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Posts posted by thedestroyerofworlds

  1. 6 hours ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:



    Unless Alberta has a money tree they are hiding. Cuts are necessary.  You can’t constantly operating in a deficit. You should understand that as well. While I’m sure it’s nice to give friends discounts on photography shoots. Discounts don’t put food on the table.

    Obviously people affected are going to voice their displeasure but the real world doesn’t let up just because someone publicly states an emotional response. 

    Alberta is now at the point where the actual cost of all those tax cuts that were supposed to pay for themselves with all the promised economic activity trickle down economics fan boys bantered on and on about.  Meanwhile, the people who said trickle down economics doesn't work predicted this.


    How trickle down economics actually works:


    1)  Cons promise tax cuts and do them.


    2)  Revenues get destroyed and deficits balloon.


    3)  Cons use deficits to justify slashing  programs, propose privatization to get the books under control. 


    4)  Profit, at least for all the big money donors that is.


    Alberta is at 3.



    • Vintage 2


    Canada inks deals with Pfizer, Moderna for coronavirus vaccine candidates

    The Canadian government has signed new deals with pharmaceutical firms Pfizer and Moderna to secure millions of doses in 2021 of the coronavirus vaccine candidates each company is currently developing.

    Procurement Minister Anita Anand made the announcement on Wednesday morning after Pfizer had tweeted news of the deal shortly before markets opened earlier that day.

    “We are increasingly focused on the next stage of our recovery, including preparing Canada for mass vaccinations,” said Anand in a press conference, stressing the need to diversify supply chains.

    “Today we are taking an important step forward.”

    Pfizer is currently working on four experimental coronavirus vaccines and Moderna is also working on what’s been described as among the leading candidates for a vaccine.

    Pfizer also last month inked a deal with the U.S. government to supply the first 100 million doses of the vaccine it is developing in December.

    Anand said the agreements will be for “millions of doses” but didn’t specify an exact amount, adding that the goal is to make sure “Canadians are at the front of the line when a vaccine becomes available.”

    Any vaccine would still need to be approved by Health Canada before being rolled out.

    “The contracts reflect the requirement for Health Canada approval, and in particular, once that has occurred, we are expecting deliveries, if all goes well, in 2021,” Anand said.

    She was pressed several times on why she would not give the amount of vaccine being ordered.

    Anand said the government is taking an approach that includes both firm orders and also options on purchasing more from suppliers, but said she will wait to share details on doses ordered while negotiations with other suppliers are ongoing.

    “We are very, very intensely negotiating multiple agreements with multiple suppliers,” she said.

    “The information on doses will come.”

    News of the vaccine supply deals comes after Canada’s top doctors on Tuesday cautioned that the restrictions in place to prevent the spread of the virus could need to remain for two or three years, even if a vaccine is found, because it will not be what Dr. Theresa Tam called a “silver bullet.”

    “We’re going to have to manage this pandemic certainly over the next year, but certainly it may be planning for the longer term on the next two to three years during which the vaccine may play a role,” Tam told reporters.

    Howard Njoo, deputy chief public health officer, offered similar words of caution.

    “People might think that if we get a vaccine then everything goes back to normal the way it was before. That’s not the case,” he said.

    “All of the measures we’ve put in place now will still have to continue with the new reality for quite some time.”

    Anand said what the top doctors explained was true.

    “There is not one solution to carry Canadians and the Canadian economy out of the pandemic. Multiple efforts on multiple fronts must be made and followed, and so in terms of the vaccination, that would likely not be mandatory as Dr. Tam has mentioned,” Anand said.

    “It is an added protection that will hopefully be available to Canadians who are taking monumental efforts now to wear PPE (personal protective equipment), to stay at home, to social distance.”

    Innovation and Economic Development Minister Navdeep Bains added at the press conference that the government will also be injecting more funding into both vaccine research as well as research into treatments in the form of a new task force.

    “Until we can immunize all Canadians, we must also focus on treatments for those who contract the virus,” said Bains, adding no decision has been made on whether any vaccine would be mandatory.

    Bains was asked whether the government is working on a plan for who will get the vaccine first if one does become available.

    He said those decisions will be made in consultation with provincial and public health leaders.

    “It’s still early stages. Much of the work is in clinical stages so it’s important we manage expectations,” he said. “This vaccine will not be developed overnight.”

    Anand said it’s likely vulnerable populations would be at the top of that list.

    • Vintage 2


    Made-in-Canada vaccine passes animal testing hurdle, seeks government funding


    TORONTO -- A Canadian drugmaker says it has produced “compelling” early results from animal testing of a COVID-19 vaccine candidate, but the government hasn’t responded to its application for funding that would allow it to advance to human clinical trials.

    Calgary-based Providence Therapeutics, which designs cancer drugs using a technique called mRNA, announced Wednesday that the “preclinical” data from testing in mice showed more promising results than other notable COVID-19 research conducted with mRNA vaccines.


    “I would gladly test our vaccine head-to-head against any out there,” said Chief Scientific Officer Eric Marcusson in a press release. “It is always difficult to compare preclinical results, however, I believe our results compare extremely favorably to preclinical results reported by other companies.”

    Researchers at the University of Toronto conducted tests on mice and found that the vaccine candidate PTX-COVID19-B produced “robust” neutralizing antibodies, which are needed to defend cells from invading pathogens such as the novel coronavirus.

    “The results coming from our first animal experiment showed that the vaccines are resulting in a strong immune response,” said Dr. Mario Ostrowski, an immunology professor at the University of Toronto, in a press release. “In particular, the vaccine against the S protein produced neutralizing antibodies at higher titers than the results announced by other mRNA vaccine manufacturers.”

