 years. His coach claims he is faster than Mac Kinnon and he would know. He coached all three of Drouin, Mac Kinnon and Ehlers.

    - Ehlers played on the same team as Drouin -as did Mac Kinnon before him - but played on a separate line. They played on the PP together as well as doubled up in drastic situations. Ehlers scored 70% of his points without Drouin. Most of the 30% were when they were together on the PP together.

    - Ehlers played without Drouin in the lineup for 17 games. He scored 25 points which expanded to a 63 game pace is 94 points.

    - Ehlers is not 'soft' on the puck nor a perimeter player. He cuts to the middle, digs in the hard areas, and is one of the best forecheckers in the QMJHL . His +65 rating is the best in the entire QMJHL , 9 points head of the guy who finished 2nd.

    -Ehlers had a great run in the playoffs which was only second to Drouin himself. Dominating their first opponents and securing 8 points in 7 games against Anthony Mantha's Val d'Or championship team before falling in game 7.

    -Ehlers is hard working. He doesnt take a shift off. He is a consummate pro who does charity work outside of the games like many of the top prospects.

    -Ehlers won several awards in the QMJHL although the rookie records were accomplished in his draft year, unlike many others who were 15 or 16 when they entered the league. His 104 points secured him a place with many great players who have also put up these kinds of totals in the QMJHL in their draft year. The players who have done so since the lock out are Sidney Crosby, Derrick Brassard, Claude Girioux , Johnathan Huberdeau and Johnathan Drouin.

    -Ehlers had the added hardship of never playing on North American ice before this year. There was another highly touted prospect who came from Europe to play his draft year in the QMJHL recently. Jacob Voracek was imported from the Czech Republic and he went on to put up 86 points , while dressing in 6 fewer games than Ehlers did. Voracek was drafted at #7 in the subsequent NHL draft.

    - His dectractors have also tried to discredit him by suggesting our current Vp Trevor Linden doesnt want players such as these. He wants to draft a big winger .

    Trevor Linden has extensive experience with Euro wingers. He played with 3 of them during the best periods of his career . The two that come to mind are Markus Naslund and Pavel Bure. Both are 2 of the most cherished and popular Canucks and both have their uniform hanging in the rafters right beside Lindens own jersey.

    Linden also has another euro winger playing for him now as well as his twin brother who plays center. While its true they are an inch and even 2 inches taller than Ehlers, both are 185 pounds soaking wet. Both are enormously successful and both will have their numbers hanging beside all the other 'soft euros' who now preside there.

    It is said that the Western Conference is too big for Ehlers. In spite of all the players whom are 6ft and under, they seem to think Ehlers is incapable of gaining muscle and the size he was listed at when he stepped off the plane from Denmark at 17 is his final resting place. Or so their belligerent ranting tells you anyways.

    It is also been argued that the guy is not strong enough to make the NHL next year so he is immediately deemed a 'project'. So all players who are not ready to make the NHL immediately are headaches who need extra attention lest they bust or self destruct.

    Most prospects are not ready to make an impact until they are 21 or 22 years old. High end prospects are often rushed too fast , but sometimes they are not. Whomever our draft pick is far better served to be developed properly, unless we trade up for Reinhart. He might be able to take it at age 19.

    These are the put downs that Ehlers fans have to endure almost every day. The more inflammatory ones are humorous and obvious trolling. These include:

    -Ehlers is physically smaller than Ritchie and Virtanen ergo he is a girlie man the same size as Jordan Schroeder :mad: . We need real he-men like Ritchie and Virtanen who can handle themselves. :picard:

    - No soft Euro winger has ever won the cup........ and that is the singular threshold we should consider in drafting a player. !! Well, not since the lock out anyways. Ok, Datsyuk and Zetterburg but they are primarily centers. Ok fine Selanne but he is 209 pounds at age 42 so he doesnt count either : :D

    And my personal favorite :

    Ehlers blows by defenders in the Q making them look like pylons. Swinging dicks like Virtanen Perlini and Ritchie muck in the front to score their goals so I feel we should draft someone like them.

