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Posts posted by TOMapleLaughs

  1. This reminds me of Metal Face Doom, who I have no history with whatsoever, or so I would've thought, taking upon himself to 'call me out' in a seperate thread. I think about Ehlers. That didn't really go anywhere either.

    "I'm here to call you a blah blah blah blah blah. I think your posts are blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. I think you're a blah blah blah and what you should do is blah blah. What I have to say is blah blah blah blah. If you were blah all the time then maybe you'd be a better blah blah blah, but you are just a blah blah."

    Ho fracking hum.

  2. Every player in this draft has flaws. Even Ekblad and Reinhart aren't exactly #1 go-to guys for NHL teams. Kinda the reason I'm not overly excited about this draft.

    It's next years' that the Canucks should utilize far more.

    Maybe Linden's plan is to trade this years' pick. Hopefully not next years' though.

  3. I am not going to argue with you.

    You seem like the type of person who likes to argue a lot.

    Who's arguing? I'm just trying to figure out how this 'low hockey IQ' theory came to be. I don't see it.
  4. Don't be a smartass with me. You don't know if he will be good, he can bust like a lot of young players do.

    I do not question Virtanen's physicality, skating and goal scoring ability.

    I question which type of player we want to draft.

    No i'm pretty sure he'll be good, barring injury or unforeseen event.

    I question those who seem to think has has a low hockey IQ. Based on willingness to shoot instead of pass? Okay.

  5. Ritchie is bigger. Tuch only has an inch on him but 20 less pounds.

    No way Tuch goes anywhere near the top 10.

    If we're going for size, we take Ritchie. If we're going for speed and skill we take Ehlers. If we want to go somewhere in the middle we take Virtanen.

    I'm still hoping for a scenario that sees us take Dal Colle though. Just need Calgary to take Ritchie, or NYI to take Ehlers.

    When we have Eichel it would be nice to have Tuch as well though. ;)
  6. They talk about his vision and passing ability when it comes to Virtanen's hockey IQ not his goal scoring ability.

    Seems to envision putting the puck into the net quite well. But he certainly elects to shoot a lot. Is that because he doesn't like to pass? Or he just likes to score? I've seen him make decent passes nonetheless.

    Seen legit 'low hockey iq' guys before and I concur with their NHL future being questionable, but with Virtanen I just don't see it. He'll be good, and not just offensively.

  7. Ehlers is not a clear cut better prospect than the other players (Ritchie, Viratnen, Nylander) If he was, people wouldn't be talking about picking a player outside the top 5 it would be picking a player outside the top 6. In fact very few mock drafts have Ehlers at number 6. Therefore it's safe to say no prospect is a cut above everyone else. And in this case if we already have someone similar in our system who is arguably better why draft that same skillset and there is no difinate BPA, then pick one on the possible 4 that fits team future needs. EDM has disregarded their team needs when it came to drafting and its resulting in building a one dimensional team.. not a winning team.

    Nylander hasn't player in NA, which is true, but he is playing against men. This should give him a head start to producing in the NHL compared to Ehlers. It's a less risk because his smaller frame (game style) has already shown it can handle playing against a bigger stronger competition where Ehlers will still need to prove that.

    Agreed that 'playing against men' overseas is a factor, but Nylander's U18 tourney shown that he can also vanish against his bigger, stronger 17yr old peers. Not sure if he's all that better a prospect than Ehlers, who I have outside the top-10. There's a reason why Nylander is not part of the top-5 either. Both undersized guys are defensive non-factors who shy away from physical play, and their skill is good, but not quite up there with the best. Both will require years of getting them to figure out how to play without the puck.

    Good point about addressing team needs. We have Shinkaruk and Schroeder for the time being and that's probably enough small skilled guys without elite upside.

  8. How can you score 45 goals in a WHL season if you have 'low hockey IQ'? Is that even possible?

    The ultimate 'low hockey IQ' example I can think of is Colton Gillies. He was big and fast too, but couldn't do much with the puck. He scored 13 WHL goals in his draft year. Not even close to what Virtanen managed this past season.

    I suppose people will bring up Torres and Booth, but Torres doesn't have Virtanen's speed or shot and Booth, who also doesn't have Virtanen's shot, pre-injury, was a pretty significant scoring force for the Panthers.

    Virtanen is very skilled, there is no doubt.

    And more times than not, the big skilled guy is a far safer pick than the small skilled guy.

    Those who are worrying about a Kyle Beach from him obviously haven't seen Virtanen or Beach play. Virtanen is much more like Evander Kane and Brayden Schenn. Beach is an idiotic psychopath and I have no idea how he was picked at 11th.

    He actually looks like he might be, if you watch him in action.

    Did. Not even close.
  9. Yeah we didn't use our 9th overall on him. Took him 24th. Weird huh? Expected top 10 drops mid 20's.

    Happens every draft.

    Yet some point to some weighted article on how Tallon is considering Ehlers at 1st overall. Sorry, considering trading down. Lol. Funny stuff.

  10. If you want people to take you seriously, you'll have to work on sounding less like someone's 10 year old that got on the computer. Next to no capitalization, the last paragraph was all one big run on sentence, hashtags in a forum post (not that you evven did those correctly), etc.

    Ekblad is very good, but I'd hesitate to say he'll be better than Jones last year, or anyone else that'll be available at the top of this "couple of years" range. Even "mad potential" is a stretch for me.

