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Posts posted by Russ

  1. 10 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

    And yet most of the print media editors gave their support to the American Scheer in the last election.  Who reads print media nowadays anyhow?:P

    Not sure how many lol, print is almost foreign unless its the sports section at sunday breakfast haha


    • Cheers 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Jaimito said:

    This is from Canucks anthem singer Marie Hui



    I honestly wonder what is in his mind to even think of doing something like this?  Like honestly that would never cross my mind even for a second even before this virus.  Thats just gross and people need to be mindful of human decency.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Chris12345 said:

    Yea it is. I bit the bullet and bought Glenfiddich 18 and am too afraid to open it!


    I'm guessing she's over priced but I had to do it once. Oldest I've had is a 16 year old.

    I've looked at one of those bottles so many times, then I look at my wallet and am like "ah crap better buy a different one"

  4. 1 hour ago, Me_ said:

    The sudden wake I gor out of this video is:


    “the ability to conscript workers for essential services".


    That has some major implications if Covid-19 is the Beast.


    That would be really interesting to see what that could lead to.....  Forcing people to work the essential services that may not be able to do it proper.  This isn't war so it would be really intersting to see if they somehow managed to get this power what exactly they would do with it.

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  5. 14 hours ago, Violator said:

    Yeah its been the cleanest i have ever seen a construction site in my life.When companies that are faced with spending a little or loosing a lot they seem to use intelligence for once.

    For the most part my site is pretty on top of everything, being a big company and having stuff like safety as a massive part already, they said they got containers of sani for us, etc making sure no one gets sick if possible. It's refreshing to see since many times construction sites are pretty brutal. 

    • Vintage 1
  6. Went back to work today for the first time in months, was pretty happy with the diligence they are taking with it considering at the mill a lot of us are fairly close quarters at times.  Being a pretty hard on safety it didn't surprise me that they were taking pretty tough stances if anyone feels sick, and just cleanliness in general.  It was nice to see.

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  7. 44 minutes ago, samurai said:

     Being a parent you get used to children repeating the same things over and over - it is how they learn and develop skills, and it brings them lots of enjoyment.  My daughter bakes me an imaginary cake almost everyday from her little toy kitchen.   So yes, I understand you.



    Son: Dad where did the cat go?

    Me: In the house

    Son: Dad where did the cat go?

    Me: In the house


    x10,000,000 times lol


    All day, every day.....

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  8. 16 minutes ago, Chris12345 said:

    Does anyone know if we can go for drives or not? Thinking about just crushing around for something to do.


    Not planning on getting out and coughing etc.



    We have done it a handful of times.  Just went on a 2 hour road trip with the 2 year old (partially so he could sleep) somewhere and back home, no contact with anyone or anything but was nice to just get out of the house and get a mental break and change of scenery. 

  9. 1 hour ago, BPA said:

    CANADA WILL NEVER LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN: Ford says manufacturing of our own supplies is a must





    I must say...despite all the other stuff...he's taking charge.


    I always felt Canada needs to bring back manufacturing.  This is a step in the right direction. 

    3M needs to make a plant in Canada now, hope the government pushes for it.  And why not?  We are shipping pulp down to them, it would be litterally way closer to have a plant in the lowermainland/ fraser valley and then you don't have to rely on other countries in the future for masks.

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  10. 1 hour ago, coho8888 said:

    People caught breaking the orders could face fines of up to $25,000 and jail terms of up to six months, under B.C.’s Public Health Act.

    “I say bring it on,” Parhar told Global News.

    “I say tell the police to go and investigate where this pandemic is and what a virus is.”

    Slap this nimrod with whatever you can. 

    • Cheers 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Tortorella's Rant said:

    Will they? I looked on the BC Gov't website and IT services (me), infrastructure, security, etc, is considered an essential service if you are associated with a school, university, or other government institution. Thankfully. How dumb would that be going from a secure position (unless the company severely struggles and they are far from it considering they are hiring) to a position where I'm laid off in a month.

    Thats just what he was guessing,  I have my doubts on that as I know teachers are still trying to get some sort of education to kids via email, etc. then its their typical summer break in 3 months.  He might just be a little more cynical right now since he's going through some personal stuff lol.  

  12. 38 minutes ago, Tortorella's Rant said:

    When and do university and school staff get laid off? I got a university job as staff and didn't even think about this possibility until now. Granted this could happen where I am now, but I would hate to take this job and then I'm told in June that you aren't required for the time being where I could still be working at the previous company.

    Talked to my neighbour who is a highschool teacher and he's just wondering how long before they cut them off from pay and they go on EI/covid payment.  He was thinking they will do this teaching to students for a month then maybe in May they will just lay them all off.  Be interesting to see what happens with them, may as well eat up that EI that they never use during their careers anyways.

  13. Just now, aGENT said:

    Did the same for my parents returning from wintering in Arizona. My sister went to Costco for them, I went to grocery store. They're in isolation for two weeks.

    And its little things like that.  I have friends that have a tendancy to get sick more often that I have messaged and offered help and just check in with them often if they need something, none have taken me up yet but rather be safe than sorry and help out if I can.


