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Posts posted by Russ

  1. 4 hours ago, Canorth said:

    My Mom was standing over the dead body of her brother. She could “expect” anything from me as she saw fit.


    What the Fcks you’re problem with that.

    My bad just seemed weird to me that she didn't just tell you he had died and had you come over. Definitely came out a lot worse sounding than I meant it to, didn't mean to be an ass. It's never easy to lose family members no matter what. 

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  2. 9 hours ago, Canorth said:

    Not related to Covid.


    I’m More than a little drunk right now....?just don’t know where else to vent 


    ....I Got a hysterical call from my Mom this AM... to come over to my Uncle Daryl’s apartment, immediately. So I rush over and...


    ....he was dead on the floor.


    that was my fcking day. 

    What did your mom expect you to do when you go there?  As oppose to just tell you he's dead and to call a coroner?


    Thats unfortunate. 

  3. 7 hours ago, Lancaster said:

    Well.... anyone convicted of a violent crime is banned from owning guns, period.  The laws are already on the books. 


    For example, if I was ever convicted of domestic abuse or uttering threats, etc.... that is reason enough to be banned someone from getting a license and getting current license revoked.  


    New technology is always being produced to make such locks ineffective as well.  With any technology regarding locks and stuff, there will be ways to crack them.  

    Even without resorting to bypass such locks..... 3D printing is the way of a future in regards to manufacturing.  

    This part is technically the essence of a firearm....The 3D-printed gun: When is high-tech too hot to handle? - ExtremeTech

    It wouldn't be too difficult to find and download the schematics to 3D print it.  Or if you know a skilled metal machinist to make it.  The rest of the parts are just accessories. 


    Not saying any new legislation won't impact the illegal weapons supply.... but impacting thousands of people with no intent to commit any crime to go after a handful of criminals is not effective.  

    Thats the problem right now down in the USA.  Many of these illegal weapons right now are actually being 3D printed and making fully capable glocks/automatic weapons from bloody plastic moulds.  Pretty crazy right now, so the idea that you'll magically stop the weapons is laughable.  These guys are just going to spend a grand or whatever on a good 3D printer, find the file needed online and start producing them, then its even more problems will occur unfortunately. 

  4. 21 hours ago, BoKnows said:

    Finally decided to start trading.

    My buddy and coworker convinced me this week.

    What are you using to trade?  Friend said he just did it through TD, I think I may open and account and try my luck.


    In the spring I was ready to drop some money on Tesla during their downturn when they went sub 500, man I really screwed up not doing that.

  5. 24 minutes ago, higgyfan said:

    There are so many variables to the nightmare that is going on south of the border.  I see no comparison to how the pandemic is being handled in BC in any way.  After all...Ca has 8X the population of BC. 


    Ca opened up way to early and now they are suffering the consequence.

    Exactly.  You can't compare BC to many places because look at how our numbers are doing.  They have done things in a smart way, yea theres still some inherit risk each time you go out but as you said when there are less than 20 cases a day being confirmed and only 2 ICU beds, I have no reason NOT to trust what Bonnie has told us to do.  The fact some places are making masks mandatory and in BC we aren't because we have actually stabalized our numbers to an extent is a good thing.  I don't fear going to the park, to the river, to the trails, to the store, etc.  If I was in the USA where those numbers are crazy in some places then I would have a much different opinion on the virus and health officials but Bonnie and Horgan have done a great job so far, I can't fault them at all for anything they say and do, if they say its safe to do x y and z, then I will believe them that its safe to do x y and z until it goes completely sideways and I loose faith in them.

  6. 1 hour ago, debluvscanucks said:

    Covid is accelerating at a rapid rate worldwide....they just said that half the world's cases to date happened during June!  Which is terrifying.


