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Status Updates posted by Wild#9

  1. Hm maybe I should become one of those. Do they get banning powers? Say the Wild suck and you're gone till the year 3000 lol

    Well you guys are entertaining, that's for sure.

    In other news, the Vikes won! I can't decide if I should like them or not, but they'll probably lose next week so I won't have to.

  2. Well if I had to choose, it'd probably be the Nucks, just because you were our first so a lot of people wanna hang onto that. Plus, your players are still annoying as ever. But the fact that you beat us most of the time makes it one-sided. So really we don't have any true rivals.

  3. Yeah, and there's more "Community Leaders" than I remember. Like on Lager Hog and dubluvscanucks it has Community Leader instead of Member under their name. What's up with that?

    Haha it always brightens up my day. Like after the Wild lose, I can always be like "at least our fans aren't this stupid" :P

  4. Yeah, I don't even pay enough attention to that haha.

    Nah, I find it entertaining either way, actually it's more fun when they lose :P

  5. Yeah, the mods here are way nicer. But I once went on the Lames board and I was arguing with this guy and I didn't get banned. Well, the Wild don't really have any rivals either, so I can go running around other team's boards and get away with more.

  6. Haha "Go Canucks" and you get banned? I remember one of the first things I said on CDC was "GO SHARKS!" in a Nucks vs Sharks GDT thread, and I'm sitll here lol

    The Wild's boards got ruined by the change, I don't know about the Avs though. Probably them too.

  7. Really? See, I didn't even know that. Probably cause I've never been in that forum. Canucks Talk is so much cooler

  8. Thanks, I guess we made up for it by sucking tonight but that's the way it goes. The Nucks aren't the problem right now, it's the Wings and Kings (hm and that rhymes)

  9. Only. Haha

    I must admit I don't know him that well, we were actually friends for a while but I haven't talked to him in a while.

    Yeah, I do it just cause it annoys them lol

  10. Yeah, but most other guys will stick up for me so it's not really a problem. I have an account on all of the NW teams' sites, but I rarely use the others, if at all. Wow I should be a mod here, don't cha think? Haha that would be interesting

  11. Haha yeah, 2000 and 2010 are kinda different years :P

    No, Al- is nice to me. He was on my side in this Koivu/Ohlund bickering session, so I added him haha

    Hmm who are the dumb ones? I thought I had more. Finaddict was one of those "add the guy who hates you to piss him off" people, but then he said I wasn't that bad. And now, half the time I can't tell if he hates me or not :/

  12. Haha works every time!

    Hm I thought it was 40 something but I'm not going to argue with a Nucks fan about the Nucks

    Yeah, I could point out the dumb ones. Cehnehdeh can be annoying, as well as Canucks fo life but they're both from the Wild site, so I kinda know them. MikkoKoivuIsGod...haha do I have to explain that one?

  13. If it was a normal loss, I would. But to the Wild? I couldn't resist making a few "my team won" comments, and sticking up for Luongo because no one else does.

    I'm like that too, I want to know what the opponents are thinking, and talking to them is just part of the entertainment.

    Exactly! Haha neither am I, but I still like to talk to their fans.

  14. Yeah, tough loss for you but you've beat us so many times, it was our turn. Plus, it sure shut those "MINNY SUCKS" guys up.

  15. There are more than a few idiots here, for sure, but I've pretty much got followers to help me with them haha. And I do like the up-to-date stuff, and seeing another team's point of view.

  16. Oh it's not because I like the Canucks, that's for sure. I just get bored with Wild fans sometimes, all my friends are Wild fans so I get my fill with them. Then when I get onto the computer, I'm ready for a change and I figured CDC was the perfect place for opposing fans.

  17. You have no idea how tempting it is to tell you how awesome that game was. But atleast let me say THANK YOU to Bolduc (is that right?) for such great entertainment.

  18. Haha you diss Owennolan and he scores on you. You know, I yell at the TV that Koivu sucks to make him score. It works, honest! :P

    Well, not exactly...but we've only been in the league since 2000, and how long have you been around? 945871984375 years??

    Meh, you're probably one, but there are more. Look on my friends list, but there are some enemies in there too haha

  19. Well let's see...the fanbase, the arena, the GM, the coach, Koivu, Clutterbuck, Lats...and a lot of other things

    I like Luongo after he lets in a goal, does that count? If you're trying to convert me, it's not going to work.

  20. I know, I know. But I'm safe cause the Nucks will never win the Cup haha

    I know, I don't really expect intelligence out of you Nuck fans, that way I'm impressed when one of shows some :P

  21. Haha maybe not, but we only signed him last summer and he's never actually played on the Wild so I have a good excuse.

    Nah, you only think you've seen better, but you haven't seen Owennolan enough. Well and you're biased :P

    So it's not just me, CDC is hard to figure out! Haha but once you know what it means, you feel like an idiot.

  22. It's the Wild suck, and I could make a list but it would be too long.

  23. No, and that reminds me, we should probably do that one of these days. But we also have that other guy in Houston...it's Dubenski or something like that. And wtf Owennolan is freakin awesome for a grumpy old man! :P

    Oh so do Nuck fans, trust me. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what "SOB" or even "CDC" meant lol. But the X-shaped idea works too.

  24. Weird. I meant to say Xcel Energy Center but it got all screwed up.

  25. Yeah, we were beyond terrible, but Harding was the "luck" in the SO. Seriously, the only ones to score were Koivu and Owennolan and we still won. Now that's some God-like goaltending.

    Haha is that like Wild fan slang or something? Like "2B&B"? "Franchise"? Haha just imagining your face going "wtf" is pretty entertaining. It means Xcel Energy Ce...

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