    2 minutes ago, Me_ said:

    Trump had an actual genius idea not long ago:


    If a company were to require bailout money, that company should become a Federal company.

    Pretty much, these massive companies that need tax payers bailouts are absoultely stupid. I know a lot of times money is tied up in products and manufacturing, etc. but comeon its dumb.  Just like when Harper bailed out GM, I understand why they did it to save thousands of jobs but GM got off with only paying back a fraction of the cost.  And it happens constantly. Such a waste of tax payers dollars, Canada should have gotten a shareholders stake in GM or something atleast until everything was paid back in full. 

    • Cheers 2
  14. 1 hour ago, AlwaysACanuckFan said:

    The two main questions imo to ask is how many of those stranded/returning passengers actually self isolated once they returned. And what kind of screening measures  or directions were in place in airports, YVR for example. 

    And this is the key.  I have heard lots landed and hit up costco etc on their way home, others I know that are friends, came back and had friends drop off food before or after they got home so that they didn't go around and potentially carry disease and spread it unknowingly.  Parents have friends who were in Switzerland (I think) to watch their son play hockey since early February or something just before the season shut down and they had my mom come and stock up their fridge and freezer with food a few days before they got back just for the chance that they could have it.  They went straight home and anything that they have needed they are asking friends to grab and just drop off for them.

    • Upvote 1
  15. 1 hour ago, CBH1926 said:

    Play stupid games win stupid prizes, what a bunch of dummies!

    Coronavirus infects dozens of University of Texas spring breakers who chartered plane to Mexico


    Problem is most of them are young enough that they will probably get it, feel little no side effects, and spread it to others and just shrug it off as "oh well didn't both me much"

    • Upvote 1
  16. 6 minutes ago, HKSR said:

    Why would you not believe the numbers?

    He's going to say because not everyone is testing, people who have very mild symptoms are being turned away from hospitals from being tested, people who are recovered are those who have only made it though 14 days but haven't had to be retested, etc.  

    • Cheers 2
  17. 3 hours ago, wloutet said:

    All of the BC Math courses for grade 10 to 12, except Calculus can be found FREE for as long as this carries on at:


    The site is being put up by the company free for teachers and students. I have used this in my classes. Very good videos (interactive), exercises and quizzes. Hope this helps.

    Thats the age group of kids I am worried for.  I remember being in 10 or 11 and we had that teacher strike (or threat of it in the middle of the year) and we are on a timeline to cram a lot of info into 4 months so those kids I feel for during this where those grades and learning are so critical.  Pretty much K-9 can be a wash and whatever but 10-12 is such critical specific work towards kids college and careers, etc that each day to learn is pretty damn important.  Yea they will all "pass" but going from 10-11 math and if its semesters and missing 2/3 of the course, yea your really going to struggle the following year.

  18. 1 minute ago, Chickenspear said:


    That's exactly it, there's no real repercussions to deter this kind of behavior from the sheep. Jail, substantial fines north of $10k should do the trick (yes, this is that serious), but this is the USA, with some clown at the helm, who thinks this will all miraculously go away.


    I don't care about those who are going to church either, just everyone else they come into contact with in public spaces (Grocery stores, pharmacies etc...) It's the arrogance of these people that gets me.

    Exactly thats the problem, yea they arrest a leader but big whoop, thats not going to deter people until theres some sort of big fines that make it hit peoples pocket books to the point where "oh crap maybe this isn't worth it and we can just do this online like everyone else".  Haven't heard of any in Canada but I assume it would be like restaurants where they get fines etc but they need to fine the individuals too in my opinion.

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  19. 2 hours ago, RUPERTKBD said:

    Carry on pretending that anyone has said that. :rolleyes:


    People have been saying that his response to the Coronavirus has been better than Trumps...and it has.... but it's pretty hard to set the bar any lower than that.

    Hey comeon a bar is a bar.  Doesn't matter how low it starts!

  20. 48 minutes ago, Oliewud said:

    As people seek out information about the spread of COVID-19, hackers are circulating fake dashboard that purport to show maps tracking the spread of coronavirus but that actually infect people's computers with malware when opened.

    The tactic starts with hackers circulating links to malicious websites disguised as COVID-19 maps, either on social media or through misleading emails.

    To avoid the malware, people are advised to stick to verified COVID-19 tracking maps, and to always use a VPN or proxy.


    And thats why you just got to verified sources rather than just whatever google pops up with. 

  21. 20 minutes ago, Chicken. said:

    I'm sure their death toll will ramp up soon but currently the case-death ratio for USA isn't so bad in comparison.  Canada is better of course. The China stat line is just a joke.


    I assume he wants to amplify that they have done the most tests as a reason to why they have the most confirmed total cases.



    Just wait until the USA starts getting overloaded in their hospitals, then s*** is going to hit the fan down there, thats scary.  Right now, like Canada, we are doing ok with hospitals, but talking with a buddy who works at the hospital, he's afraid for about 2 weeks from now if things start going south and they will be really screwed.

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