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Posts posted by thedestroyerofworlds

  1. 2 hours ago, RowdyCanuck said:

    Hey now it was the government lack of action , also if JT would have did what he was suppose too, b.c would have fallen in line and would have put the Canadian economy first instead of this stupid idea of how oil is just Alberta......

    Please tell us exactly what it is that JT was supposed to do.  Be specific.  Perhaps provide sources as well (I won't hold my breath on that one).  Remember, that the oil market cratered around the time JT took over.  Remember, that Harper and his band of Albertan MPs were in power for a decade with record prices for oil and they failed miserably at getting major export pipelines built.  So whatever ire you have at JT in this regard, Harper and his Albertan MP band deserve the lions share.  Even with JT getting TMX going, you still think he doesn't put Canada's economy first?  I'm at a loss of words with that one.


    MMaahhhhhhhhhhhhh    J !!!   T !!!!   BAD!!!   <-- RowdyCanuck

    • Cheers 1
  2. 6 hours ago, Robert Long said:

    built too late for what? 

    Built too late to cash in.  Except, the government that should receive his ire had a lot of Albertan MPs in positions of power.  So we know that doesn't describe the Liberals, so that leaves you know who.  Pretty sure he won't admit to this.

    • Cheers 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, RowdyCanuck said:

    Yes your right the jobs leave but the job experience doesn't or does the trades locals get and iirc isn't there a demand for welders and pipe fitters in the coastal area?..... And how many people have you met that worked in b.c and ended up staying there? 

    And not to mention how it helps exspose a lot of b.c that doesn't get that much exsposer....

    but if the pipeline was built we would be able to make more by shipping more....it's bad business I know but hey it's Alberta and canada would have had more money to invest in green industries but instead JT killed the industry that is Canada's back bone at the moment.

    so yes JT killed the oil industry in Canada.  


    I didnt say government controlled the economy, but they can play a bigger role and attract new industries and stand up for Canadian products instead of not giving a hoot....

    your right though Canada doesn't have that power to sell their goods to other countries ......and say screw the USA .......they have to feed their people some how ha 

    Canada has more power then people realize and JT needs to start thinking that way and I'm surprised he hasn't with how good he is at whining and dinning people......

    like I said trump gave farmers and ranchers around 35 billion and JT gives the industry that feeds Canadians 250 million......trump stands up for USA products and JT rather order crap from China .......

    You've oversimplified and overstated the US payments to farmers.  Much of the initial payments come from long familiar programs like crop insurance.  However, a significant chink of the new money is to compensate farmers for low prices cause by...wait for it...TRUMP's moronic trade war with...again wait for it....CHINA.


    Another factor in the difference is that farming is dominated by a handful of corporations.  Think companies like Tyson.  These companies can have a lot of influence in the American political system and this extra funding didn't get debated in Congress.  The money farmers got was larger than the auto bailout due to the 2008 crash, and that was debated fiercely in Congress.


    So ya, Canadian farmers are getting less, but maybe US farmers are getting way more than they should.  If they didn't have the orange one in office, their number would be significantly less.



    NPR: Farmers Got Billions From Taxpayers In 2019, And Hardly Anyone Objected

  4. Privatize means potential savings actually are profits for the private company.  Poorer pay.  Poorer benefits.  $$$$$Profit.



    Alberta Health Services to lay off up to 11,000 staff, mostly through outsourcing

    Social Sharing


    Between 9,700 and 11,000 employees to be laid off in laboratory, linen, cleaning and in-patient food services

  5. So wearing masks should be a thing.  Who would have thought that.



    Comparing Associations of State Reopening Strategies with COVID-19 Burden

    On average, the number of excess cases per 100,000 residents in states reopening without masks is ten times the number in states reopening with masks after 8 weeks (643.1 cases; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 406.9, 879.2 and 62.9 cases; CI = 12.6, 113.1, respectively). Excess cases after 6 weeks could have been reduced by 90% from 576,371 to 63,062 and excess deaths reduced by 80% from 22,851 to 4858 had states implemented mask mandates prior to reopening. Over 50,000 excess deaths were prevented within 6 weeks in 13 states that implemented mask mandates prior to reopening.

    • Vintage 1
  6. Well, hand hygiene looks to be important with COVID-19 after all.





    Survival of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza virus on the human skin: Importance of hand hygiene in COVID-19 



    The stability of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) on human skin remains unknown, considering the hazards of viral exposure to humans. We generated a model that allows the safe reproduction of clinical studies on the application of pathogens to human skin and elucidated the stability of SARS-CoV-2 on the human skin.


    We evaluated the stability of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza A virus (IAV), mixed with culture medium or upper respiratory mucus, on human skin surfaces and the dermal disinfection effectiveness of 80% (w/w) ethanol against SARS-CoV-2 and IAV.


    SARS-CoV-2 and IAV were inactivated more rapidly on skin surfaces than on other surfaces (stainless steel/glass/plastic); the survival time was significantly longer for SARS-CoV-2 than for IAV [9.04 h (95% confidence interval: 7.96–10.2 h) vs. 1.82 h (1.65–2.00 h)]. IAV on other surfaces was inactivated faster in mucus versus medium conditions, while SARS-CoV-2 showed similar stability in the mucus and medium; the survival time was significantly longer for SARS-CoV-2 than for IAV [11.09 h (10.22–12.00 h) vs. 1.69 h (1.57–1.81 h)]. Moreover, both SARS-CoV-2 and IAV in the mucus/medium on human skin were completely inactivated within 15 s by ethanol treatment.


    The 9-h survival of SARS-CoV-2 on human skin may increase the risk of contact transmission in comparison with IAV, thus accelerating the pandemic. Proper hand hygiene is important to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 infections.


    • Thanks 2
  7. Just so we're clear.  One candidate, again, realeased their taxes.  The other has gone out of his way to keep them secret.  TRUMP could easily prove the TIMES article as fake by releasing just two pages of his tax returns.  He hasn't and he won't because what has been leaked is factually correct.




    Biden and Harris release tax returns to troll Trump ahead of first presidential debate


    Mr Biden and his wife, Dr Jill Biden, paid nearly $300,000 in federal taxes in 2019

    • Cheers 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, EP40. said:

    I hope you’re not being serious.


    It’s not a surprise that Trump doesn’t speak all presidential. But he’s able to speak properly and coherently.


    Same can’t be said for Biden. He slips and sloshes his words around every time he speaks. It’s his medical health - and cognitive which go hand in hand - that he’s mentioned so himself. Let’s not be oblivious here now 


    Herd mentality.

    Yup, he speaks properly and coherently.

    TRUMP doesn't have a speech impediment.  Biden does.  

  9. 2 hours ago, CBH1926 said:

    This is Putin’s back yard, just like Ukraine.

    There is not much that could be done with or without current political circus.

    It will be interesting to see if Erdogan clashes with Putin over this conflict.


    Well, you would think that Azerbaijan would not take to violent conflict, as they have been working for more closer ties to Europe.   They did host the 2019 Europa League Final in Baku between Arsenal and Chelsea.  They were also set to host 2020 Euro matches as well.


    sky sports link

    UEFA to keep Baku as Euro 2020 host city, says president Aleksander Ceferin


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