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Posts posted by Russ

  1. 17 hours ago, Heretic said:

    FTFY: Anson Carter says my ability played a factor in Canucks contract negotiations


    Just look what he did before and after the Canucks.  


    Has nothing to do with race and everything to do with his performance.

    I remember at the time all the reports were "ok great that was a career year the Canucks want to see if he can duplicate it or if it was a one off"  If he had taken that one year deal that was a bit more, played well, he could have cashed in here or somewhere else.  Instead he wanted to get paid today after a few prior mediocare years and left and then ended up in Switzerland anyways.

    • Vintage 1
  2. I have never agreed with everything that he has said but some things aren't bad he talks about.  I got a few friends (mainly women) who loved his 12 rules of life, I haven't personally read it myself, would like to one day if I get time, but I would never wish ill on anyone.  How people can come out and say "karma" or "you deserve this" or some of the other crap they say, why do people want to see others suffer because you have different opinions?  I don't understand it, he stands to say controversial stuff, yes thats how you get known, but when times are bad and his health deteriorates, how others can wish ill on him is beyond me.  From what I have heard he sounds like he's doing better than when he did go to Russia to get treatment but I don't follow the family and his wellbeing to know how he is now.  I don't mind hearing his points of views, just like I don't mind hearing someone on the opposite side either.

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  3. 11 hours ago, luckylager said:

    Mental note - don't ever give seeds to Russ.

    It was that seed company that would hand them out and encourage people to go toss them around town to try and push the idea "pot plants aren't bad"  Whatever blend it was it was low in THC or something, whatever the drug that gets you high in the plant, that was really low in to the point that it wasn't supposed to get you high.  Was higher than the CBD stuff.


    Thats what happens when you're busy renoing your house, things get pushed to the side outdoors especially if the wife doesn't get around to planting stuff (our veggie garden is meh lol)

    • Huggy Bear 1
  4. 1 hour ago, bree2 said:

    I have a question. if say a Tim Hortons had a staff worker tested positive and they shut down the place but are telling people there cooler broke down, but two different people have said she tested positive. I am not sure who to believe, but my daughter, her husband and her teenage son were there the day before they closed. should she get in touch with Fraser Health for the truth or will they even tell her. should her family self isolate? 

    I would just go get tested anyways. Few times I've gone through Timmie's lately they all seem gloved and masked right up so I'm sure they are just fine but doesn't hurt to find out now that they have opened up testing. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Fanuck said:

    This reflects my own real-life experience. 

    I had to go to the grocery store the other day so I moved my once-per-week grocery shop to wed instead of Fri morning and I was shocked. 

    Since the last time I was at the store (I think May 22) a lot has changed.  My grocery store is on the other side of a huge complex of big-box stores so I drove through the main strip just to see what's what and it was packed.  I wouldn't have been able to find a parking spot even if I wanted to (I didn't).  No social distancing being visibly followed on the sidewalk and almost nobody wearing masks.  Both Costco and Home Depot which had pretty good distancing measures in place to enter their premises no longer practicing this whatsover (at least not outside like they were before).  I know that Costco, who previously shut down their food concession, has reopened because there were several people in the parking lot with the good old costco hot-dog/drink specials.  Even in my grocery store they took down the sign over the shopping carts indicating they were sanitized presumably meaning they are no longer doing this for customers so in approximately a week - there have been substantial changes towards 'business as usual' for better or worse.  


    We all knew the measures wouldn't last forever, but I was hoping some of them would be in place until this 'second wave' was upon us for preventative measures if nothing else. 

    Costco seems to only have hot dogs and ice cream or full pizza for takeout.  All the other things are "unavailable" right now when I was there last week.  Also offered both masks and sanitizer as soon as you entered the store.

    When abouts did you go to HomeDepot?  In the mornings they still have the lineups, and still have someone counting to make sure theirs only a certain amount of people going in there.  I gotta say though, its way less packed than when they first had shutdowns and everyone figured it was a good time to go get renos done.  They also had gloves and sanitizer available for those that needed it.


    Just now, kingofsurrey said:

    Why BC will likely get a second wave soon...


    'No single reliable study'

    Different studies suggest a huge range of possibilities for how many cases are asymptomatic stretching from 5% to 80% of cases. That was the conclusion of an analysis by Prof Carl Heneghan of the University of Oxford and colleagues who looked at 21 research projects.


