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sonoman last won the day on April 10 2018

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About sonoman

  • Birthday 06/05/1959

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Canucks Third-Line (8/14)



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  1. Price of oil goes negative.  Pretty soon the oil companies are going to pay us to fill up ;) 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      CTrav, Japan is designed to live with no need for a car(at least main urban areas). Also love cycling.



      Why is it then that gas prices have not plummeted,it's that good old GREED factor of course.

      When the big energy companies were raking in billions did they spread the wealth to the workers, did they put some away for a rainy day like we are supposed to on stagnate wages of course not they gave the executives and shareholders the cream and left everyone else to fend for themselves.

      Time for a change away from planet killing fossil fuels.

      I know it creates jobs but at what cost to future generations.

    4. Ghostsof1915


      We haven't even began to tap Hydrogen for fuel and for aircraft. Let alone Algae fuel. Investment and innovation is needed. Algae fuel they know how to make it. They just can't upscale it, and create it at a cost effective price. 

      The plus side is Algae absorbs CO2. So growing it helps to make it carbon neutral. 

      There's no one solution. There's just a mix of solutions. 


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