    In other words.............'Ehlers is so fast he makes defenders look like idiots, better not draft that guy!! :frantic:

    Ehlers didn't really blow by anyone in the extended stretch I saw. Nor did he make any defenders look foolish. Maybe in less important games earlier in the season he did? He did buttonhook a lot. He seems a lot less shifty than Drouin certainly. At no time did he score in traffic. Needed open space.

    He's not as skilled as Datsyuk or Zetterberg, esp. without the puck, which they're aces at. And Selanne is miles beyond Ehlers offensively. I see a player like Grabner perhaps. He can score.

    He's not a physical factor at all. Maybe he shoves back now and then? Not sure. Didn't see anything of note when I watched him. Seemed to float in open areas without the puck and let his teammates do the gruntwork. Even Drouin mixed it up a bit more.

    Ehlers is skinny. He weighs 162lbs according to ISS. Like it or not, that's a concern. He may peak at Raymond weight. And Raymond had his back broken.

    All the name-dropping in your posts don't mean much, as Ehlers isn't even ranked that high in this weak draft based on his skill. He's a riser, yes. Good for him. But he's still 11th really. Other players in this draft are more skilled, just as fast, and don't have as little strength, little attention paid to defense or as much help (Drouin) attached to them.

    In the playoffs Drouin was involved in the majority of Ehlers' points and most of those were on the powerplay. Drouin scored 41 and Ehlers 27. It's pretty clear who helped whom.

    Yes, Ehlers scored a pile of points in this scenario. That's why he's gathered some attention. But enough to get all that excited about considering his weaknesses? Nope. Hence him being down the list in most rankings.

    Many, many players as fast, slight and skilled as Ehlers have been decent, but not great NHLers. And we don't have to look far back in Canuck history to find a comparable. He reminds me a lot of Raymond.

    I hope he gets drafted by an eastern team that has seen Raymond resurrect his career and has seen players like Skinner and Grabner succeed on so-so teams.

    This isn't a trolling attempt. This is literally the best case scenario for Ehlers. We should hope he goes to the east. It just makes too much sense for him.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Do you have some video of this, I'd love to see some personally.

    Ask Smashian Kassian for the link. I cannot recall. During their last series I focused on all of Ehlers' shifts and all of Drouin's shifts, looking for tendancies, positives and faults.

    Ehlers is fairly easy to knock off the puck. He needs open ice to be effective. He cheats ahead to find it. He stays behind on backchecks to find it. He'll need to grow and develop some sorta defensive game before becoming an NHLer.

    While most legit offensive stars can step in right away, Ehlers won't. He can't. He's not big enough for an NHL game, and he's not talented enough to overcome that. He'll be a project. And we all know that lightweight projects, like Schroeder for example, who was skilled in his own right, carry a lot more risk with them.

    There will more talented, more balanced, more defensively enabled and less risky picks available to us at #6.

    Good luck to him wherever he goes. Hopefully to the east, which has seen offense from players like Skinner and Giroux translate quickly. Perhaps i'm wrong about Ehlers' short-term upside and he'll succeed in the east right away.

  3. I've watched more than highlights (mooseheads final two rounds mostly) and he doesn't have poor balance per say, but his lower body strength is a bit of a weakness. Albeit, it's really nit picking because it's nothing major and it's quite evident he is still growing. He does get outmuscled from time to time along the boards from what I've seen, but he has great tenacity and is relentless when he turns the puck over. One thing you can't question, is his work ethic, and that goes a long long way. He's my pick at number 6 if nobody falls, but to get defensive and say he has no flaws is just flat out wrong, sorry.

    He falls down when opponents brush against him. It is a significant issue. As it is the case with most undersized players.

    He is not relentless without the puck. He often does nothing but wait in open ice without it. This is a coachable fix, but due to him being a physical non-factor, there are limits.

    If the 'work ethic' equates to capitilizing on open ice opportunities after a shifts-worth of waiting for the puck to float his way, then yes, there's a lot of that.

    I've watched him just as much as you have. He's quick, he's skilled, but small, a defensive non-factor and is mostly a power play guy, where he had to be used on the point.