    The upshot, they said, was that "there is not a single reliable study to determine the number of asymptomatics". And they said that if the screening for Covid-19 is only carried out on people with symptoms - which has been the main focus of UK testing policy - then cases will be missed, "perhaps a lot of cases".



    You're taking info from the UK.  The same country that had a moron who kept butchering his models time and time again and kept him employed, costing the country BILLIONS of dollars over the years......  I will take Canadas advice 100/100 times before I take anything from the UK.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Me_ said:

    The drastically reduced traffic of this thread worries me greatly.


    It may mean that many of the posters have now eased their thinking regarding Covid-19.


    Very worrisome.

    I don't think so.  I think a lot of things aren't changing now from what we knew before, the odd update from Dr Tam or Dr Bonnie but for the most part, everyone knows what to do now.  Wear a mask at stores if possible, try and keep social distance when possible, don't gather in overly large groups.  There was so much info coming so fast for a few months non stop that I think the updating, debating, etc. was really interesting.  I think everyone has sorta gotten into the groove of what life is like for the time being in this "new normal" and theres not a whole lot of reason to keep posting the same thing over and over.  

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    16 hours ago, ba;;isticsports said:

    Kind of goes with yesterdays Washington Post article i read yesterday




    "There are already four endemic coronaviruses that circulate continuously, causing the common cold. And many experts think this virus will become the fifth — its effects growing milder as immunity spreads and our bodies adapt to it over time."


    So essentially within a couple years it'll just become your common cold just like the previous 4 versions of Covid, I think we all sorta knew that, that it will eventually become tamed as our bodies get used to it, hopefully its sooner than later though.

    • Cheers 3
  9. 7 hours ago, EdgarM said:



    Lockdown saved no lives and may have cost them, Nobel Prize winner believes

    "Michael Levitt, a Stanford University professor who correctly predicted the initial trajectory of the pandemic, sent messages to Professor Neil Ferguson in March telling the influential government advisor he had over-estimated the potential death toll by "10 or 12 times"."


    He's not wrong on that part.  I was watching a video of how Ferguson has ABSOLUTELY butchered many of these models and predicted numbers out of this world and the long term was completely wrong.  He had a MAJOR amount of livestock slaughtered a few years ago, cost the UK economy BILLIONS, and a few others.  I am glad the guy got into his scandal and stepped down because his stuff was ridiculously stupid numbers always and created way larger fear than needed, hopefully his replacement can come up with better models in the future.

  10. On 5/8/2020 at 4:53 PM, VancouverHabitant said:

    I'm right with you there...  my watching season is done.  I already disliked the fact that the playoff games were running into the summer.  No way I'm tuning in for August and September games. 

    I might if I happen to be sitting at home but even if the Canucks were making a legit run to the cup, theres so much to do in the summer and warm weather that my motivation to really sit down and watch would be hella less than the rest of the year.

  11. 7 hours ago, Warhippy said:

    Well America....I mean if you're wondering why we want that border kept closed...






    That is one hell of a different view than I thought that Ozarks looked like after watching the show!

    • Haha 4
  12. 50 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

    Not saying anything other than the way it is phrased is bad and looks bad.


    As I said, it is for the staffers which are not public employees but technically private employees under the employ of a public servant.  As such yes, they are entitled to the same help.


    But optically this looks terrible with the way it was worded

    This is the biggest part of this.  Yea I understand why all the parties did it because they need their workers to survive but I still don't like the optics of it, especially when its essentially my tax dollars funding political parties which I don't want to do at all.


    But it is what it is.

  13. 48 minutes ago, skategal said:

    Yikes!  I hope you know some teachers personally and understand how much time outside the classroom they spend working, and how much of their own money they spend on supplies for the kids and the classroom.  Pretty common for teachers to be marking homework in the evenings and weekends at home during the school year, coming into the classroom on weekends to prep for the next week if the room needed decorating or whatever.  Buying supplies to make crafts or special projects, providing essential supplies for kids that don't have enough, buying snacks for kids that don't have enough food.  

    Maybe not every teacher does this, but the good ones do.  

    That also applies to many jobs.  People make it sound like teachers are the only ones spending their own money, go look at anyone in the trades, we need to buy work boots constant, need new PPE because things gets damaged, have to replace our tools as they wear out, etc.  Yea it sucks spending money on your job but sometimes thats part of it, especially if you want to do things certain ways to teach kids.  I had teachers who did lots of things, I also had teachers who did absoultely nothing outside of textbooks that wasn't in their budget.  My dad was a teacher, and my best friend is a teacher.  I know what kind of work they do but they may put in a few hours in the evenings or weekends but they still get 3+ months off a year and still get paid a pretty darn good wage with guaranteed pension, good benefits, etc.