    Brad Sorenson, president and CEO of Providence Therapeutics, told CTV News that these results show their vaccine has shown to be “equivalent or better” than those from much larger firms in the vaccine race. 

    “We expected that it would work, but the results were even greater than we expected, so we were very pleased about that,” he said. “We're very anxious to repeat this in real-life patients.”

    Another notable mRNA vaccine is by U.S. biotechnology company Moderna, which has received hundreds of millions in funding from the U.S. government and entered final-stage testing last month when the first of some 30,000 Americans received the shot.

    But Providence, which says it’s one of Canada’s leading mRNA vaccine producers, hasn’t heard from the government since late May and has yet to receive funding for the next stages of its testing after it submitted a $35-million proposal in April. That same month, the federal government committed more than $600 million to vaccine manufacturing and research in Canada, including clinical trials. Among projects already funded as part of that pledge is a partnership between China’s CanSino Biologics and Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia.

    Sorenson said his company is expecting to be able to produce 5 million vaccines by next summer, but without help from the federal government, they are hamstrung.

    “The challenge that we're facing is, we're not a large pharma company,” he said. “We have really good technology, fantastic scientists … but for us to go into human trials, we either need to raise more money -- which we can do if we've got a government that is indicated that they're interested in what we're producing -- or we need a government to sponsor those clinical trials.”

    Sorenson added that if the Canadian government does not help fund their human trials, they might have to find another government that will.

    “We're at a point in a company that if the Canadian government doesn't want to do it, we're going to start looking elsewhere, and that's just the reality,” he said. “We've got a world-class vaccine and if it's not going to be for Canadians, it's going to be for somebody else.”

    Sorenson said he has already had “preliminary discussions” with other governments about their vaccine, primarily from individual provinces.

    Meanwhile, health professionals and politicians alike are urging the government to speed its funding process for homegrown vaccines so that Canadians won’t have to wait in line for another country’s COVID-19 shot. Among those adding their voice was Alberta Sen. Doug Black, who said pressure should be kept on the government to act.

    “I see the commitment that's being made by the European and American governments to this identical technology and I'm saying, 'Hmm, why in the name of goodness aren't we pursuing this aggressively in Canada?’” he told The Canadian Press earlier this week. “No stone should be left unturned in pursuit of a made-in-Canada COVID solution.”

    Industry Canada, which is charge of administering the $600 million to vaccine manufacturing and research in Canada, has not responded to a CTV News request for comment.

    • Vintage 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

    "Reports say that the first explosion was caused by fire in vessel loaded with fireworks. Second explosion was caused by nearby vessel loaded with nitrate."




    The above is just speculation at this point.

    If you watch the video, that speculation seems to be highly plausible.  You can see what looks like fireworks going off and fires before the large major explosion.

    • Cheers 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

    Why is wearing a mask such a big deal for some people is the better question ?

    Because they are mostly from 3 groups.  Knuckle dragging morons who pray at the TRUMP alter, anti-vaxxers, and pseudo-science homeopathic health nuts.  

  6. I figured this fit more in this thread as it pertains to the campaign.  It's getting close to the point where actual voting begins.  Biden and co. have been working and releasing platform positions and will announce the VP candidate, while TRUMP's campaign has been flailing around trying to release a message that resonates.  In some cases, they've stopped airing ads while they retool their messaging.  




    Trump campaign nears point of no return

    Early voting begins in several key swing states next month, leaving a ‘dwindling window of time’ for the president to turn the race around.

  7. Documents released today, but others were not, pending appeal.




    Ghislaine Maxwell documents are released, including Jeffrey Epstein emails



    Judge delays the unsealing of a deposition from Jeffrey Epstein's alleged former accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell

  8. Here's another angle.   How many people will get a flu shot this year who normally don't?  Especially for those who can't afford to be off sick because their flu symptoms may trigger COVID quarantine protocols. 


    I know some years that the flu shot isn't as effective because they incorrectly assumed the wrong strains, but it still provides some protection. 

    • Cheers 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Canorth said:

    Not sure if @thedestroyerofworlds did a typo... or, if you have a solid point.... it would certainly fit their narrative to start inventing titles of specialist to whom they refer to 

    Plandemic is the Tinfoil hat conspiracy and the title of a "documentary" that claims the virus was man-made and somehow the Chinese are behind the Pandemic either on purpose or by an accidentally releasing the virus from the Wuhan lab.  The lady being interviewed is prominent in the plandemic "documentary" and other Epoch Times videos. 


    So not a typo.

  10. 17 minutes ago, Jaimito said:

    Didn't know Seattle won the cup in 1917, before the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. 


    How fitting they are announced to start after the 2020 pandemic. 


    Also first US team to win the cup. 




    They also played the Montreal Canadiens in the 1919 Cup final.  That Final was cancelled after game 5 with the series at 2-2-1.  The 6th and deciding game was cancelled with players on both teams getting ill and most of the Canadiens player and their manager getting sick (only 3 were healthy).  One Canadiens player died 4 days later while another never fully recovered and died a few years later.


    Fun fact, Seattle wasn't the first American team to play for the cup.  That honour goes to the Portland Rosebuds who lost to the Montreal Canadiens.

  11. 13 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

    If Horgan says BC schools are important for kids to be open for mental health and education..


    Why does BC not properly fund education in our province.  Is BC an anti education province in reality but pretends otherwise....


    Maybe if BC schools were funded properly.... our schools could afford adequate cleaning,  sanitizer,  plastic barriers to protect staff ......

    Nothing like sending kids pack to underfunded schools during a PANDEMIC -  what could go wrong.... ?



    I think the graph answers your question.  The 08 recession and the BC LIEberals.  Liberal in name only.

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