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Status Updates posted by Kran

  1. No news on Kronwall yet so I think he's fine now. It just looked really bad when he collided with Staal.

    Hmm......Tanking? Red Wings? DOES NOT COMPUTE! Well then again, Nino Neidereitter does look pretty sweet in a Wings jersey ;)

  2. Wow......Kron is hurt again

  3. Herro prz, I am NOT PETER F*CKING CHAO

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kurtis


      Hey I dont want to sound gay or anything, but id kinda like to haev sex with you.lols

    3. kurtis


      One of my all time favorite movies!

    4. LeanBeef


      what happen

  4. *sigh*

    Why won't you come back Frasse? Why is your knee always so wonky? Don't give up hope Ash, sh*t happens, you never know



  6. Oh well there's your problem, its Chris Osba......good, he can't get anything done in the regular season. The Wings should just ride Jimmy like Vancouver with Luongo.

    Just realized Pavel needs one more to give Detroit some free curly fries


  7. Why what's happening!?!?! I just got home from the laundromat

    It's 3-2 Wild right now right

  8. It's like they do everything in sync. Whether it be riding the bikes, doing the puck relay, or even drinking and putting on their gloves like in your sig!

  9. Your...your sig.....it's.....MIND BOGGLING

  10. If you see a Chinese guy with an Ohlund jersey, or a blue Canucks hat with the LB pin on it

    Come say hi, haha

  11. Hey Pavel, congrats on making TSN's top ten most innovative shootout moves list, THREE TIMES!!!!!!!!!

  12. It just wasn't Marty's night


  13. So I just got back from school to see we're getting our asses handed to us

    *Insert annoyed emoticon, here*

  14. You should be friends with that Devil Jin fan around here

  15. Keep up the good work, this place needs a person like you to keep the brains moving

  16. Yeah you're off the ignored list now

    Cheers guy, Happy New Year

  17. I was trying to figure out how to remove you from my ignore list

    I had you ignored for awhile but now I can't remember why......hope your feelings aren't hurt


  18. Oh Herro prz, how are you feering today

  19. No, in fact, I tend to answer the phone with Herro


  20. Yeah, at first I really enjoyed his movies, his charisma is unparalleled. But as I keep researching on him, I've grown to even like him as a person. Many of his co-stars have never complained about working with him, and they've even wished to work with him in every movie

  21. Yeah I guess I shouldn't have celebrated so early, oh well

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