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Posts posted by thedestroyerofworlds

  1. Even if Obama broadcast it live, tinfoil hatters would still conspiracy conspiracy something that what was happening didn't happen. 



    Obama will take coronavirus vaccine and might film it to build confidence – ‘I trust this science’


    • Former President Barack Obama said he will take a coronavirus vaccine once one is available.
    • Obama said he would be willing to film it, if that would build confidence in the U.S. about vaccine safety.
    • Obama’s comment came as numerous polls find many Americans are skeptical about getting a Covid-19 vaccine, potentially jeopardizing U.S. vaccination efforts to control the pandemic.
    • Vintage 1
  2. Copypaste.  Not mine. 


    I'll add one:


    If you think that the potential COVID vaccines will have a microchip that "they" will use to track you, while posting about this "conspiracy" on social media, you ARE a COVIDiot.



    1. If you think the virus was manufactured in a lab, by global elitists for population control, you might be a covidiot.
    2. If you think it’s “just the flu” despite contradictory evidence (literally everywhere) that proves otherwise, you might be a covidiot.
    3. If you think the government mandating mask wearing is because they want to “control you” and not to protect vulnerable populations, you might be a covidiot.
    4. If you think the current strain on the health care system is a lie, while failing to realize that people still need hospital beds for things like strokes and heart attacks and not just covid, you might be a covidiot.
    5. If you think mask wearing violates your rights, not only might you be a covidiot, you may also want to leave the confines of your precious mind and do some research on places in the world where human rights are actually violated. Then take a seat because you might be a covidiot.
    6. If you’ve ever typed the words “new world order” on your Facebook status because you believe that it’s true, you might be a covidiot.
    7. If you think that the internet makes you smarter than the men and women who have dedicated their entire lives to the study of viral contagions because you read an article on some blog post somewhere, you might be a covidiot.
    8. If you are unable to distinguish something you hypothesize to be true, against actual scientific facts and figures, you might be a covidiot.
    9. If you think everyone is “overreacting because only old people or previously sick people die” there is no might be, you ARE a covidiot.
    10. If you’re “not changing anything” because screw the government for trying to tell you what to do, you might be a covidiot.
    11. If you think that acknowledging science to be true makes one a “kool-aid drinking sheep” look in the mirror and check, cause you might see a covidiot.
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  3. 1 hour ago, Trebreh said:

    I'm just going to leave this here... watch the entire video before you guys use the conspiracy card. 


    This isn't about this super deadly virus with a 99.7 percent survival rate anymore. 



    This isn't black or white with regards to survival or death.   There are a significant percentage of people who "survive" the virus who have significant after effects.   Those people are not included in that 99.7 talking point.  What about the chef or cook whose smell and taste doesn't return?  What about the person who works in a physically demanding profession whose cardiovascular system is compromised by some percentage?  Survival yes, but their careers are probably toast.  Yet, your position does not, in any way take into consideration for these people.  Health initiatives and vaccinations will prevent a number of people who are in the grey areas that your talking point ignores from suffering these after effects.


    You say don't judge me as a tinfoil hatter, but this and your previous post are right from the tinfoil hatters club.  

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Stelar said:

    This is pretty misleading. I live in Calgary and we have mandatory mask indoors for almost 4 months now with it mandatory in schools so lets not get on our high horse in BC because you just came around to it months later. 


    Calgary and Edmonton have both required masks be worn in indoor public places and public vehicles since Aug. 1.


    They are required in schools for students in Grade 4 to 12 and all school staff.


    Until now, B.C. has resisted calls for a mandatory mask order, instead making it the responsibility of businesses, transit operators and community service agencies to implement their own rules.

    Yes, there are local orders.  Not province wide.  That's the point.  They mention the local orders in the article.  So not really misleading.

  5. 1 minute ago, Fanuck said:

    I get it, people need aid. 

    But one has to wonder, where is this money actually coming from?  

    Can someone explain this shell game in layman's terms?   

    I would say kinda like a credit card.  Buy now, pay interest and fees to maintain the debt, use endless increasing spending limits, and then "worry" about the actual debt later.  Later, as in when the current politicians are out of office and/or dead.

  6. Who would have thought that the massive motorcycle rally that is the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally would lead to cases when the participants returned back to their homes?  




    Study: Motorcycle rally sparked COVID-19 cases in next state



    Here is a little "comedy".  All Gas No Brakes Sturgis video.  Put as a link due to NSFW language etc:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK2FBEpmlUo&has_verified=1


  7. SWEDEN!!!!  The rallying cry of Covidiots everywhere.  Oops. 



    Sweden has admitted its coronavirus immunity predictions were wrong as cases soar across the country


    • Sweden's chief epidemiologist has admitted that the country is now experiencing a second wave of coronavirus despite predicting that the country's no-lockdown policy would prevent another surge.
    • Tegnell had suggested that case numbers would be "quite low" in the autumn compared to other European countries which imposed lockdowns.
    • However, the latest figures show Sweden is experiencing higher levels of coronavirus cases, hospitalizations and deaths than its neighbours, relative to population size.
    • "We see community spread in many regions simultaneously right now," Tegnell said, according to Reuters.
    • Cheers 2
  8. Thought I'd resurrect this old thread.  


    TRUMP's DOJ:  Nothing to see here.



    Justice Department probe ends with no action against prosecutors who oversaw Epstein deal

    "Letting a well-connected billionaire get away with child rape and international sex trafficking isn’t ‘poor judgment’ – it is a disgusting failure,” said Sen. Ben Sasse.
    • Vintage 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Shekky said:

    RIP Sir Sean Connery. So many great movies he has been in but one that stands out to me was Highlander one of my favorite movies :(There can be only one: why Highlander will live forever

    Only Sean could do the narration in his bathroom over the phone, and make it epic.


    Tell me that this isn't a great movie.  You got Sean, the bad guard from Shawshank Redemption as the bad guy, the music done by Queen, and SWORD FIGHTS.  80's at it's best. 

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