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Everything posted by thundernuts

  1. Ah. Didn’t realize they still had to pay the same, full penalty, just spread out. Thanks
  2. True, however the league did alter the rule to let the majority of other teams off the hook, and the ones that would still be penalized would be fairly minor.
  3. Yeah, that was a little tongue in cheek, but... I belive that the rule that they put in place to punish teams with contracts (like Luongo’s) caused all sorts of issues for this team. When Luongo wanted a trade, his contract was so unappealing because of this penalty, that few teams were interested. In retrospect, Luongo got them Markstrom, and Schneider got them Horvat, but it took years for those players to become what they are. When they revised the rule to let other teams off the hook, but not the Canucks, it was another kick in the nuts. Overall, the team is in up against the cap because the ownership has been willing to spend the money. Obviously, not all of the money has returned value, but the Canucks are at a disadvantage because they signed Luongo to a LEGAL contract under the existing CBA (at the time of the signing), and retroactively punished for taking advantage of a loophole that the league didn’t have the foresight to close.
  4. Nice haul Marky! Glad to see him get paid. Now he can mail it in over in Cowtown and collect a fat paycheck - AKA Louis Eriksson!
  5. Good non trade. No way we give up Demko, unless Arizona was taking back Eriksson and retaining a large chunk of salary, which wasn't going to happen. Other dmen available, and more to come as the stupid spending starts.
  6. My bad - Edler didn’t hit free agency. Naslund and the Sedin’s, however, did. Granted, in the Sedin’s case, is was only for a few hours. From wikipedia. - Sedins Set to become unrestricted free agents on 1 July 2009, Henrik and Daniel began negotiating with the Canucks in the off-season and were reported to have asked for 12-year, $63 million contracts in mid-June.[56] With free agency looming, Canucks general manager Mike Gillis travelled to Sweden to visit the Sedins, where they agreed on identical five-year, $30.5 million contracts on 1 July. Naslund As NHL play was set to resume for the 2005–06 season, Näslund became an unrestricted free agent. On the open market for several days, he re-signed with the Canucks for three more years on 3 August 2005, at $6 million per season.
  7. That's fine. Naslund, the Sedin's, and Edler all went into unrestricted free agency before resigning with the Canucks. Maybe it's a Swedish thing? I love Markstrom, but if he is insisting on a NMC, than the Canucks have to find another goalie. Demko is our future, and with the expansion draft next summer, we can only protect one.
  8. He wasn't good for the Canucks. Perhaps he made changes and improved. Maybe he does better under a different system with a different style of play. Whatever the case, he had a decent year last year, and he goes to the Senators with a salary below his cap hit for only 1 year. I think it was a trade that serves both teams needs.
  9. Cap hit $4 million for next year - real dollars $3 million. Not bad for a dman that ate up 20 minutes last year. Good trade for both sides.
  10. As long as the price is right and there is not a NMC attached so he can be exposed to Seattle.
  11. I have similar feelings, although I'm not that concerned about including Rathbone. Edit: I would add that I want salary retained by Arizona on OEL.
  12. Hopefully, he gets signed somewhere and can bounce back.
  13. Agreed. If this is an avenue that lowers the cap hit for Vancouver, then I am OK losing a pick - again, depending on the other parts involved in the trade.
  14. This could be great if... 1. Eriksson is either moved as part of this deal, or another deal (or Baertschi and Sutter). 2. Arizona has at least 2 million in retained salary for OEL. 3. Vancouver doesn't trade the farm to get him. Otherwise, pass.
  15. I actually wouldn't mind this, if the deal is right. By right, I mean that the Canucks are able to dump Eriksson, or both Baertschi and Sutter, either in the trade for OEL, or another trade. Arizona would also need to retain salary for this to make sense. With the assets the Canucks would have to include to make this happen, unless Phoenix is desperate to move him, I don't see it happening.
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