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Posts posted by Russ

  1. 2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:



    But....people still need to point fingers.


    Out of all of this, I am hoping we can put the bulk of this Left v Right debate behind us and realize we're all in this mess together and the Leafs suck

    I think we as a nation can all agree to this!  Should be what unites us!

    • Cheers 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

    Good.  The Save-On near me ran out of wipes by the door and took a week to replenish them.

    Thats to bad, SuperStore and FreshCo had dedicated guys cleaning everythinng before people were touching carts, etc.  where I am.  Gotta say good on them from what I saw.

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  3. Just now, Kanukfanatic said:

    Totally agree.


    And I can already see what is going to happen. We in BC will stay home (not me...I have to work) for the most part and the curve hopefully gets in control.


    Then in about three weeks people will start whining and saying they dont think they need to stay home any longer and they will start to get back to normal life. At that point, the second infection wave will hit.

    When May comes and weather is nice good luck getting school kids to stay home.

    • Cheers 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Tortorella's Rant said:

    So, when can we expect the social distancing thing to come to an end around here? I assume it would have to be country wide before we can resume our lives. 

    Well they have said end up April they want it to continue until atleast.  We have been at it what? 2-3 weeks now?  End of April brings it close to 7-8 weeks, you're really asking a lot from people at that point to continue, it'll be hard for people to keep apart from friends/family that long.  

    I know we had a 7 group chat last night with friends via FB Messenger, it was nice to see and talk to everyone but hard at the same time knowing we can't all get the kids together to play and have fun and have a beer together, etc. I can see the social distancing getting tiresome and people starting to say F-it and going their own ways and seeing friends, etc. again.

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  5. 18 minutes ago, Canorth said:

    Trump saying that states are hiding thousands and thousands of “generators”.... OK?  good to know? But I think they’re more interested in “ventilators”

    home video GIF


    He's just gonna shock the virus out of them!

    • Haha 3
  6. 21 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

    yikes. I hope people are listening to this guy. 


    I don't think Pelosi is helping by threatening to investigate Trump at this point, stuff like that doesn't tend to end up with the orange idiot making good moves. 


    Oh ffs whats she threatening to investigate him this time over?  Lets see we have a problematic pandemic and you're going tto just try and stoke the fire again....

    • Cheers 2
  7. 9 hours ago, wloutet said:

    Some stores are allowing seniors and people who need help to go in early, like 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM. Shelves are all stocked. Harmac Mill in Nanaimo has ramped up ots production of fibre that make s TP.

    And thats why I don't think my mill will close either, still gotta get that pulp out for everyday life that people use it for.  They will be happy when I get back to work in a week from now lol

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  8. 1 hour ago, Warhippy said:

    I heard a friend whining about needing decisive leadership and I pointed out that the US had a  self proclaimed decisive leader and where their numbers were.  Then I pointed out our border closures came within days of the US doing the same.  How we're doing more for our people than the US is doing.


    Still got a "he should have done X, Y or Z and when people die it's his fault.


    You cannot at all debate with some people when their minds are made up.  I want trudeau to step down after this and hand over leadership to Freeland, but I won't say he's doing a bad job.  Ford made some questionable decisions, as did Horgan, Kenney etc but all in all Canada's leadership has done quite well in their response to this

    Exactly, I am a pretty big basher of every politician of every party but I got to say I have been fairly happy overall across the country of how both Federal and Provincial leaders have held this.  Could a few things been done days/a week sooner?  Yea would have liked to see things tighten up for flights especially with spring break and people going all over the place but overall I have been quite happy with how they have all run this incident, this is one of those things you never figure a leader will have to deal with so generally I judge by everything else they do over their time period.

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  9. 17 minutes ago, Lionized27 said:

    German Aid Package


    Other countries should take note.

    No thanks.  I am already pretty vocal on how much I think the art budgets in cities are god awful waste of tax dollars.  At this point of time, we are sinking our coffers already to support people who need money for rent/mortgage/food/water/etc. last thing we need to do is spend more of our invisible money on art.....

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  10. 9 minutes ago, Lionized27 said:

    Both are awesome. If you only want one cup, Aeropress is certainly good. It becomes cumbersome if you're looking for more than that, which is where the French press comes in.

    I rarely want just one cup but man, you cannot top the Aeropress in that instance.

    Holy crap that puts my Keurig and No Name coffee pods to shame!

    • Cheers 2
  11. 3 hours ago, RUPERTKBD said:

    It's funny, because it seems a bit petty.....but....