    He's non worth a 6th based on skill and he'll likely be outside the top-10 based on risk.

  4. You dont like Pronmans list, so rip the list and Pronman apart in a childish attempt to invalidate him. Well done.

    Would expect nothing less from you. I tend to view consistency as a virtue, so you have that going for you at least.

    Here I was thinking Pronman's list is like anyone elses, except he works for ESPN so he probably knows more than the average joe sitting behind a computer posting here.

    Here is a concept for you:

    Its ok to disagree with the guys list without feeling the need to rip him a new one. Try it . :)

    I laughed at this post when I re-read mine and the only 'rip' on Pronman was comparing him to some users here.

    His list is pretty bad though. Outside the norm for other more proven experts, so yeah, why are we crying about him?

    Oh wait, I said he was on crack too. My bad.

  5. Give Virtanen Drouin for a linemate, then we'll have a better idea about playoff prowess.

    Virtanen led Team Canada in the U18. Not like Mackinnon of course, but still good.

    45 goals folks. That's not something to diss.

    • Upvote 2
  6. Virtanen doesn't play like Burrows at all. More like Booth with a better shot. Grenier and Horvat will be Similar to Burrows.

    Disagree. Esp. when compared to Ehlers. Grenier's upside may be 3rd liner. Horvat is a center.
  7. He's based in Florida and has no hockey background. There is a reason why NHL clubs and scouting organizations have regional scouts. I've yet to hear a single person say they have ever seen him at games and I talk to quite a few people in the business. They even ask, "Who is this guy?"

    Say what people will about MacKenzie, MaGuire and Button but at least they go to games all of the time. Going to games doesn't immediately make a person a good evaluator but I believe NOT going means you can't be.

    It just really bothers me that there is this guy in Florida watching video only and he's got this web cred above Canadians and Americans from the north who actually put in the hours with little credit.

    That would bother me as well. But i suppose watching piles of video shouldn't be overlooked either. But based on some opinions being presented, i'm not sure if that's being done either.
  8. How can someone be a restaurant critic if they don't go to the actual restaurant?

    How can someone be a travel expert if they don't visit the country?

    Scouts watch a game in person every night, sometimes two, and talk to the players after the game, their parents, their coaches.

    This guy had never been to the U17s, the U18s or the WJC. How can he be an expert? Has he even been to a draft?

    I have no idea. Is Pronman not going to games? Or even watching them on video? Then why does his opinion matter?

    At this time of year i'm pretty skeptical on a lot of opinions going around. It's been years and years of overhyping Canadian picks, for starters.

  9. teravainen was 160 lbs when he got drafted. Now he's 185 lbs. What's your point? There's nothing wrong with getting hit if you're willing to battle for the puck regardless (i.e Gallagher)

    My point remains that the Canucks are going to need an appropiate skillset to replace Burrows, who's career has taken a steep dive.

    Ehlers isn't that type of player. Never will be. Virtanen, who's already Nhl weight, is more likely.

    But it's a stretch reasoning on my part. With regards to Burrows.

  10. Pronman sounds like some of the posters on Cdc. Ignore overall package, focus on pure talent. Then throw hands up in air when it doesn't translate.

    The real kicker is Fiala in the top-6. Over Leon and Dal Colle. Good God. Put down the crackpipe.

    Maybe the asterisk is that some of these guys will go on to score meaningless points on horrible teams. Like Grabner.

    • Upvote 1
  11. But But Burrows is small and undersized, after all only 1 inch and 12 lbs heavier than Ehlers

    Unless you're daft you're going to notice a completely different player type there. ie. Hitter as opposed to hittee.

    Ehlers is still listed at 162lbs by ISS. Far from NHL standards.

  12. With Burrows career as a Canuck perhaps coming to an end, we cold use another player like him more than another player like Shinkaruk or Jensen.

  13. That may or may not be true. I have no idea. They may not get a chance to pass on him and I hope the reporter would follow that report up if they do take him.

    Extrapolating. Guessing.

