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SilentSam last won the day on June 19 2023

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    Hockey, Gun Fighting, and Blowing things up in the name of art & entertainment.

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  1. Really pulling for this young man, injury was a setback.. was hoping to see him in camp this season , who knows maybe Abby by end his Liga season.
  2. I do believe I said : and quite possibly “as exciting “ to watch as Bure was . I was at Bures debut game, watched his entire career , yes an exceptional talent skillfully and physically.. no doubt in agreement with the TYPE of player was . But the excitement a player brings to the game is one bestowed to and on the fan, I do believe Kuzmenko, has all the tools to bring the same level of excitement for fans, the one that gets you asking WTF or How TF did that just happen. Bure would have you sliding to the edge of your seat almost every shift, I hope Kuz can create that same excitement.
  3. Dudes ripped and ready.
  4. SilentSam


    It’s Miller for 3 to 4 years . C
  5. Truly hope his ( Mihkey ) training has gone well, understanding it was a mild tear that did not totally break is better for the repair process. it usually means less intrusion on the ligament and surrounding muscles that support the proper function. I think the emotion we saw from him , was truly from his disappointment from making the choice to stop and get it repaired. I’ve had a similar repair ,. The biggest obstacle to overcome is the mental aspect of knowing you’ve had a repair , and sometimes guarding yourself , or being apprehensive about how strong it is . I beleive his passion for the game , and wanting to prove himself here will bring out the best out come,. same passion that Kuz has.
  6. He now has cheek bones ! young lad is going to be in beast mode this season!
  7. And quite possibly, as exciting to watch as Bure was.
  8. I agree Alf,. But consider this was his first season ,. And that great performance and percentage out put.. Hes tripling his abilities now.. wonder if new Dad Poz (Milstein client) is able to get there,. perhaps next season ,. Kuz is going to become a genuine leader through this.
  9. Lol! but Damn this training Milstein got Kuz into is Fabulous on so many levels ! Best Trainers and Training in Paradise,. If ever Training can become heavenly?? Wow!! Milstein is in sync with how to motivate this generation of hockey players . Hands down. Kuz is going to need a Cape! He’s going to shatter his 1st season level. Perhaps others follow him there next season, and start a trend for hockey training and holiday combine for the team.
  10. I think the words being used here are “hope” and “hopeful” ,. I’ll subscribe to hoping he signs something similar. Let the pucks drop.
  11. Turn these wanna be Sport Jocks OFF , They offer no insight into the team through trusted , gained relationships that are affiliated with the Canucks Organization. Granted the Canucks don’t trust them because they exploit and twist everything that is announced with some kind of conspiracy or DIYourself Physiological anal-lisis Better discussions happen here with true fans.
  12. We’ve heard from Alvine that Pearson should be at camp,. But have we heard anything about Mihkey ?
  13. Looked fantastic getting good ice time in Abby,. Huge growth last season for it. He will definitely be pushing someone off , he was already strong physically, but has definitely improved on his tenacity, and fearlessness. Nils will shine this year.
  14. Have to appreciate Fabers dedication to Abby and all the prospects. I find his opinions to be fair and detailed…
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