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Everything posted by Trebreh

  1. we should just play dirty for the rest of the game. &^@# Tim Peel!
  2. F off refs. you call that $&!# after letting the Mild get away with everything.
  3. STOP frigging passing!! Bo passes to Pearson when he's not expecting it. ffs!
  4. he's Ferlanding us and the refs are allowing him to get away with it.
  5. its infuriating. he said so himself this morning that he needs to shoot more and he does the opposite.
  6. we dominate the Mild for a good 8 mins and we cant draw a penalty from these zebras.
  7. when Markstrom and Tanev are the toughest guys wearing a Canuck uni in that scrum... theres a problem.
  8. soo Foligno fought MacEwen for that nothing hit on Brodin... meanwhile in Canuckland.... Petey is out from a dirty hit by a 5'9 guy and nobody did anything about it... and that happened early in the game.
  9. MacEwen rocks Foligno and that goof celebrated like he won.
  10. Green better be screaming and flipping tables at these guys in the intermission. unbelievable! lose Petey and the whole team forgets how to play.
  11. they literally let him skate right through the middle. FFS.
  12. this version of Simmonds? it's hard to say because we haven't really seen much of Bailey and big Mac.
  13. MacEwen looks great out there! showing more hustle than Rouss
  14. if we lose Petey for an extended period of time, Gryzlick or w.e his name was is a marked man next game.. right.. right?
  15. Petey games lost so far in his early NHL career were due to dirty hits. If we are trading for Simmonds to send a message to our other 'grit' guys (Roussel/Beags/Schaller) to stand up for our stars then i'm all for it.
  16. ffffkkk! now i know why Jim is going after Simmonds lol
  17. hmm... wonder whats going on with Ferland? dunno how i feel about this, we have a lot of bottom 6 forwards already on the team.
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