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Posts posted by Russ

  1. 3 hours ago, oldnews said:

    Anyway - not all people that took their children out - are "Covidiots" - in fact, judging by the numbers of people I saw out in my neighborhood - and the nevertheless very low amounts of proximity/exposure/risk (people devised lots of ways to avoid contact/exposure) - I'd say there were very few 'Covidiots' = many people that wanted and did manage to create some level of 'normalcy' for children - some fun - on what is supposed to be one of the funnest days of the year - did so in reasonable ways that balanced fun and safety.



    Everyone out seemed to be leaving massive space between each other and almost everyone giving candy had some sort of PVC pipe to slide candy down into kids buckets where I went.  The chance for exposure would have been very very low because of how much space was given anywhere, I didn't feel worried in the least for my family. 

    • Cheers 4
  2. 1 hour ago, RUPERTKBD said:

    Big sale on Danish fur coast upcoming....


    ...should be on Amazon shortly....

    PETA is gonna be loosing their crap!  I would take a nice fur coat for the winter, its like they say its one of the warmest materials.

  3. 10 hours ago, AriGold2.0 said:

    Never expected this day on election day.


    Made an entry into IPOB and WKHS

    I have had my eye on WKHS for quite a while, but they really hinge on that postal contract.  Been looking to dump APPL for something that wont completely depress me constantly. REally wishing I didn't dump my NIO a couple months ago though, that was a dumb move

  4. 22 minutes ago, spur1 said:

    Have a brother that suffered major injury to an eye from fireworks. 
    It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye or gets pregnant. 

    Damn didn't know you could get pregnant with fireworks lol. 


    I remember high school one of my classmates had a Roman candle blow up in his hand. That was plenty reason enough for me to never want to do them myself, I would always let someone else take the risk. 

  5. 3 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

    Based on?


    It's the most important thing happening in our world today....so I'd say no.

    Say what? I don't know about that... i think nba free agency is way not important right now... Gotta start predicting my fantasy team so need to know who's going where! 

  6. 32 minutes ago, Wilbur said:

    In my townhouse complex a lot of candy tubes or candy spread out  on tables so people didn't have to get too close.  A lot of masks too, a lot of people walking around but everyone pretty spaced apart.  Felt pretty safe.  Different but still Halloween.

    Yes was different this year, less people, only one at a time at a door not a whole army of kids. Was really different. 

  7. Just got home, there was maybe 30% of the kids as last year I think. Got a handful of houses with the 3 year old until he was tired of walking then we called it a night. Lots of abs pipes to drop candy in, he was definitely confused he didn't get to knock on more than 1 door all night lol

  8. 9 hours ago, BPA said:

    On the radio, says about 200 more cases and 1 death.  75% of the cases are in the Surrey region (Surrey, White Rock, Langley).


    The 1 death was an 80yr grandma who attended a birthday party.  Apparently, one of the them was asymptomatic.  Unknowingly passed it to the grandma.


    So sad.


    Also the PM mentioned something like Xmas is cancelled if numbers don't go down.  Guessing that means flights between Provinces will be cancelled. 

    See if @kingofsurrey could get all his minions in order we could have this thing under control!  Come on KoS, your the king get you peasants to listen to you!

    • Haha 1
  9. 5 hours ago, Outsiders said:

    People got nothing else to talk about I guess. People need to learn to live their own life and mind their own business. It is pretty simple, if you don't like the pod just don't listen and carry on with your day. No need to bash Petey and storm twitter. 


    I have listened to a couple episodes of players I like or ex players and have always found they don't cross the line. I don't listen regularly so I'm sure they say borderline things but I find they don't cross it. 


    Re the Roenick interview the boys Biz and Whit did try to save him and say woah careful but Roenick kept going. Now, there is no excuse that kind of stuff, and shouldn't be said period but definitely not recorded and posted on a podcast. Roenick has been held accountable for what he said.

    Same, only listened a bit, usually skip the banter they chat about for part of it and go straight to the interviews and have quite enjoyed them.  


    The fact that Roenick (who I think we all know what he's like even before this), was on there, all these far left cancel culture people are coming out of the woodworks and anything that doesn't align with their "perfect views" 100% should be cancelled because these guys aren't completely PC and like the bend that line.  

  10. 3 hours ago, stonecoldstevebernier said:

    I've never listened to Spittin Chiclets, but everything I've seen from Petey's character points towards him being a young man with a good head on his shoulders. Also if JD Burke is against it I'll definitely tune into the episode. Guy's literal human garbage

    Theres been some good ones.  Horvat was good, I enjoyed Sopels, Shane OBrien, Crosby, etc.  Guys let a little more personality out and open up a bit more rather than this picture perfect robotic image most hockey players have on and off the ice.  Thats one of the things about the NHL I hate, guys are so preprogrammed what to say, what to do, etc. Other sports like NBA and NFL guys are more open and outspoken, etc. 

