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Posts posted by Russ

  1. 9 hours ago, Wilbur said:

    If you did a bit of a flipped classroom model it could work.  I know my reality is probably different from other teachers, but I could see teaching 15 students for half a day, then another 15 online or the other half.  It is contingent on the students doing the work to prepare for an online lesson....that may be tricky.

    I don't see that happening.  Parents who have jobs can't start working half days or quit their jobs to pick up kids at noon everyday or drop them off.  A lot of of families schedule their jobs and work schedules to drop off kids at school then pick them up at 3 or whatever, thats how we did it when I was young, theres no way we could have gotten home at young ages half way through the day without my parents.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

    Not true, I was a juror in a murder case. A guy hacked his mom with an axe to get inheritance. Crown knew if it went first degree murder it would be tougher. So they went with second degree. To my surprise after the case was over and we'd given our verdict I thought that was it. Turns out we had to vote for the punishment. (Which I thought the Judge did.) I thought 10 was too low. 20 to life no one else would go for. So I voted to let the Judge decide. The judge and jury together decided on 14. (Which I know in real terms is 8 or 9). 

    And that's for 2nd degree. It was a rough case. The crime scene photos I try to forget. 

    Thats one thing I will try to always avoid is doing jury duty.  I will pull out any attempt I can to get out of it possible so I don't have to deal with crap like that and have it linger long term.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Scottish⑦Canuck said:

    Having access to an assault rifle is not and will never be a human right. 


    Get a grip. 

    Ignore tune Trudeau part I don't know how to crop it out on my phone and don't care for that comparison much. But that ruger is used as a hunting rifle. But they banned the bottom one because it looks like an "assault" rifle (which hss been banned since 1977). Sure if you want to ban guns that shoot more rounds at a quicker pace then sure put it in parliament, the left has enough seats it's going to pass anyways. But to ban hunting rifles just because they look scary is wrong and to allow FN an exemption for hunting (wait the government literally said they get exempt from gun ban for hunting, for hunting! Why are they suddenly classified as hunting guns now and not "mass killing weapons") 


    I'm not even a gun owner, don't care for them much myself, I stick to paintball guns only. I just don't like double standards, everything should be one rule in the country and don't like the miss information the government spread and made a sweeping generalization about various guns. 


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  4. 27 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

    I think costco will accept a losely tied scarf around your face that keeps slipping down every 2 minutes...

    Strange policey.    First costco should maybe be selling masks at cost in front of the store.... if they actually cared about stopping transmission of the virus. 

    Thats the thing what if you don't have a mask especially since they are still scarce at this moment as people have bought them up?  Need to provide masks if thats the case.

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  5. 6 hours ago, Violator said:

    They gave us the option of keeping the same day but only able to have a ceremony now with 45 people no dancing food or pictures allowed anymore.We had around 14hrs of being able to use the venue for setup and other stuff now we only get 4hrs.They offered us dates for next year but march april and only friday instead of mid june on a saturday like we had originally planned.


    Its disappointing the fiance is mad shes out $1000 but it is what it is i guess.

    Thats what we had to do, ended up doing a Friday wedding because its such a pain to get a Saturday or Sunday unless you really want to pony up.  And sounds like us lol, we were let in a 8am to start doing decorating and had to be out by 1am that night.

  6. 6 hours ago, coho8888 said:

    My apologies to our american forum members here but your country has some really stupid people.



    LMAO the one guy telling people to cough in my face, even the best of times I don't want people to do it haha.  Or the lady who's daughters are dieing in the car (firstly wtf you doing out with kids so sick) but then blames 5G when it is limited test faze rolled out at this point lmao, what a god damn idiot.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Violator said:

    My wedding venue has decided to only give back half of our deposit.

    Oh brutal!  Did they say why?  Theres no way they can do that if they aren't giving you a service.  I was wondering about my buddies, he rescheduled his wedding from May to August now, hoping it goes through by August but we will see what kind of restrictions there are at that point.

  8. 3 hours ago, Tre Mac said:

    How much 'proceeds' are going to the food banks though? 1%, 10% or 100%?