    April - 1M total cases worldwide

    May - 5M

    June - 10M

    How much is this that the world has finally gotten supply to test more than before? Obviously new virus you have to develop more tests and can't get things right away so I wonder how many tests they missed early on due to lack of tests available. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Warhippy said:

    America wow....30k cases one week to 50k cases a day.  The estimates of potentially seeing 100k new cases per day are now not only out of the ordinary there is a betting line on it

    Pretty quick here the whole country will have gotten it and they will be the first ones to be immune at this rate!

  8. 6 hours ago, Lancaster said:

    Not really into conspiracy theories, but it's good to double check and review everything.

    What I find still very suspicious is why the RCMP still doesn't release the type of all the firearms used.  

    Usually doesn't take nearly this long.  One of my facebook groups about guns has sources that say it wasn't any AR15s or anything like that.  How legit is that?  Who the hell knows.  But it really seems like the RCMP is trying to let the story die out to justify the gun ban when if it comes out non were semis then the whole thing is a sham.  I like a good conspriacy but don't like them when they involve peoples lives being harmed, would love to just have straight up legit facts.

  9. 3 hours ago, Tre Mac said:

    Could've just took a pic inside a grocery store - to me that's the ultimate barometer.  How many people are covering up inside when social distancing cannot be guaranteed?  I went to Save-on last night(BC) and I say 33% had a mask on.  I noticed a lot of people think we're in the clear and that's simply not the case.

    I can admit the only place I have worn a mask is Costco and thats because they offered me one at the door.  Its never been mandatory so I haven't brought around my mask from my shop and no places I have been to have enforced it.  Now I do still try and avoid as many close encounters as possible when I am in the stores. 

  10. 20 hours ago, Boudrias said:

    Depending on the industry working at home will have limited long term appeal IMHO. It likely worked well during the shutdown as projects were likely already identified and being developed. Zoom is a fabulous tool. IMO a lot of companies benefit from the unstructured interaction of co-workers. Apple and Google often call their monster facilities campuses. People will start to worry that they will be left out of the loop if they cannot maintain contacts. 

    Read an interesting article of how Facebook may encourage people to work from home and adjust their salaries from there depending on where they live.  Like someone in vancouver will have a higher salary than someone in Abbotsford because the cost of living is higher in Vancouver, and someone in 100 mile will make even less based on the costs there, they were basing it off rental and home prices I believe.  Be interesting to see if that works.  They could shed a few bucks while allowing families to live in the country instead of cities, and not have to do long commutes, etc. If I had that opportunity to loose some money off my salary to not commute and work from home but still be competitive in the industry then I would jump on that myself.

  11. 9 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

    As I’ve said more than once, social conservatives as as annoying as their counterparts on the left (social justice warriors).  Actually more dangerous at the moment since they actually are the ones in power.

    Oh Yea I completely agree. People who day all cons are bad and all dems are great on here are blinded by their love for one side or the other. Both groups are brutal, the only ones I like are those who are floating in the middle and take bits from here and bits from there as opposed to pushing one side or the other. 

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  12. On 6/19/2020 at 9:29 AM, 24K PureCool said:

    I am still pissed that I and pretty much everyone in my team was dragged back to the office so early even when we can do 100%bof our work  from home and were perfectly fine and productive working from home. With the 2nd wave coming, this ain't fun. 


    Thanks top level management.:mad: 

    Oh weird I was listening on the radio and they were saying how lots of companies are looking at more at home work and reducing office space to save money. Going to be interesting to see how many companies go that route to save on pricey offices. 


    Well for me work doesn't stop and when we have slow downs I have just enough seniority to keep going,might just have to go afternoons or graveyards temp. Need the weather to get nice and we will be swamped with work, this rain is just killing us right now but good luck telling loggers to take time off work. 

  13. 4 hours ago, Tre Mac said:

    So essential workers or workers who are deemed 'essential' that work across the border don't need to be tested when they return?  I don't agree with that.  

    Is that different than truckers who are crossing and moving products from country to country?


    1 hour ago, skolozsy2 said:

    I swear, if this idiot is still in office come next election, I'll be the first to drink the bleach.  I can't take another 4 years of his tweets.