  14. 3 hours ago, skategal said:

    I was on a Zoom meeting this morning with mostly US fitness people, for the most part they are saying that the fitness facilities they are working at are opening next week.  Couple of exceptions, Ireland not til mid August.  One big box gym will have one hour appts, have to book ahead and only allowed 3 appts per week.  Another is measuring out 8 foot spaces for classes, met at the door, hands sprayed, have to walk onto a disinfectant cloth, then go straight to your square.  All equipment for the class is in the square, leave right after.  No changeroom/shower facilities.  Classes booked with an hour between to allow for cleaning/sanitizing. 


    General consensus was that no one was comfortable and felt the fitness facilities were opening too soon.  


    Vancouver did some interesting polling that was released yesterday.  Asked how many people would be willing to return to a gym.  About 60ish percent if there was adequate cleaning would return.  Heavily weighted to men, women not so comfortable.  Many won't return until there is a vaccine.  At least that was the thought at the point in time the survey was done.  That may change down the road as people see a continued slow spread of the virus (fingers crossed). 

    I cannot wait until gyms start opening.  Just as I got out of my cast and was allowed by physio to start rehab at the gym this pandemic hit and shut them down.  Haven't been able to get my body healthy yet because of that so hopefully soon so I can start doing some better training to heal.

    • Wat 1
  15. 4 hours ago, Smashian Kassian said:

    Hopefully the barber shops are among the first things to reopen. I need a haircut badly. 


    There's nice flow, then a certain point of it just getting too long.

    Mine just turns into basically a giant bucket on my head.  Had to adjust my hats for the first time in ages because they stopped fitting on all the hair.  REALLY hoping dentist do open up on stage 1 early as I have my cleaning slated for the last friday of the month and we all know how much of a pain it is to get a dentist appointment the best of times, let alone after this backlog.

  16. 5 hours ago, King Heffy said:

    As long as you're not wearing them to a wedding, work, wake, or something else where they're clearly inappropriate, what's the problem?  Everything that needs to be covered is covered.

    I wear them to work everyday now.  Found jeans just too constricitng especially after I got fat.  Also I don't think a log mill is going to shame me too much for wear sweat pants, not like I am a lawyer lol.


    I like my adidas track pants that have zippers on the pockets, don't have to worry about dropping my keys or phone or wallet in my car ever.  Wear those pants to hardware stores, work, soccer field, etc.

  17. 7 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

    No that is incorrect. Our hospital and work forces are now much better equiped with PPE. Our medical staff / ICU staff / front line workers  are now much better trained and more aware of how to deal with victims of this terrrible virus. 


    You are being very silly with your posts, please just stop. 

    That's the biggest thing next time around is we should be prepared. The whole world was so unprepared but I think everywhere will be much better prepared if we get hit again

  18. 38 minutes ago, coho8888 said:

    You may be able to buy the imported stuff here but by and large most of what you see here is brewed here by license..  I was also surprised to learn that in Dublin, Guinness is served chilled.  Not ice cold but not warm either.  I went on a tour of the brewery and it included a free pint afterwards.  It was so good even my wife was able to drink it and she hates that stuff.  Probably helped that we got it right from the source on tap.  

    That's what we did on our honeymoon. Hit up every brewery and distillery possible. They told us the ones that come here the nitrogen gets screwed up in transport for some reason. 

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  19. 5 hours ago, MystifyNCrucify said:

    This is true. Guiness does not travel well. Completely different from canada to here in ireland. 


    Still not something you wanna drink more than three pints of at a sitting though. 

    Guiness in Ireland is 100% different.  You can drink it at room temperature and it tastes great, you do that once it gets to Canada and its dog s****. Apparently the nitrogen goes to crap once its shipped/flown.

  20. 7 hours ago, CBH1926 said:

    You tried Busch? Considering how much you pay for booze in Canada I guess it makes sense.

    I like my cattle to graze, corn fed beef we sell to you guys.
    And looking at the export numbers you sure buy a lot, must have lot of dogs huh.


    And thats why I like to buy my beef locally straight from farmers.  Trying to make room in my freezer right now before I buy a half cow (trying to get a full but hard to find people to split it with right now lol)

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