    Whitecaps did theirs (which look nicer in my opinion) for the aquarium and they put out the costs.  It costs like $8 to make and were selling for $20 I believe.  All proceeds went to aquarium and saw they passed the $1,000,000 mark, don't know if that was sales of masks or the proceeds (evenso thats like $600,000 at least to the aquarium).

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  9. 7 hours ago, spur1 said:

    I don’t know if it’s because you live in Japan and don’t speak Japanese well or what it is...but I don’t think you are reading the room very well. Barring a miracle bleach cure Trump will be getting slaughtered in November.  

    You think Trump is going to get slaughtered?  The Dems had 4 years to find a suitable candidate to go up against Trump, they chose Joe Freaking Biden, who of all the candidates in the final 6 or 7, was the one I had the least belief in.  His policies aren't nearly as bad as Bernie or Sanders but atleast they seem to have some balls and could try and go face to face with Trump, Biden is just going to casually stroll in and pray all the middle people who voted Trump last time will vote Dem this time.  Of all the candidates they could have chosen they grabbed a 77 year old Biden....


    9 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

    Because Albertans are Trump supporters and do as Trump recommends.... 

    Just because you support Canadian conservatives doesn't mean you support Trump.  Trump is like the PPC on roids.

  10. 7 hours ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

    You also have to consider that the good number of those not in that "elderly" category are hardly what I call "in good shape/healthy".  Just look at all the fast food restaurants (not just in the US but our country).  XXX+ sizes in abundance.  Course, that's just my opinion/observation.


    How many restaurants like THIS:



    Do you really see outside North America?

    Not going to lie I have always wanted to visit this since I saw it on one of those cooking shows, more less for the sights and to say I have.

  11. 3 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

    That is good news.    The nurses will get lots of hours once the next Covid spike hits after we relax our rules and send workers back to work.

    Its not like anything is going back to normal any time soon.  Yea some buisnesses will open but you can be damn sure there will be some major rules they have to abide to.  And companies where people can work from home I am betting many of them will allow them to work from home a lot more for quite a while.  And to be honest, other than restaurants and some other small mom n pop shops just about everything is still up and running.  I look at the highway, its still like 90% as busy as any time of the year, most are still working and as long as they continue to have provincial rules where people need to have sanitizer, etc. I think we will be just fine.


    Like I said, lifes not going back to normal, we won't be going to pubs any time soon to have beers with friends, etc. That part is long gone, I have a hard time seeing restaurants even being able to open up with more than 50% occupancy anyways for a long time.  If they continue to have rules for amounts of people, etc. in buisnesses I think we will be able to weather this storm.  It'll still take a province wide team effort, I already am betting my buddies August wedding will be held off again but it is what it is.

  12. 1 hour ago, samurai said:

    What does Asia have to do with it? Richmond which has a very large Asian community and has had very very few cases.  A family member works as doctor in the main hospital.

    My mom's friends is a nurse in kamloops or kelowna or somewhere like that, she was saying they are actually starting to lay off nurses temporarily until they get elective surgeries going again because the low counts we have in hospitals have basically made them with nothing to do now which is sorta a good thing.  

  13. 8 minutes ago, wloutet said:

    Most university, college and trade school students are there because they see the use for the courses they are taking. They have a vested interest in doing well, and keeping up. A tremendous number of students are taking courses because they have to, not necessarily because they see the use of it. I just got a Facebook memo from a student who I taught 20 years ago, and she still remembers learning the Pythagorean theorem from me as she was using it right now. However, when she was in my class she had no idea why she should know any of "this stuff". A lot of students in high school would not have the motivation to do a whole course online. There has been a lot written about the "flipped classroom" and that might be useful.

    I remember being taught that.  Don't have a damn clue what exactly it is anymore lol.  Guess that was one of those useless topics I no longer use myself.

  14. 15 minutes ago, Me_ said:

    The thickness of the non-existing brain matter in this unfortunate soul cannot be under-estimated.



    If that was my mayor I would say it screw selling my place and moving with that wingnut as mayor.  Yes lets make ourselves guinnie pigs and see if we can survive this as a mass packed area.  Isn't Florida already doing that on the beaches?

