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Posts posted by thedestroyerofworlds

  1. 1 hour ago, UnkNuk said:

    One thing:   I would hope that the potential wrong-doing of Trump's family doesn't cancel out the potential wrong-doing of Biden's family, or vice versa, in anyone's mind.


    American voters should be looking at both for potential cases of influence peddling.  

    Yes.  If Biden is guilty of wrong doing, then justice needs to be served.   Many never TRUMPers agree with that sentiment.   However, we are just pointing out that the same microscope uncovering "dirt" on Biden be pointed in TRUMP'S direction as well.  And as we have demonstrated, it's not hard to find "dirt" there as well. Some of it even more scummy that the "crimes" that Biden is accused of.  Hell, even the accusations that Shillary is alleged to have committed were or are currently being done by TRUMP and co.   People in glass houses for sure.

  2. 1 hour ago, Warhippy said:



    Just kids though.  Biden, Clinton, Emails...ANTIFA



    Yup, nothing to see here.  Even when you see stories like this.  I know it is more than 1 year old, but it illustrates the point Hip made.



    Company part-owned by Jared Kushner got $90m from unknown offshore investors since 2017

    Overseas investment flowed to Cadre while Trump’s son-in-law works as US envoy, raising conflict of interest questions

  3. 1 minute ago, 24K PureCool said:

    Agreed, high speed rail is a mature technology and cheap compared to hyperloops that still have a lot of engineering challenges and is still dubious on the physics there. Not to mention the cost of maintenance and and operation trying to maintain a constant vaccum.

    All these reasons you give are why it is not practical.  Like at all.  Just think about what happens if there is an emergency on the line.  A train can stop, and the passengers can get off the train.  How is that even possible in the hyper-loop?  After the train stops, you'd have to eliminate the vacuum.  Then, there would have to be some way for the passengers to get out of the "train".  Then, there would have to be some portal for them to get out of the tube.  

  4. 33 minutes ago, BoKnows said:

    instead of wexit lets annex New England.  Build a hyper loop from Boston - Montreal - Toronto. The west coast can get one too Vancouver - Calgary - Edmonton.

    Let the morons back east and Alberta waste their money on hyper-loop.  Mag-lev has had full-sized test loops for years.  Hyper-loop has all hype, no substance.  Instead of wasting money on hyper-loop, go with high-speed rail.  


  5. Just so we can be prepared for another round of people saying there is a new study that found the virus to be man-made, Bannon is behind it.  The "study" was published by groups that are not known for publishing scientific or medical research.  In fact, it's a good bet that claims of the virus being man-made could be traced back to Bannon and co.




    Steve Bannon Is Behind Bogus Study That China Created COVID

    • Thanks 1
  6. First time that Scientific American endorsed a candidate.  All because of how terrible the incumbent has been with regards to science.  Blaming the fires in Cali over them not raking the forest.  





    Scientific American Boosts Biden In First Ever Prez Endorsement As Trump Tramples On Scientific Facts

  7. If I had a dollar for every time the socialism/communism boogeyman is used to argue against some policy/position, I'd be rich.   Probably richer than Bezos and Gates combined. Well maybe my hyperbole is a little bit extreme, but I'd have a lot of extra cash.

    • Vintage 2
  8. 46 minutes ago, RRypien37 said:

    Based on your display picture you appear to be an older man. I would expect someone of your age, who I am sure has gone through much greater hardships (wars) to realize how incredibly over-hyped and sensationalized this whole thing is.  

    I imagine this opinion of yours would be a lot different if the orange turd didn't downplay this crisis publicly and say it was no big deal when he knew in FEBRUARY something quite different.  I wonder how many anti-maskers we would have if MAGA masks were promoted back in April, May, June, July, or now?

    • Vintage 3
  9. 4 hours ago, Warhippy said:


    Trickle down economics gurus:


    Tax cuts will create so much economic activity that money will flow into government coffers.


    Tax cuts will save jobs.   Without them, the jobs will go elsewhere. 


    Yet another example of trickle down economics gurus being wrong again. 

  10. 1 minute ago, old guy said:

    There has been all sorts of speculation by different people attributing all sorts of motives. One of them may be correct and a couple are plausible but I wouldn't vouch for any.

    I do know that WHO is corrupt and beholden to financial interests. They receive funding from pharmaceutical companies and from the

    Gates foundation which has a major interest in vaccine development.

    The CDC is also corrupt and beholden to financial interests and holds patents on several potential vaccines.

    Dr Fauci who was the main force arguing for the lockdown in the US and restrictive mandates that was then implemented and subsequently followed by other countries also has a shady past dating back to the AIDS epidemic during which he became a millionaire and he also happens to hold an interest in a potential covid vaccine.

    The big pharmaceutical companies have obvious interests, not just with potential vaccine sales but also expensive medicine sales.


    Whether -or -not there is a bigger force behind it all I can't say but the interest above were certainly smacking their lips when the whole thing first surfaced and were instrumental in inflaming the issue and feeding the media. Once the population was panicked and government  acquiesced in policy decisions the narrative ballooned and it became an integrated imperative of them all to keep it going. Financial interests for some, Media enslaved to their paymasters, and governments not going to admit policy mistakes or actually believing it all. But they are all now aligned through their motivations and history.

    People who have a nose for propaganda smell the stench of this one from miles away.

    So, in other words.  Tinfoil hat conspiracy YouTube videos is the extent of your research 



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  11. 43 minutes ago, old guy said:

    I fail to see your point. Americans are always dying by the thousands in every month of the year.

    And those 1000 plus American deaths per day are on top of those normal deaths.  You are trying to minimize the impact of Covid-19 without any explanation for those extra deaths.   


    If a person is dieing of cancer gets shot in the head, that person died of a gunshot, not the cancer.  You're trying to argue that the person died of the cancer.  This is all an attempt to minimize the virus because your Tinfoil hat priests took that line.  Yet, you still haven't explained what those 1000 plus a day in the middle of summer died of.  If it isn't Covid-19, what is it?  Sources please.

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