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Posts posted by thedestroyerofworlds

  1. Well. at least the serious candidate, Kanye, won't be on the swing state Ohio's ballot.





    Kanye West will not be on November ballot in Ohio after failing to meet requirements



    EDIT: as well as Illinois.




    Kanye denied ballot spot in his native Illinois

    The rap star fell short of making it on the ballot by 1,300 signatures despite a lower threshold to qualify.

  2. 7 hours ago, gurn said:



    Sweden 84,294 cases

                      5,783 deaths

                       6.9% mortality rate.

    But you think the virus is not very deadly.?

    The "not deadly" crowd is a joke.   What I'm interested in is the long term effects that survivors will have to deal with.  How many of the survivors will have their long term health affected by the virus?   That is something that isn't mentioned, like at all, by the people who parrot the "it isn't deadly" or "it's no worse than the flu" talking points.  It is an important factor that we don't know enough about yet. 

    • Vintage 3
  3. 2 hours ago, Warhippy said:

    Could you imagine incumbent VPs had to debate the potential new VP as well.


    Pence v Harris would be amazing to see.


    Pence has been essentially non existent throughout the entire Trumpanzee years.  Biden as VP was incredibly public, in your face and forward regarding initiatives.


    Pence would be slaughtered by Harris


    2 hours ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

    You shut your dirty libtard mouth. Who else is going to deliver empty boxes of ppe for photo ops and walk out of football games? 



    Well, get your popcorn ready then.  Set your calendar. 




    Stage is set for vice presidential debate October 7, 2020

    Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joseph Biden has selected Senator Kamala Harris of California as his vice-presidential running mate. Harris will debate Vice President Mike Pence at the University of Utah's Kingsbury Hall on October 7, 2020.

    • Cheers 2
  4. 17 minutes ago, Chicken. said:

    But it was a VIGOROUS bike ride!!  He better be careful what would happen if he pulled a John Kerry   :unsure:


    Reminds me of how silly the mandatory helmet bylaw is up here in BC... 


    How is it a real segment?  


    Maybe it's a segment when the POTUS goes on about a ramp, and how he can drink water with one hand all while his fans at the rally cheer on.  All while claiming his opponent is "sleepy" and has "lost his mind".   Maybe that's why.

    • Cheers 3
  5. 14 minutes ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

    Biden the highschool football star dodged the draft too.....asthma.  He's also a moron.....Didn't come from a wealthy family but he's white.


    They have zero to do with each other..  Riding a bike doesn't require mental fitness as proven by any 4 year old.  That fact that you and CNN are trying to correlate the two is baffling and frankly just stupid.  Let's be real, CNN didn't publish that article as an attempt to say see "Biden isn't sleepy joe".  They purely published it as an excuse to bash trumps habits.  It wasn't even well written but the headline got suckers like yourself hook line and sinker.





    The voters chose him.  Anything is better than the orange one.  Settling for Joe when the other option is 4 more years of bone spurs.  You're goddamn right people should settle for Joe.

  6. 16 minutes ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

    or he could just be a moron too. there's always that....But whatever helps you sleep at night.

    Politics is about messaging and optics.  How does the message "sleepy Joe" and the talking point "he's lost his mind" square with the image of him riding a bike and answering questions from a Fox News reporter?  It doesn't, and that's the point.  


    If he's a moron, at least he will have the intelligence to bring intelligent people into his cabinet.   Unlike bone spurs.


    At this point, a dead donkey would be better than bone spurs.

  7. 5 minutes ago, coho8888 said:

    Not sure what you mean by "running its course" .  No country has had Covid "run its course".  Maybe you mean they are closer to getting things under control.  They had 428 test positives on the 5th.  If you are saying that Sweden's model has turned out to be successful, I suggest you do a little more research.  They started out with a more lax approach and it cost them lives.  If you are comparing us to Sweden, well we aren't exactly locked down either but we took a tougher approach for a few months and it resulted in far fewer deaths proportionally.  Also the economic gains that Sweden had were not as much as they thought they would be compared to their Scandinavian counterparts.  

