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Posts posted by thedestroyerofworlds

  1. 6 minutes ago, old guy said:

    It's not so hard and has already been explained. People in nursing homes were dying of the usual causes throughout. Earlier, covid did hasten the death of the more fragile and was also falsley given credit for a number of deaths. That's why when you stretch the numbers out over several months that early blip in deaths disappears in the longer perspective and all cause mortality is within the normal range. People will continue to die in nursing homes from the usual causes and when the next winter cold or flu comes along there will be an upward blip for 2-3 months in the death rate. It happens every year.

    Posterior pulling at its finest.  Nothing in what you posted explains why over 1000 Americans a day were dieing in the middle of summer.  You don't have concrete evidence that the extra deaths occurred because of something else.  Just speculation.   

    • Thanks 1
  2. "The Covid-19 death toll could be 50% less"


    According to some "doctor" in the source that the old guy posted.


    Thing is, you'd still have to explain, exactly how those extra deaths occurred.   Why, in the middle of summer over 1000 Americans were not dieing of Covid-19 a day, but something else killed them.  That it was 100% that something else that did the deed.  You'd need to explain what those something elses were.


    Good luck with that one.

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  3. They say, some say.  




    Yet the same messaging that the crowd who demonize Soros rarely, if ever, have anything to say about the crowd that Hippy listed.  The hundreds of millions of political spending organized by the Koch brothers gets crickets from this crowd.  But Soros is the devil.  With right-wing headlines like below, no wonder knuckleheads think Soros is the boogeyman. 


    George Soros, 89, is still on a quest to destroy America

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  4. 23 minutes ago, Quinn Skates said:

    Thanks for that recent BBC apologist article, but I've proven Soros to be the wolf in sheep's clothing for almost 2 decades now. 



    We must have missed your post with SOURCES that "prove SOROS to be the wolf in sheep's clothing for almost 2 decades now".  If it is that clear cut, then it should be real easy for you to provide some SOURCES.  3rd party YouTube videos are not going to cut it.  You rag on Hipp's article, yet at least he provided some sources that we can assess.  Let's see if you can do better.

  5. 2 hours ago, Boudrias said:

    Last I checked George Wallace was a Democrat.

    W A S 

    He did run 3rd party in 68 to force a brokered electoral college.  So he wasn't all that happy with civil rights.  He did stay Democrat and represents transition. 


    And this is Alabama we're talking about.  You know,  the place that almost voted Roy Moore as senator.  




  6. 6 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

    If nothing else Trump has shown how easy it is to manipulate public opinion. The left wing press has been exposed time and again. It is dangerous because Trump supporters now won’t even consider other opinions. 

    It has to do with current TRUMP supporters being members of a cult.  Any contrary opinions are treated as noise.  Cult members go out of their way to seek out opinions that reinforce their beliefs.  You can present factual information to a cult member, and they will do all sorts of mental gymnastics to deny that information.  See Flat Earthers, Anti-Vaxxers, 9/11 Truthers, Moon hoaxers, Young Earth Creationists, etc.

    • Cheers 1
  7. 32 minutes ago, Timbermen said:

    Trumps thread on CDC is 3800 pages long, Biden is only 101. Who's more popular???

    This election will redefine the term 'Landslide Victory'.

    The TRUMP thread started with the primaries and the general election of 2016.  There was also a lot of administration and government news, the Mueller investigation/report, and impeachment posted in it.  And add to that TRUMP is closing in at 30,000 false/misleading statements.  Throw in a few trolls posting their trash, and it's no wonder that thread has 3800 pages. 


    I don't think Biden will have half the scandal and lies the TRUMP has had.  So yes, his thred will be way way shorter.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Russ said:

    Same reason outside of Vancouver/Island you start getting more Liberal than NDP at the provincial level.  Generally the NDP (provincially) and Liberal/NDP (Federally) will focus their attention on Vancouver and basically ignore anything outside of Langley or further.  Which is understandable, thats where their large voting base is and you want to stick to them best as possible but their policies dont generally benefit rural folks.  Going to be REALLY interesting since Horgan promised to help the mill/forestry workers last election and we have had record number closed so lots of those votes are going to be not given this time around I feel. Going to be interesting both at the provincial and federal level. 

    PG has been solidly Reform/Con at the federal level.  Provincially, mostly BC Lib for some time, even though Lois Boone (BC NDP) was MLA for PG-Mount Robson from 1991-2001

  9. 58 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

    Trump took over Jan 2017. Take the total number of jobs created from then until Jan 2020 (3 years). That eliminates any job losses due to Covid-19.


    Now compare that to the last 3 years of the prior administration. No cherry picking, just the last 3 years so you get a seamless comparison.


    Obama admin 8.1 million jobs

    Trump admin 6.7 million jobs


    Also what growth surge? Trump never had a single year over 3% GDP growth. In the last quarter unaffected by the pandemic GDP on an annualized basis grew at just 2.1% and that was with a trillion dollar deficit.


    I'm afraid this oasis you're describing did not really exist, but in the stock market. Just like under the last administration you can thank the Federal reserve for that.

    You can add that TRUMP'S highest quarter for GDP growth was beaten multiple quarters during Obama's administration.   TRUMP bragged that there would be 5 and 6 percent growth.   He hasn't had a quarter with GDP increases above 4%.  But Obama did. 

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  10. 3 minutes ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

    I'm amused that you are on a Canucks HOCKEY board.  I mean in your last 1500 posts, no one single post in the Canucks hockey discussion section.  Is your life that pathetic that you need to come onto a hockey forum to be able to rant about orange man bad?  No friends to be able to to talk to?  Need to come online to let random strangers fill that hole?  Just sad really.  


    Anger is an addiction, don't let the media fill that outrage to that point that it consumes your life.  Take a break from politics, it accomplished nothing other than adding gas to the fire, make some friends and invest in yourself. focus on finding joy.  Your life will be that much better off......


    Par for the course.  Got no leg to stand on, so personal attack.  What I choose to post on is MY CHOICE.  Your uninformed opinion on me is is an unpolished turd.  It's something a number of banned users did.  Sad.  Really sad.

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  11. I find it amusing that the snake oil that is conversion therapy is even being defended, but here we are.

    Whether they choose to or not, conversion therapy is garbage and shouldn't be promoted by anyone, let alone significant members of a political party.  




    The Growing Regulation of Conversion Therapy

    Reviews of the peer-reviewed literature from multiple professional organizations, including the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists, have found no evidence that conversion therapy treatments result in changes in sexual orientation.23,24,25 There is evidence, however, suggesting these treatments are harmful.26,27,28,29


    Major mental health organizations have rejected conversion therapy as a treatment modality given that there is no rigorous scientific evidence to support the claim that sexual orientation can be changed and there is evidence that these treatments can cause harm to patients.





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