    But then there's Naslund, Morrison and other players we've had that have had success. Gretzky comes to mind as an undersized player as well. Clearly they're all different, but to discount a player purely based on his size is a little shortsighted.

    I know that's not the only argument you've made on the subject, but you and absent are going to go round and round on this one if you can't acknowledge he does have a high level of skill. Whether that's enough for him to succeed in the NHL or if it makes him worthy of a top 5/6 pick is another story, same with Nylander, and same with the opposite effect to bigger players like Ritchie and Virtanen.

    Sorry, but I can't help but notice recent Canucks small skilled players go onto being quite unremarkable. I've seen enough thanks. Maybe revisit it when the league changes into a post-2005 lockout game again.

    No, that doesn't mean future Naslund's aren't out there, but Ehlers and Nylander aren't skilled enough to get me excited, regardless of them being smallish or unable to engage in puck battles.

    Dal Colle, Bennett, Reinhart are better. Draisaitl is a bit slow, but better. And honestly, Virtanen's speed and shot is impressive enough to put him up there as well. He's a safer pick in my view and CSS concurs.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Giroux walked into a sweet situation in Philly, who play his kinda style and who even traded Richards and Carter away to make room.

    I like Giroux, but i think i'd rather have Richards and Carter.

    Anyway, Ehlers not cracking the top-5 in this draft is a concern if he's an all-skill guy.

  12. As of 10 days ago Ehlers was 5ft11.75 and 176 pounds. He is no longer 'undersized'


    Wikifrackin'pedia now? Why don't you just call somebody in Halifax again? Lol!

    The reason we're hung up on size is because he's undersized, and we have tried enough of those kinda guys already. Schroeder. Rodin. Shinkaruk. Raymond. Not sure why some Canucks fans have the blinders on for this issue, but all of those guys are currently broken. This should be a cause for concern.

    Besides, Ehlers isn't all that remarkably skilled. If he was he'd be in the 'top 5' and then he'd fall due to his size. For us to pick Ehlers we'd have to go WAY early to select a mid-first skilled guy who'd fall due to his size.

  13. Did you watch tonights game?

    Desharnais' saver?

    Tell that to desharnais, he's totally being dominated out there.

    Did you watch the game prior where he did nothing?

    Did you mention Gerbe as a good example?

    Anyway, Ehlers' frame isn't big. He just won't be a big player. He'll be a small skilled player. Good luck to him in that role, probably out east.

  14. well, he's not 6'3 is he?

    if 6'0 is your definition of small then what are gerbe, gionta and desharnais? 5'6/5'7? What the hell are they even doing in the NHL, eh?

    Being physically dominated?
  15. 1510926_10152390922091435_85130575822915

    Just for you Virtanen/Ehlers critics out there; this image is one from the BMO TPG.

    Ehlers' frame isn't petite.

    Dunno what you're seeing, but you can tell who the skinnier guy is instantly.
  16. Robocop - 4/10

    A mere cgi upgrade and a name-drop supporting cast doesn't exactly make this reboot worth it.

    Verehoven's original is so much better in every regard sans cgi. Was not impressed with the leads' acting either, and that's comparing him to Buckaroo Banzai.

    Samuel Jackson's over the top performance was tolerable until the final scene in which he turns the movie into m'fn Snakes on a Plane.

    The intro scene may have been the best part of the movie. Team America World Police, w/robots?

    The bad guys, the violence, the humour, ALL superior in the original. Hell even Robocop 2 may be better than this reboot.

    Total Recall and this... Can't wait for the Basic Instinct reboot starring Lady Gaga or some crap like that. (Actually Scarlett Johansen seems a better fit.). At least that would be worth rebooting.

    Oh yeah. Starship Troopers. Any other Verehoven films to be rebooted?

  17. Craig Button sure had some unkind things to say about Virtanen at the U18's. Seems to think he has a very low hockey IQ.

    And then he ranked him 6th, after severely misplacing him at like 41st earlier.

    Quite plain as day that Button shouldn't be listened to.

  18. If Jake Virtanen turns into a 20-30 goal guy who plays like Torres, minus the suspensions, then yes please.

    Virtanen is quite a bit faster and his shot is better at the prospect level.

    Maybe stick to flawed David Booth comparisons?

    • Upvote 1
  19. There is a lot of money riding on these games. I sure wouldn't be very happy if I had mine on Tampa Bay against the Habs this year. I can't remember a team getting jobbed so many times in a series, just to get it over with quickly so that Montreal could rest up for the Bruins. I don't like the Habs, but I sure admire how they are playing right now. I kinda wish the Canucks showed that extra bit of gumption a couple of years ago. I think that the refs aren't going to hurt Montreal in this series, but we'll see.

    It's not that Montreal is showing extra gumption. It's that the series has been a lot more even so far because the Bruins aren't getting away with bloody murder. Apparently it's okay when the American O6 teams maul and gorge the Canucks. But if the the Habs? Nah-ah.
    • Upvote 2
  20. There comes a point when it becomes arguing for argument's sake. People have varying opinions and that's ok - nothing is proven when you're projecting future success of prospects and so there really isn't much point of an argument and it should remain discussion, with comparisons and a look at past performance. In doing that, let's keep it respectful and keep in mind that this isn't really worth fighting about as it's out of our hands anyhow?

    Sure, present the pros/cons but if someone disagrees, let it go if you hit a stalemate. Overkill folks.

    Yeah but why is this Canucks talk?
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