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Nuxfanabroad last won the day on April 16 2017

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  1. Edler injury a possible plus?


    After mulling it a bit, I wonder??


    - If team was destined to drop(pick 2019 high) this seems to ensure that, eh?

    - MDZ & Pouliot seem write-offs. But their existence ensures young hopefuls aren't embarrassed/can develop 1 more yr in Utica. So that 4 mill(expiring) isn't truly wasted

    - gives us a chance to see if BHutt is actually worth investing hopes/some term

    - We know QH & OJ should be in next yr.

    -If Hutton falls apart, we can offer Edler a coupla' more yrs(reasonably)

    -Finally, if Edler returns(playing well again) & the team rebounds a bit. Then we should demand more(TDL) if he's willing..& it'll be justifiable too.

    1. luckylager


      TBH I only expected 50 games from Edler this year. His first booboo came earlier than usual, so we may not even get those 50 from him.

      I really don't see him waiving (as usual) and probably gets a 3yr extension at his current salary.


      The only blessing I see is yet another opportunity for BHutt to grow. It's too bad OJ didn't force Pouliot or MDZ out... 


      This injury madness isn't limited to Vancouver either. Half of Utica is banged up right now.


      I won't mind another high pick this year.

    2. Nuxfanabroad


      On OJ, the hand-wringers only assess him with the 'relative' paradigm. Ooh, we shoulda' drafted a Sergachev, MacAvoy-type(2015, 2016 examples). Yet most of those successful youngins' are largely sheltered by far superior, vet lineups. They contribute in ideal, insulated roles.


      So if we HAD drafted the guys whiners pine for, they'd likely be in the same situation OJ is now!

    3. Nuxfanabroad


      To any newbies who might bicker/find fault(forgot to mention)..the guys I focused on are lefties.


      It's all about the LHD side.

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