    I wonder how much this recent racial issues is going to work for Biden because a couple months ago I didn't think Biden had a hope in hell, now he may if enough independents/centerists are pushed to avoid trump again after this crap show.

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  14. 43 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

    Saw this on twitter.....



    Beijing’s population is 21.5 million. 100 new cases in past 5 days. Closing schools, testing everyone & locking down.


    BC has pop 5.1 million & 50 cases over the past 5 days. Response? Only test 971 people, still no masks  in schools & look to next phase of opening the economy.



    Yea China claimed they had gotten rid of the virus a month ago, everything coming out of there is hogwash anyways.  100 new cases, I call BS on that number.

  15. 9 hours ago, Wilbur said:

    I think that clause has been grandfathered out almost everywhere.  Sucks for me, I have about 2/3rds of a year in sick days and am only 40.  Heh, I kinda regret only taking 2 weeks off for ACL surgery.

    Oh maybe I just remember telling my dad he should see if theres anything he could use that time for since he wasn't getting paid out but he's pretty healthy and didn't need any surgeries or anything.


    1 hour ago, kingofsurrey said:

    Teacher sick days can never be paid out.  All sick days are lost upon retirement with no buy back options....

    Some districts will pay out a percentage of remaining sick days when teachers retire but yea most don't.  My dad retired from teaching with over a full year of sick days left, only took time off if we got sick as kids and needed him and that was probably a handful of times over his career. 

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  17. 1 hour ago, RUPERTKBD said:

    This just blows my mind:




    There has been quite a bit of talk about people abusing CERB payments, but as always, there are two sides and here we have a clear case of an employer abusing the rights of it's employees by blackmailing them. <_<

    That's a complete dick head move. Over my dead body my employer will make me use my vacation pay every, that's gonna be my retirement bonus lol

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  18. 21 hours ago, The Lock said:

    Perhaps one of the main issues (outside of the obvious information leaks) is if you are applying to a job somewhere like IBM, which I've heard they do attempt to view your browsing history. I don't know to what extent or how true that is, but it's something to watch out for if that is what one wants to do.


    For most people, there shouldn't be an issue.

    That would suck for someone going through mine, just gonna find a lot of CDC, HF, RFD and Amazon searches for days on end haha

  19. 8 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

    I guess that's part of it....that if you've experienced racism throughout your lifetime you relate decisions that are made about you to that.  It's sad that he endured struggles due to racism and my angry reaction might have overlooked that.  That if you've been subjected to it it sticks and you carry it around.  It's truly sad...people are people.  Period.


    I just think that if he looked at this realistically...he was here for a year and we brought in Lu and did have to pay the Sedins and tough decisions were made that were more likely related to money than race.  When we let Jovo go, that hurt (too).  So it wasn't just about him...it was a decision made based on having to let players go.  Happens in hockey all the time and this current team will have to make some of those choices along the way.


    The wounds of racism likely run deep and it makes people question things.  But I still do feel it does more harm than good to just throw out "racism" when things unfold in an unfavourable way because all hockey players are subject to being traded and let go.  The fact that he was offered a slight increase that he declined made this his decision, not the team's.  


    Racism is ugly and needs to stop....however, players don't always get what they want when negotiating contracts because it's not ONLY about them.  I mean, Wayne Gretzky got moved...it's not a far stretch to see Anson Carter go too.  He rejected the deal based on wanting more.  Not to say he didn't encounter racism....but this doesn't seem to fit as part of that.  A business deal.  He had some great results during his career, but no player is untouchable.


    And the cap had just come in making teams have to start adjusting who they paid, etc.  It was a time when we started seeing more young guys play earlier in their careers than getting stuck down in the minors for a long time because if you got similar play, a guy on ELC at 600k or whatever it was at that point started becoming much more valuable than the vet making 1.5 mill. When you got the stars eating up your cap, especially right after the lockout when teams hadn't prepped for a sudden slap of the cap from their free spending ways. 

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