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Everything posted by Trebreh

  1. amazing ceremony! now annihilate Chicago and BOO Duncan Teeth hard, let him feel that home province love.
  2. "None of us had a great shot" - Daniel talking about their line LOL!!
  3. I wish it was against the Lames or Oilers instead. I feel like the rivalry with the Hawks is gone, there's no one to hate on that team anymore. No more Bufuglien, Bolland, Eager etc. I know Keith is still there but still..
  4. I hope Kesler gets a nice ovation from the crowd. tonight is not the night to boo him, Duncan Teeth on the other hand... BOO THE HELL OUT OF HIM, for the Twins!
  5. Big Mac got the guys playing a little bigger tonight... I saw Stecher getting in peoples grill, Jake being fiesty, Petey throwing hits! lol I hope he is here to stay, the Schaller experiment is over.
  6. i don't know what Roussel was trying to do there but that was hilarious.
  7. I'm not saying he's Tom Wilson, but he can be that type of player for us imo. modern day enforcers.
  8. i've been the biggest MacEwen fan for like 2 seasons now and i hope he becomes a regular for us!
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