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Everything posted by Sapper

  1. He is fully vaxxed so his comments are about asymptomatic isolation requirements when in a fully vaxxed inviroment nothing to do with your narritve and in my view is slanderous to the team to imply this issue is related to your issue
  2. And New York has winter weather with Florida in summer.weather. Stats are clear and even here every summer our numbers go way down. If we.had Arizona Temps year round we would have lower numbers as well
  3. It would end public health completely There are only so many specialized staff to fill.the hospitals and the public hospitals simply couldn't compete with the private aide. The private side can pay more.as they simply pass.that cost on to the patient I'd hate to see canada become.like the USA where a credit card is what directs your level of care and people go bankrupt.getting care There is many frustrating issues with our healthcare system and a generation of starving it if funding has really made it crumble One of the first priorities must be in the training and recruitment of new staff. Healthcare workers the world over are burnt out and fed up with the low pay for the work and rhe workload. Private or public won't matter if we don't have.any staff to work
  4. Hospital capacity and icu beds are.still keeping many restrictions and mandates in place for the short term One thing I believe we can all.agree on is that once this is over we.need to make a big long term investment in our Healthcare. Health transfers and the feds.share has been decimated the last few decades and that needs to change Pronto That and Mulurney shouldn't have sold off our own ability to create and produce our own vaccines The notion that we can depend on other countries for critical items has caused alot of problems as we find out it didn't work that way
  5. I'd suggest they keep mask and vax passport and begin easing the rest off I'd support lifting the vax passport shortly BUT it's the one thing that once lifted they would have zero chance of reintroducing if needed Masking could be lifted once hospitalizations fall below 100 and icu below 10 ..... and a .month later If it holds then lift the last.itme - vax passport
  6. Thanks for the message on how ...... magicwords my new superpower!!!!!
  7. I agree on the butt wipe Yesterday was the international holocaust day of remembrance. At all levels of the Jewish community and the Canadian truck association has asked those making the comparisons to nazis and fascism to stop as they have nothing in common If the alt right can't respect that then there is no value in debating or even listening to them
  8. Seriously .... how do I change my board name to magicman ? Lol
  9. Magic man with magic words? Can I change my forum name to that ? I like it No point debating the Troll.
  10. Not even in a delusional fantasy world They tried this stolen valour at the centaph on remembrance day when a medal wearing vet told them its not the time or place and they shouted him down about this is for him I support everyone's right to protest bu this is.no longer about vaccine issues .... this protest is very open about wanting to remove goverment. It's not about freedoms.and never was
  11. So you want compliance with your view or silence Got it ....... and won't comply with that nonsense You need to learn that it's OK to disagree with someone's politics without disliking or hating them This radicalized view that a.person must100% support someone and everything they say otherwise it's hate ....is right out of the alt right play book
  12. Hadn't seen this but if articulates well my point about radicl8zation of the alt right. They really believe that anyone Against any of thier opinions is an enemy of the state and a threat They want to use fear and attacks to silence others For most of us we can disagree with someone's views without attacking them in such hatred filled ways
  13. So you speak for all canucks fans ? I only commented about theos political based interview .... not him as a person This alt right mantra of forced compliance with their views ( Fer it all or gainst it all ) is the toxic culture that has lead to radicalized views from.the right that are causing the divisions
  14. the radiclized alt right has that as their top demand - to arrest and remove anyone not supporting thier postion and not from their party of choice. Its the radiclized conservatives who want to over throw the last election by suspending democratic rights sorry but i cant support the radiclized alt rights demand to suspend democracy and imposte minority rule and order on us
  15. just watched Theoren Fleury's news clip on fox. I didnt know he was alt right..... sad He has said the demand is that Trudeua step down or lift everything. Consrevatives have been radiclized and want their own Jan 6th attempt.
  16. And my apologies we can't forget freedom fighters on home soil https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/how-to-apply?wbdisable=true
  17. For all you freedom fighters out there Here is your chance to grow up and take the.ptetend cape off and actually become a freedom fighter https://forces.ca/en/?utm_campaign=dnd-mdn-awareness-21-22&utm_medium=sem&utm_source=ggl&utm_content=ad-text-en&utm_term=canadian armed forces&adv=2122-175100&id_campaign=15298366202&id_source=135499402968&id_content=562423964539&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1oba3LTS9QIVNh6tBh2zDQtQEAAYASAAEgKLo_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds A tip from someone who actually served ...... 0 trades are great for carrier soldiers and rank advancement. Not so great for short timers as.combat trades have limited civilian equivalents until senior ranked.training Ps if you really want to lead..the way sappers.are always first
  18. For me that's why we have the court which is the cornerstone of democracy I have no issue with people taking challenges to the courts. But that comes with a price File frivolous suits you get to pay the court costs Lose your case and you must accept it. Don't like the law then vote for someone who will change the law What we are seeing now is closer to domestic terrorism. People who have decided that simply because they don't like a law.it must be removed and the party in power removed That is the actual meaning of trynny which we the vast majority are now living thanks to the anti crowd who have decided the politicians elected by the majority of voters must be removed to save us all .... because they said so
  19. saying the mahority of canada suypports this is absolutly false and on par with QNON type crazy. People absoltuly support truckers but even their own associations have denouced this rally. My post was of satire - read the last paragraph and stop being so fragile. Surly we can all agree that there is enough Horse crap in Ottawa already !!!!
  20. https://dailybonnet.com/mennonite-truckers-are-on-their-way-to-ottawa/ More truckers join freedom rally ... let them truckers roll !!!!
  21. I don't think they can do any settlement agreements as they have binding cap language that impacts other teams Also they don't have to dig jnto allegations of a toxic work environment etc. Any team can cut and discharge any player they want. The ruling will be if the sharks can cancel outright ( just cause) yes or no There is no middle ground If yes kanes done If no then the contract provisions for payout and cap hit is applied
  22. I'd suspect that the ruling if he wins wouldn't change that they terminated his contract .... rather it would force them to pay out the contract and take.the cap.hit (.sharks.that is ) No arbitrator can force a team to take.back a player ..... just they can decide how the contract ends
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