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Everything posted by Trebreh

  1. lol Doucheane thot he could play with Hughes like that.
  2. I feel like Canuck legend Jeff Cowan is being disrespected... not even invited?!
  3. I hope we do a viking clap sometime during the ceremony!!
  4. As I predicted, we dress size against a non hated divisional rival to show the fans our "toughness" after getting exposed last game. Then when we play Calgary again, the same old vets will draw in.
  5. I thought sleeping it off would make me feel better, but here I am still pissed the next day. The lack of response to Petey's abuse who just came back from an injury due to a dirty hit by his teammates and coach was infuriating last night. Everýone in the arena and television saw the blatant slew foot by friggin Backlund but yet I saw none of the leadership group or the grit guys on this team even facewash Backlund. Nor did they returned the favor to the Lames top guys. It is culture. Schaller fought Gudbranson when he was with Boston when Guddy threw a hard hit on some guy. Roussel used to go ape $&!# whenever someone touched Seguin Benn was a gritty defenceman that would step up on the blue line when he was with Dallas and mtl. Petey's only been in the league for 1.5 season and has already endured a couple of injuries from cheap shots. His team already used the "we didn't see it excuse" before. What was the excuse for last night?
  6. when Gillis became GM he identified the teams lack of toughness, then proceeded to acquire tough players like Hordichuck, O'Brien to augment what we already had in Mitchell, Johnson, Rypien, Bieksa. then the following years he got Lappy, Torres, Alberts, Glass. those guys changed the culture so much, we were tough, hated, and skilled. The Sedins were untouched for the most part in the regular season and they thrived. Petey and Hughes have targets on their backs because they are elite players, we should be doing more to protect our assets.
  7. Green feels it's ok, he's should expect to get that kind of treatment every night.
  8. we have no rivalry with the Preds so watch us be gang busters against them, getting in scraps and scrums showing 'toughness' until the next divisional rival game.
  9. I don't really blame him as much as i blame the Lames media guys asking an irrelevant question 9 years 3 teams later. that city have an inferiority complex with us and will take whatever jab they could take on the team and city whenever they can.
  10. the soft culture has creeped in the city, you dont ever see that much Lame fans in the stands back in the Sedin/WCE eras. and you will never see Naslund get the treatment Petey got tonight and go unnoticed.
  11. what a bizarre post by that guy. the coach decides who to dress, and he iced a soft lineup against a divisional rival that had a good chance of being heated considering the standings. the team got pushed around all game and we have two guys in the pressbox that are 6'4 200+ lbs.
  12. oh mb. this club wants to be the classy, turn the other cheek type team so bad its irritating. the best Canuck team in history was hated by the entire league. we were dirty, tough, skilled.
  13. Ok sure but why then not dress any size in the lineup against a divisional rival that has rats like Lucic, Backlund and Ratchuk? He just got back from an injury. Thats like having a newborn calf stroll in the open savannah filled with hungry Lions. no protections whatsoever.
  14. I'm pissed because these soft ass Vancouver reporters didn't call out the teams response from the abuse Petey took tonight.
  15. Ferland im afraid will never be the same Ferklund from 2015. His concussion history will tame him if it hasn't already. I would love for us to trade for MacDermid for depth and maybe trade for Tom Wilson wishful thinking.
  16. yes and i believe Sutter was one of those guys... a 'leader' on this team.
  17. sad that our goaltender was the toughest Canuck again.
  18. did you guys catch Green's response when asked about Petey's treatment tonight?!! unbelievable!! SOFT COACH coaching a SOFT TEAM.
  19. &^@#ing disgusting answer by Green on Petey's treatment tonight... didn't even try to defend him, no wonder none of the guys stood up to Backlund!!.
  20. yeah, the Roussel i remembered from his Dallas days was a ball of hate and involved in every scrums. Benn, Roussel got neutered by Green.
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