  11. 2 hours ago, stawns said:

    1. No........I do not feel safe.  I read the procedures and protocols, but I don't see them practiced and I don't see them enforced, at all.  


    2. We have measures, they are not enforced.  We have parents sending kids to school who are quite sick, who haven't been tested.  we had positive cases at one school where the kids came back before getting the results of their test and the school actually told them they should be back in school immediately following their test


    3. See 2.  For instance, there's a sign outside our staff room that says "max occupancy - 6".  Today, there were 10 people in there and not one mask.  It's smaller than a classroom.


    4. The measures are there, but no one is enforcing them


    5. cohorts are absolutely mixing at breaks.  we have students whose parents believe it's all a hoax and they don't follow the rules at school and won't listen to supervisors who try to enforce the rules.  Admin obviously do not have the authority to discipline the way they need to.  On my staff we have have several colleagues who absolutely will not follow guidelines and refuse to wear masks, refuse to social distance etc.  It gets brought up with OH&S and nothing happens beyond a "request" to the staff members.


    I feel things are very close to unravelling.

    Unfortunately even if they did follow and didn't mix, they are mixing the minute they leave school, whether its walking home, taking a bus, seeing each other on weekends, etc.  Buddy said they were able to get kids to not mix for about 2 weeks or so, then after that it was impossible to try and police the kids, they just gave up at lunch time after those first couple weeks. It really is a no win situation unfortunately, all these kids are mixing outside of the classroom regardless.


    On your #2 are the kids coming back after the test or after the results?  Its one thing to get them back as soon as the results are known (as long as negative) but if they are coming back before that then that should be a no go automatically. 

  12. 10 minutes ago, stawns said:

    Whether they do or not isn't the point.  The protocol is if a kid says they aren't feeling well, they are to go to the office, immediately and parents are called to pick them up.  It's in our pandemic response plan

    I didn't say not to do it. Makes sense. Whether he's legit sick or not let him leave school so others don't potentially get sick 

  13. 18 minutes ago, stawns said:

    Maybe in your district, but not mine 


    For example.......today a grade 7 boy was not feeling well and asked if he could call home and leave.  The admin chalked it up to him just wanting to get out of school and refused to grant the request.  My understanding is if kids are not feeling well, they report to the office immediately and parents are called for pickup asap.

    Supervisor pissed me off at work a while ago and I almost told him I was sick and was going home lol.  I felt fine but I didn't feel like dealing with him complaining at me. I could see kids doing this to get out of school. 

    • Wat 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Canuck Surfer said:

    I live in Melbourne.  


    We had 6 weeks of lock down April, ending early May.  It worked, down to 1 new case on a daily basis across the entire country.


    By June, a couple of hotel guards, from a sloppy & sloppily hired private security company, sleeping with quarantined guests. Started spreading it in the community again. It caused a massive outbreak. More than 1/3rd of the people in an apartment tower the guard lived in, of 2000 people. 10% of three neighboring towers. Melbourne locked down again. As many as 750 cases in a day in Melbourne alone by June. And 20 deaths a day by July. Spreads that fast!  


    Today is our first day of freedom. 5 months of strict lockdown. 4 months of which no travel more than 5km from your home. Only 1 person from a family to visit a grocery store, and only within 5km from your home. No visiting neighbors, kids not allowed play dates, seeing their friends, study groups for students, use the play equipment in play grounds. Not allowed to go see Nan & Pop (grandparents).  No restaurants, no schools, no gyms, no bike riding, no surfing, or bush walks (hikes); all banned! Nothing.


    We were back to zero cases in a day, no deaths yesterday. 6 people state wide in intensive care, none on ventilators. Lockdown eliminated. Like that choice of a word? The restrictions were diminished. Kids are back at school, retail will return, can go to a coffee shop, have a meal with still substantial restrictions.


    Apparently as many as 1600 people a week lost their jobs for 5 months.  At a height, 1600 a day. Suicides and domestic abuse at all time record #'s.


    It is a hard balance.  The state premier is being crucified for his elimination policy. The length of lockdown.


    Err, the hotel quarantine scandal that was ''preventable?''



    I am surprised nobody called for the death penalty for those guards?

    That doesn't surprise me.  People aren't used to be cooped up at home which can cause issues within a family as tensions go higher or those who are home alone.  I know I checked in every couple days with a single teacher friend just to make sure he was doing ok as he didn't leave for anything but groceries for months.  There are a lot of negatives to shutdowns for everyone, it helps with the virus but a lot of mental and physical issues can arise from it.  Its a weird fine balance that all governments are juggling to see what they feel is the best way to do it. 

  15. 6 hours ago, Rush17 said:

    I wanted to ask what the center is on anyone's happiness who is willing to share. What makes you happy in your daily or life in general. I thought maybe sharing our happinesses may help others struggling to cope in this challenging times. 


