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Posts posted by avelanch

  1. Before the season started I was pro-bo-staying, but only cautiously. then i was full pro-bo after training camp and preseason. now I'm confident it was the right choice, so much so that for my christmas present to myself (from my wife) i got the canucks team store to make me a Horvat 3rd jersey that I'll be picking up and wearing to the Buffalo game. It's the first Custom jersey I've owned since my old orca bertuzzi. Can't wait.

  2. Same. I did some minor "stupid" stuff with friends as a teenager but nothing to the extent of vast amounts of property damage and defecating in a strangers cookie jar nor do i regret a lack of doing so.

    That kind of behaviour is the product of either SEVERELY lacking quality guidance and/or mental issues.

    or growing up in a small mountain town (like Osoyoos, where one of my friends from university was from, he had similar stories)

  3. Trust me bud, 10-15 years from now you're not going to believe how much of an idiot you were. Unless of course you are a nerd that stays home and studies. Then you going to be like, "man I wish I would got messed up and pooped in a cookie jar"

    i'm 15+ years removed from that age, i never did the crap you did, and i don't lament it in the slightest. but whatever makes you feel better about yourself i guess.

  4. I disagree. I can remember a number of times he managed to use his speed to back check and uses his strong body to get between the puck handler and the puck.In fact, in many occurrences, he made it look almost too easy. I found his defensive play to be good. Not fantastic, but definitely solid

    as did I. for every "see that play where he did something i think might have been wrong" there were a number of plays that he did everything right that people couldn't complain about if they tried.

    as for the penalty, clean hit, got the kid in the chest/shoulder, drove him along the boards, not into them, definitely not boarding. he left his feet but it looked like it was post-contact (though i haven't seen a screenshot of the moment of contact), so even charging was out the window on the play. definitely was not a penalty in north american hockey.

    Edit: just qued it up and went frame by frame on my dvr, he definately made contact before his feet left the ice. really crappy call.

    Lot's of people were saying that Ritchie had a better tournament than Virtanen and I couldn't disagree more.

    Just on points alone, Ritchie had 1 goal in 7 games and played 3 games with McDavid. If any plays died, it was on Gauthier and Ritchie's stick.

    I don't like the argument that he's the "3rd youngest player on the team and therefor should get a write off" is valid because he's played just as much hockey as the next guy in his birth year. Aside from player born from October-December, I feel like age is but a number at that point, really doesn't hold much.

    him being younger definitely matters as far as physical and mental maturity. these kids are still growing/learning, him being the youngest kid on the ice that has already gone through the draft means something, doesn't mean it's a write off, but he's only one month away from being 2015 draft eligible instead of 2014 draft eligible. it makes what he did even more impressive.

  5. I used a 3d printer on one of his pictures that happened to be taken with his mouth open

    I use it as a pen holder

    do you have 15 pens that you number from 1 to 15, and that holder is specifically for pen # 15?

    • Upvote 2
  6. Straight out comments from American fans, they thought if it was not for demko would have been a blow out for the Russians.

    Btw does demko remind anyone of J S gigure ?.

    no, Demko looks actually skilled and not reliant on ridiculously oversized pads to make stops. plus he's very technical (i guess that happens when you have to teach yourself goaltending by downloading training vids from the internet) whereas Giguere was all over the place.

  7. Annoying or not that should have been our draft pick and he's gonna help that Tampa offense become some other kinda beast in the next few years

    how should that have been our pick? he went 19th... are you saying he should have went at 6th? or that we should have traded down to 19th to get him? i am confused...

    • Upvote 1
  8. eichel and his stupid hair is gone too. he really looked like he wanted to do it all himself but was shut down at every turn. the kid's got some hands but he bit off more than he could chew at nearly every opportunity. tried to do too much and ended up losing the puck or throwing it into heavy traffic praying that his linemate will somehow get it.

  9. even though harvard and yale played recently (after their own small break, and they have another break right now), ncaa usually doesn't play over the christmas break/between semesters.

  10. thanks for letting me know sir, but who knows if what you're telling me is not the way you wanna see it.

    Remember. You have the Americans bearing it all just as I did with some of the Canadian players not all of course.

    well you can see the chirping by the americans after the first whistle and the 3 punches before the opening faceoff just by re-watching the game, so there's video evidence to look at.

    i have no clue what your last sentence is supposed to be saying... are you, by chance, inebriated right now?

    • Upvote 1
  11. that's the only thing that would make sense to me. i hope they go with fucale from here on out unless he starts to falter. if the start comrie for any of the remaining games i'll be scratching my head for sure. well, maybe against denmark... should be an easy win.

  12. what are you? My parents? I would never want to watch Canuck player getting crapped around like that. It's fine for me if its standing for a team mate or if the other team has started it but some players of Team Canada did and its just classless.

    the americans were chirping all night, and they started the chippy crap from before the opening faceoff. it all escalated from there. but i guess you're going to see it how you want to see it.

    • Upvote 1
  13. its still not funny to watch man. I don't care if he's canucks but to be fair that's the only thing I don't like abouthim, cause its not grit anymore its classless, between period wheazling.

    are you american by chance?

  14. While I agree with a lot of people's analysis on how he's been playing he's been pretty unlucky with his playing time

    He doesn't play pp or pk

    He's played well when given a chance but the top two lines rotate then draw a penalty or take one

    2 min he's not playing, back to the top of the order, then certain players can just long shift and cut into his ice time longer.

    He can go 7-8 minutes between shifts regardless of how he plays

    Last game he finally got on the ice and there was a fairly quick whistle and they switched the line right away

    He's played well with the limited ice time

    like domi's line being on the ice for about a minute and a half leading up to their goal last game. then the analysts were talking about the goal they said how amazing it was that domi was on the ice for 15 seconds before leaving the zone, all i saw was that those ice hogs were significantly overstaying their shift time.

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