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Status Updates posted by Wild#9

  1. Oooh I think I've found a name to give out as the one who ruined the game after the Nucks lose :P

    Noooo your lack of Wild knowledge is killing me! 5-1 Hawks going into the 3rd, 6-5 Wild after an 8 round shootout. Pure. Awesomeness.

    Spray paint the outside of the X with "GO CANUCKS GO"?

  2. Or *cough* hopefully not *cough* :P

    C'mon give the Wild some credit, they were amazing. Did you see the game? You should have, it was the best game ever.

    Ok, but keep in mind that I have a very good memory :P

  3. That might be true, but the Wild have now beaten the Cup Champs AND the current best-team-ever (Hawks) in an amazing fashion. I say screw Hall and now we're going for the Cup :P

  4. We don't need a superstar, we have Chuck freakin' Fletcher! He's pretty much God, you know?

  5. Haha that was never a doubt in my mind. Time to go back to daydreaming about Taylor Hall, huh?

  6. No problem, you Vancouverian :P

  7. Nope, that won't help. All Canadians have those things no matter what you do, so if you get rid of them, they'll just reappear tomorrow :P

  8. And we also know that Candians are lumberjacks with beards, who live in igloos and ride polar bears to work :P

  9. What? No way, I'm 100% innocent and mature (NOT!)

  10. Hey, they don't show anything, just you in a towel. Not my fault you have such a dirty mind :P

  11. Last time I checked I was a human, but I'm a bear now, huh? Good to know. *snaps more pictures of i4i running outside in only a towel*

  12. Too late, I have evidence *pulls out a picture of Koivu shampoo in i4i's bathroom*

    (yes, I sneak into your bathroom and take pictures :P)

  13. i4i uses Koivu shampoo! i4i uses Koivu shampoo!

    Haha just kidding!

  14. But only because you have Koivu shampoo, and doesn't that kinda ruin the whole "diehard Canuck fan" thing? :P

  15. Haha congrats then, you are now more awesome than me

  16. I know, that's what all you Vancouverites really want to know

  17. Unfortunately yes, but I'm almost done. Then I'm free to go to Vancouver and as many Wild/Canucks games as I want! (well kinda)

  18. Ooh sucks for you then, huh? :P Is a semester ending or something?

  19. Yeah I know, it wasn't mine, I don't even remember who told me about it. Anyways, I'm good and it's not just you, I've been busier lately but I kinda came back today. How about yourself?

  20. yep. all those post/pre game interviews and stuff he does add up

  21. oh that's kevin falness. he hosts hockey unplugged and stuff. he works with the Wild, so he does interviews and gets breaking news for us and posts them in a podcast (but he calls them PONDcasts) he also does post/pre game things

  22. oh yeah, I just leave my computer on with it logged in, like I do with CDC. I don't really post much though, I mostly just read Mikko's blog over there

  23. I've only met him two times, and both we were fighting haha. he actually followed me into another thread so he could say something else about the Wild. he's funny, and incredibly annoying

  24. yeah, I normally add people who hate me, just to annoy them further. now that I think of it, I should probably add loompya...but I really don't want to

  25. yeah, they were scowling and stuff. oh and go ahead, I'll add you too

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