    Personally. I am sitting at my favorite coffee shop right now listening to music and sipping on a latte. This isn't an every day pleasure but once every week or two it is a splendid treat that brings me immense happiness and a feeling of well being. I have read a lot of books here - I've also done a lot of writing here. This is like a second home too me as weird as that sounds.


    I personally have been struggling with the ups and downs of our world current predicament. This is the first time I've been able to enjoy my coffee from here inside. It is remarkable how life feels so normal despite knowing it's not. Feels nice I must say.


    Trying to cope has been a challenge without the ability to do something meaningful. I have unfortunately been off work since April and it doesn't look like my work will be returning in the near future. The search continues for a temporary replacement job.


    Just curious how you ladies and gents all cope and what brings happiness in your lives. Perhaps your hobbies or passions can spark something in others! Wishing you all well during these trying times. 


    What kind of work you in?  Or where abouts are you?  Yea lots of jobs probably aren't coming back unfortunately. 


    For me, waking up and seeing the wife and kids are all I need.  Everything else is wiped out by the time I get home from work, no matter how crappy my day is, going home to see them is all I need to be happy every day.

    • Upvote 1
    • Vintage 1
  16. 3 hours ago, filthycanuck said:

    I have a flat wave antenna which I use for the local stuff ($35 initial investment then its free the rest of the way) and beast tv iptv for 15$ a month (1400 channels, free nhl, nfl, ufc) . All i need!.

    Hows the setup with Beast?  DarkMedia seems to be pretty good but their channel setup is pretty meh, can't find all the TSNs, etc. really weird.

  17. 1 hour ago, kingofsurrey said:

    Dr. B from day one was not for compulsory masks  .

    Sad that people are not smart enough to follow experienced  scientists outside of BC that supported masks earlier on..


    Mandatory Mask on BC transit

    Horgans  huge Fail of invitiing all of Alberta to come party / holiday in BC last summer

    Mandatory masks in public space / stores

    Masks , barriers and social distancing  in Middle / High Schools.

    Improved ventilation in public offices and schools. 

    Failure to limit  / eliminate certain international flights  / countries flying  into  BC  / Did BC gov even lobby for this to happen....?


    All would have been usefull policy by our BC gov ...   Its like Horgan refused to acknowledge that Covid was spread throught the air.... and that mandatory masks could limit the spread....

    Well you should know as well as I that this is completely federal jurisdiction. Hell BC started doing the names and numbers and contact tracing well before the Feds did eventhough it was not the province jurisdictions. You got to give them some credit for getting that ball rolling before Trudeau stepped up and did it at the federal level. 


    Also how do you improve ventilation without doing a major retrofit and reno job? I guess stick an a/c unit out a window and just keep blowing the inside air out? 

  18. 33 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

    We all have been provided masks and shields...they MUST be worn in the halls but as soon as she returns to the office she ditches hers.  She said "you don't have to wear a mask in here" but I explained that I keep it on  indoors around others and the reasons why (Dad/son with health issues).  You'd think that would be enough (I really should have said at that point "and I'd appreciate if you would too").  But it's delicate when you're new and don't want to step on toes or be problematic from the get go.


    She also has Disney music on and sings (loud/out loud) which is a concern for me.  It's a little much actually.  In a shared space it's kind of a no brainer to respect it as such and I'm pretty baffled by the lack of consideration in that.  I mean, I'm learning new systems, have new tasks and the music is theatrical and LOUD.


    I wish people would change their habits a little to reflect the fact that people around them may be at different stages of worry or have others in their life with compromised immunity.  It just adds to the stress to have to contend with them.  I think I liked not working better...at least I was in ultra protection mode of my family.  This makes me feel very vulnerable on their behalf.  Mama Bear is not happy.  We'll see...I've semi addressed it today by finding a new space that I can work from when it's unoccupied but that's a temporary fix.  


    Don't want to be "that woman" who complains out of the gates but this is really important stuff.  I'm just kind of shocked that her behaviour is not at all mindful of the "shared space" concept and already very awkward.   Even at the best of times, when a location becomes shared it's all about respecting a quiet work space that considers the other person.  During this pandemic, singing out loud in a tiny office where the corners of the room are barely spaced at 2 metres apart isn't cool.


    I hate COVID.  Makes life so difficult. 

    Ok the no mask thing I could accept, the disney signing would be a no go for me!

    • Cheers 2
  19. 1 hour ago, skategal said:

    Interesting that she now doesn't believe in it?  No clear scientific understanding yet on what if any level of immunity is created if one has been infected so not something I'd be gambling on with my health.  

    She goes to those freedom rallies (or says in Facebook she is now I highly doubt she actually drives out to them). 

  20. 22 hours ago, I.Am.Ironman said:

    NIO stock up big this morning.. I can't find any catalyst other than JP Morgan Chase saying that it is a good buy and "that their stock could double"..


    Edit: sold for 30% profit. Will by back in at a lower price.. hopefully.

    Their numbers came out and were pretty good and their forcasts for this upcoming year are looking good.  To bad I only have 1k in them :P Not much profit but something is something.

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