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  15. 48 minutes ago, Lionized27 said:

    Doesn't matter.

    It's a gun.

    Ban them all and everyone will be much safer.

    "Never waste a good crisis."

    So you want to punish millions of perfectly law abiding citizens because of some wacko who the RCMP can't confirm or deny if he had a PAL at all let alone the weapon used.  If it comes and out he doesn't have his PAL then he got his hands on an illegal gun, which 95% of crimes in Canada are from guns imported illegally from the USA anyways which makes the argument that guns should be banned even worse because these wackjobs are going to get a weapon regardless, whether its a gun, knife, vehicle, etc.

  16. 4 minutes ago, skategal said:

    Could the uptick be in part due to the change in testing?  I think we're now testing people who want a test as long as they are referred by a doctor?  I thought we changed that recently from just testing more specifically?  


    Could be a combination of all things I suppose.  I go more by the hospitalization numbers to feel better/worse about how things are going as that number is a consistent measure.  So far that number seems to be declining.  

    Excatly, testing has changed to a broader spectrum so of course as more people get tested the numbers will rise compared to before.  BCs numbers were artificially low because we were testing specific people and sending others away who had mild symptoms, now thats not the case.  LIke you said, the only thing I really care about are hospitalizations numbers at this point, thats the number that we need to watch and with those numbers going down or staying flat, its not overwhelming the medical system so thats great for us to try and treat others.

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  17. 1 hour ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

    I wonder if this uptick is a result of people ignoring social distancing guidelines for Easter? I guess we'll know the full result in another week or so? 

    Uptick will also have to do with them allowing anyone to get tested now.  Before it was very specific individuals who could and couldn't get tested.  You essentially had to have a lot of trouble breathing for the hospital to test you, if not they sent you away.  On Monday they opened up the testing so that more of the public could get tested now if needed and with that more open testing you will have more people trying to get tested and the numbers will rise.  The big thing will be hospitalizations and ICUs, as long as they stay down and at levels that hospitals can manage effectively then we are doing well.  The big vast number of cases is almost an irrelevant number as long as most don't get critically ill and end up at the hospitals.

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  18. 6 hours ago, spur1 said:

    What is really bugging me is the clowns on the the left and the jokers on the right who keep comparing this to the flu. They say ... well the flu killed 60,000 people in the US and this has only killed 40,000. While true...there is a big difference. The 60,000 died of the flu over a full year with no social distancing. Covid has killed 40,000 in one month with social distancing. Please tell me again it is no worse than the flu. 


    Flu also doesn't max our ICUs or make a panic for ventilators which in turn kill more people because they can't get the care needed.....


    I am just thankful those numbers have been coming down slowly here in BC.  I see people bitching about the lack of testing and how we haven't tested every person to ever exist but the numbers I have really cared about is the hospital/ICU numbers and having those look a little more promising is a good sign.

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  19. 17 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

    If this was a TV show... they would have the virus isolated... and a vacine developed.. tested... and ready to be distributed... ALL WITHIN one 55 minute episode.

    This is how society has been trained to think nowdays...

    Wait what show actually is 55 minutes long? Aren't they all down to like 45 now because of more commercials? 

  20. On 4/18/2020 at 7:22 PM, Sikhguy23 said:



    Report: Michael Jordan Agreed to Release 1997-98 Bulls Footage During 2016 Cavaliers Championship Parade


    LOL Jordan really is scared Lebron is coming for his crown. O man, this is pretty funny. For all the people that say Lebron is so mentally fragile, how does this make Jordan look. Maybe 2016 really did put Lebron over the hill :ph34r:

    If you read the ESPN article (I will try and find the link) about how they got him to agree, it was more of a coincidence than anything that it happened to be on that day.  It was a couple days before the draft and everyone happened to be at the same place.  Jordans business partners sorta tricked him into it and the producer who finally ended up doing it (Jordan had rejected many others) had done the A.I. documentary and Jordan loved that documentary and thats when he decided to allow it to be finally released.  Actually was quite interesting how he finally got convinced.

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