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Everything posted by RU SERIOUS

  1. Q: Sorry but I'm a long time Canucks fan and need to ask you a question if I may, and that is........What is a 1st Round pick?.
  2. I agree with 4 of the 5 players you've listed, but lets not get ahead of ourselves on Phillip Horn-Wreck. We've only seen him play for a couple/few periods and I have not seen one single "Stellar play" by him so far in all that time. No one has! So at best, he's been "Fine" but calling him "an elite core player" is premature IMO. BUT - I hope like he'll he's the next Bobby Orr, like we all do - especially after the "SKY-HIGH" price we paid for him! Lets give him well into next season to see what we truly got in him until we draw any conclusion because the last time we prematurely claimed to hit a Home-Run on a trade by JR & PA with Still-Man it turned into a bust!
  3. Well said. Playing all those bottom feeder basement dwelling teams for the last month and a 1/2 has given false hope & expectations to many. This team is still a loooooong ways away from being a contender. We've seen how they struggle and rely extremely heavily on Demko especially against the better teams. Until the defense is properly fixed and 10-11 more players jettisoned from the team, they're going nowhere. Hopefully JR can continue the purge this summer!
  4. Myers on the Ice for 4 of the Flames Goals. A Total Liability. T - Minus 13 days and counting down until he's gone forever!
  5. Not to worry - because we won't have to see his face in a Canucks jersey in 13 more days! Woo-Hoo!
  6. Yes, It's very sad indeed - but true. This season is unfortunately a carbon copy of last year and you can see how much this team is lacking when they play the better teams.
  7. We've been playing the worst teams in the league for the last 5 weeks except for 2-3 games and most of those teams know how to tank properly instead of moving up the draft - for nothing.
  8. FINAL SCORE: CANUCKS 4 - MYERS 5 (Myers on the ice for all 4 regulation time Calgary Goals !)
  9. Now you can see why we need a rebuild. Outplayed, outmuscled & outshot (triple to one) and only saved by Demko (AGAIN). .................and Jr thinks wasting a 1st and a 2nd round draft pick in a deep generational draft year getting that Detroit kid (Horn-wreck) will save us instead of rebuilding properly JB 2.0!
  10. Yep. he got 44 points that season we dumped him, while Jake "The Ripper" got 4. All for a couple of hundred thousand more. What an idiot Benning was! Ruined this team for years.
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