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The Brahma Bull

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The Brahma Bull last won the day on May 8 2013

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    Smackdown Hotel
  • Interests
    Layin' the Smackdown

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Canucks First-Line

Canucks First-Line (10/14)



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  1. Hates Kronwall with a vengeance. What a piece of trash.

    1. RunningWild


      Can u believe that he's still playing in the game? That's also garbage.

    2. The Brahma Bull

      The Brahma Bull

      Of course I can believe it. The Red Wings Kronwall can never do wrong. If we play them in the playoffs, I hope Kesler lays a beatdown on him before he tries the same move on one of our players because you know he will.

    3. Froggy Fresh

      Froggy Fresh

      You'd think players would know by now to keep their head up when The Kronwall is on the ice.

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