    One of my rituals is/was beers after work on Thursdays with a crew of about half a dozen friends. We'd spend a couple hours downing pints and solving the world's problems...really miss that.


    So much so in fact, that today I sent out an email asking the guys if they want to do a "virtual" get together next Thursday. Looks like it's going to happen, but it won't be quite the same.

    Well you guys really buggered up this one!

    • Haha 2
  12. 16 hours ago, Wilbur said:

    LE and Roussel for me.  I wouldn't want to gut defensive depth and get rid of Meyers.  Nor would I want to gut centre depth and get rid of Beagle.

    Exactly my thinking.  Much easier to find a Roussel replacement internally or free agency than a Beagle, a faceoff and big time PKer for this team when you aren't going to put your young stars out on the PK.  And honestly outside of those first couple games Roussel has been BAD for most of this season, nothing like last year where I was extremely surprised at what he brought.

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  13. 1 hour ago, nuckin_futz said:

    Bank of Canada cuts rates to 0.25%, launches QE program

    Fri 27 Mar 2020 13:02:07 GMT


    BOC cuts to 0.25% from 0.75%


    At 0.75% before today the Bank of Canada was the highest among developed central banks. US T-bills were negative but Canadian equivalents still had a 'decent' yield at around 0.5% out to six months. That may have been a factor in the loonie's strength this week but the currency is lower on this (although still much higher than it was at the start of the week).
    USD/CAD is trading at 1.4140 from a low of 1.3390 earlier today.
    Meanwhile, oil continues to crater and is down 3.3% today. With global growth in big trouble, Canadian exports are going to be hard hit and the country is likely to fall into a tough recession.
    What I worry about right now is the Canadian mortgage market and Canadian banks. Canada's largest bank -- RBC -- was sued yesterday for putting a margin call on a REIT's CMBS and plans to auction them off. Other banks haven't taken those kinds of actions but RBC balked and you have to wonder if that's just being predatory or if they are facing their own problems. The BOC yesterday also launched a plan to buy corporate bonds.

    BOC launches QE and a commercial paper program

    The Bank of Canada also crossed the threshold into quantitative easing today for the first time. They will buy 'a minimum' of $5B per week across the curve and will continue "until the economic recovery is well underway."
    They will also buying commercial paper in a separate program.
    That is the wimpiest QE program out there. Almost in the why bother category.

    Well lets see if mortgages go cheaper since after the last cut banks didn't drop the prices. 



  14. 1 hour ago, AlwaysACanuckFan said:

    :picard: what was she thinking? Serves her right getting charged.

    Good during a time like this to pull $&!# like that where your not only lieing but making the place panic that they may have potentially infected others, etc. and causing chaos, they should be charged and sued as hard as much as possible.

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  15. 8 minutes ago, AlwaysACanuckFan said:

    Why in the hell would we want to go down there right now. 

    Let america waste their tax dollars protecting a border that Canadians want no part of right now.  We will counter with our polar bears on our side, atleast ours would be cheaper.

    • Haha 2
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  16. 3 minutes ago, Tortorella's Rant said:

    How does the government handout work for parents with kids at home? So, if you are a parent and your elementary or high school kid is at home, you get money? Even if you are still working? Or does this apply only to people who have had their employment affected - laid off, reduced hours.

    I am wondering that too. I am still supposed to be working but my daycare closed to "non-essential" jobs, I don't know what that means we have to find out next week when I am back to work because wife still has to work and as long as the mills are running I need to work and we have no daycare but I am still paying for daycare to keep my spot/30 day closure policy before we can even think about getting money back from them.  So I am getting double whammied with daycare closing, paying for it, 2 year old is at home.

  17. 2 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

    Source?  And please don't like "The Rebel News" and/or "Better than Ezra....".



    I am sure China since they are back and up running many parts of the country are trying to re-do the demand for it and send it back to us, at the same time if China didn't get it under control when they did we might be in a worse off situation than we are now.

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  18. 1 minute ago, Canuckster86 said:

    Trudeau is full of it in regards to Canada being sufficient with PPE for Canadians. Hospitals are at extreme low stock, staff has to use 1 mask for their entire shift! Some places have run out and told staff you keep working...Trudeau you are wrong, it wasn't a wise decision to deplete our PPE supply to send it to  China

    Hopefully he has supplies on the way from China right now to help and knows stuff that we don't.  I assume Canada is working hard to try and get more PPE for hospitals at all chances possible. 

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