    Even their chief epidemiologist admitted that if they had to do it all over again, they would have done things at least between what Sweden actually did and what other governments, like Canada, did.


    Article is from June, but illustrates the point that Sweden isn't this shining beacon. 


    https://globalnews-ca.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/globalnews.ca/news/7020169/coronavirus-sweden-scientist-method/amp/?amp_js_v=a3&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA%3D#aoh=15971585351481&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s

    Sweden could have handled coronavirus response better, chief epidemiologist admits

    • Like 2
  8. 7 minutes ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

    Great, hopefully it does help them but doesn't debunk the notion that he's still sleepy joe...You know the whole premise around the CNN article.  


    Cool Biden would probably win in a fight, but again that really has nothing to do with the point of Trump attacking Bidens "mental" fitness.


    Because this is a Biden thread.  I've seen plenty in the trump thread and yes lot of them are funny.  


    I'll take this for an explanation of Biden's  gaffes.  Bone spurs doesn't have an excuse. There's evidence that even his bone spurs was a lie.



    the hill link

    Are Joe Biden's gaffes related to a lifelong stuttering problem?

    The Democratic presidential candidate’s gaffes may be rooted in a little-understood disability.

  9. 17 minutes ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

    I have to ask, how does riding a bike debunk an attack on someones mental fitness?  


    You do know why he's referred to as sleepy joe don't you? clearly CNN doesn't...


    Here's a reminder




    If he is in cognitive decline, there are studies looking into to positive benefits of cycling for people with dementia/Alzheimer's.  So compare him to the orange occupant in the White House.  One is actually active while the other rides around in golf carts and eats KFC and cheeseburgers. 


    And why only Biden bloopers.  TRUMP'S got some good ones.  Oranges and Thighland.

  10. We need to reopen, they said.  Kids will be ok, they said.   Maybe its not the kids who we should be worried about.   Teachers are important people too.





    Mississippi teacher’s death during first week of school stokes COVID-19 outbreak fears



    • Vintage 1
  11. 21 minutes ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

    UPC has been back in power for 1 year, the first drop from 12% to 11% took place last july and the reduction from 11%-10% took place in January.   AND just in this last 35 days dropped the rate from 10% to 8%, to meet the campaigns promise.  I'm not sure how you came the conclusion that this is "the point" where we'd see results. The reality is most economist suggest it would take 4 years minimum to see results on corp tax cuts, with even more results in the long run. 


    The historic evidence actually suggests that over the last 36 years in canadian provincial history, four years after a one-percentage point reduction in a provincial corporate income tax rate, the economic growth rate increases by 0.12 percentage points and real per capita GDP increases by 1.2 per cent in the long run.




    And when that historic model is applied to Alberta



    So let's be real, you are not an economist and you clearly have zero business background, which is why I find it quite funny when people like yourself not only try to give financial and economic advice, but present it in a tone as if you think you are smarter than others.   But hey it's a hockey discussion board I guess, where everyone thinks they are a smarter than the head coach or the GM of an organization I get it.  

    Your source is a projection that trickle down economics gurus promise will happen every time they push their tax cuts.   In the future, the economy will grow and magically make up for the loss on revenue.   You even admit it will take years for the tax cuts to magically return  revenue to the treasury.  Meanwhile, that loss in revenue is used to slash and burn programs RIGHT NOW.  And these latest cuts are on top of cuts in taxes from previous governments.  Conservative Albertans lost their minds when there was even a suggestion that cuts to oil/gas royalties were going to be reversed by the NDP.  How dare they try and raise tax revenues when dealing with deficits.  Nope  let's double, triple, quadruple down on cutting taxes that will somehow make more tax revenue.   


    Kansas says hi.




    BTW, cutting isn't new for Kenney and co


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