    I'm definitely all for reporters making stuff up as usual, but in this case why? Most sources are busy trumpeting the skill and potential up all these kids at this point. The negative spin on one kid in particular isn't the norm. Although, it's been background noise thus far.

    I think there's probably something there though. And the Canucks, having recently gone through the Coho saga, would be the first team to shy away from this potential issue.

  14. There is nothing wrong with questioning if he can translate his game to NA ice against NA players.

    There is something wrong with questioning if he has daddy issues because of a single USA Today article.

    How so? I believe a local reporter cited the same issues and said the Canucks are taking them seriously enough to pass on him. Don't remember the reporter's name though or how seriously I would take that.

    Thinking a silver spoon kid like Nylander, nor his dad, would take too kindly to years spent in Utica. But I guess Coho spent some time in the A. So there's that. *cough*

  15. Truth is there's nothing that puts Nylander in the top-5 unless you're reaching. International tournaments mean squat if the guy vanishes against NA competition.

    He may turn into a decent small skilled player somewhere, but I think Canucks fans are tired of this approach being taken by the team. Esp. if this guy has similarities to Coho in terms of daddy's micromanagement.

    Nothing wrong with pointing this concern out, imho.

  16. Yeah I heard this while driving today. Almost had to pull over as it got me all riled up.

    Amongst other things this year, Torts:

    • Started working on Gillis to move Weise right from the beginning of the year.
    • In spite of his public comments, he tried to convince management AND ownership to buy out Burrows to get rid of him.
    • That the players believed they didnt practice enough or that Torts didnt take practice seriously, especially the practicing of special teams.
    • He began an early morning team meeting by blasting Booth with F-bombs for being late for the meeting. To which Booth, and confirmed by his teammates, said he was actually there 5 minutes early. Torts continued to lay into him for another 5 minutes.
    • Torts, and by extension his assistants, never watched film of the opposition they were facing.
    • That Torts did not have a single conversation with Travis Green, Utica Head Coach, all season long. Not one.

    What I still can't fathom is why wouldn't some of Torts' philosophies regarding practice, film work, etc be scoped out in the interview process.

    Would management not talk to previous teams and players who played for him about this stuff?


    The thing about not watching video sounds like complete horsecrap, as you see him and his assistants do it on his Rangers Hbo special. I'm reading nothing but a hatchet job on Torts, making him the scapegoat of a top-down disastrous season.

    Frankly, this team is better off remaining disastrous for another season or two.

    Oh wait, I mean a coaching change will lead this expired group to the cup. Sorry

    • Upvote 1
  17. The redline report on Jake Virtanen from Nov, 2013: http://www.redlinereport.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Nov.-13-Spotlight-Virtanen.pdf

    It has his hockey sense rated at B-

    "Omg call the cops!"

    Meanwhile, size/strength, shot/scoring, and skating are all A-rated.

    "Loaded with some of the best overall tools in this year's entire class. He's a tremendous skater with speed, balance, terrific agility for a big man, and an explosive initial burst. Also has a rifle shot with a lightning release. Has the size to drive through defenders, but needs to use his size to better advantage. Should initiate physically and engage more in corner battles. Also needs to use his linemates better and take defensive responsibilities more seriously."

    This doesn't seem like anything but a positive report, raving about his size and scoring ability with a little bit about passing a bit more often and focusing on defense.

    These concerns are overcome through coaching. It's what his coach is trying to get him to do, as the Red Line report goes into. He plays in more two-way situations than some others.

    What cannot be coached is scoring ability, skating, shooting, size, strength, and physicality. imho you should weigh these uncoachable concerns a wee bit higher than the coachable ones.

    Is there something else that can be linked to that counters this info? I'm not going to pay $350 for something that apparently wildly deviates on it's own review on a player after a few months of that player doing nothing but piling in goals.

    Meanwhile, I believe that Red Line was who reported on the Nylander micromanaged career and potential character issues.

    Ah, yes they were.

    "while William Nylander has recently rebounded from some early doldrums,

    we have soured somewhat on all the drama that surrounds his attitude.

    Having said that, we can't knock him out of the top 10 because, well

    he's very likely the most purely skilled offensive player in this draft."

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