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Status Updates posted by Kran

  1. ......time to kick some penguin donkey

  2. Damn right, serves those smug bastards

  3. It kinda gives you the hope that wasn't there before eh? Hehe, not that I'm too particularly happy about the Canucks losing, but whatever suck it Calgary :P

  4. lololololololololol

  5. They better not ruse tomorrow

  6. That's funny, you're funny

  7. Why yes, yes I am

  8. I fink the Murrrrrre is going to get a hat trick

    Paver going to embarrass the Frames with stick handre

  9. Kran

    Yep, I was hoping Tyler would make Team Canada but yeah :P

  10. Kran

    Nice sig =D

  11. Haha thanks

    Your profile views ain't so bad neither :D

  12. I don't even know how the profile views system works. I remember having like these 5 posters visit. Then nobody visits for like 5 days, but the counter went up by like three hundred.

  13. *sigh*

    There's been like four or five people jumping onto my page and say stuff like "Whoa it's Peter Chao!!" I think it's the reason why my profile views is so high

  14. Hell yeah, what a sweet move by the MUUUUUULE

  15. Avs are going down

  16. Sorry to intrude your profile page kind sir, but I've got a question. How do you get the youtube video to play by itself like that?

  17. So how is it over there in Sweden right now?

  18. Oh that? It's just my patriotic side of me talking, it'll go away when March comes around :P

    Don't worry, it's not just the US, I'll be changing it to other nations as Canada steam rolls one team after another B)

  19. Ashleigh, riiiiight

  20. It was Ashley right? Or some other way to spell it I think

  21. Herro prz, wirr you be changing your name from Paver Datsyuk to Ferris Buerrer soon?

  22. Don't worry I know you are. The guy's so multi-talented it's not even funny. I wish he got some more exposure to North America though, we're lacking a true music star like him over here

  23. Don't be dissing Leehom, dawg

  24. It's not too late to storm back and take like, 6th or 7th place

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