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Status Updates posted by moz

  1. Yeah they mostly go on through the night as England is 8 hours ahead. S'okay though, excpet for the games that start at 5am. Like Russia last night for example.

  2. Ah okay, that makes sense then. I hate that rule so much.

  3. It's streamed online, so try it for the next game, i'm sure these 2 clowns will be calling them all. By the end of it we had got over our frustration and just laughed at everything they said.

  4. They actually used the term 'slam dunk' for one of the goals. Not even kidding.

  5. Yes!

    terms for soccer, rugby and basketball were all used to describe the hockey game. It was a joke.

  6. Yeah, either that or pretty stupid to stay up that late.

    Awh that was cute, i'm sure she liked it. :]

    That game was good, watched it on a British feed and it was so frustrating, the commentator should be sacked. It was like a mix of soccer, rugby and basketball terms to describe a hockey game. It was embarassing.

  7. Nice to see someone else from England on here.

    Welcome to the boards :]

  8. Yeah, I love them ...

    I can't always last till the end, depends on how the game is going, but I love watching the nucks, otherwise I wouldn't bother. Would love to go to an actual game though.

    Valentines was just another day for me, went to visit a Castle with my parents, they came to see me for the day, which was nice. How about you? Do anything nice?

  9. Maybe I do. Must be Canadians in general haha.

    That's her told then haha.

    Home games are worse, 7.30pm Vancouver is 3.30am UK, they're the worst. Bed at 6am. Good job this is my final year at Uni where I just do most of my study in my own time, meaning I can wake up in the afternoon and stay up for games.

  10. There's something strangely attractive about him, I don't know what it is either.

    She? Have you got yourself a ladyfriend now? Bit mean chucking her on the bus, take her home / make her watch the game with you. it's on at 12.30am here, so glad it's not the late, late game.

  11. hey hey, not alot, how's things?

    Canada plays tonight, should be a good one eh? Can't wait.

  12. It was the best bit, for me anyway.

    It was brilliant though, a real creative idea with the blank canvas and projecting things onto it.

    I was dissapointed at the lack of Bublé, I love that guy. Hope he sings at the closing ceremony.

  13. It's a good thing for sure, for you I mean. I can't wait for it to get on the way either, should be a good games, especially the mens hockey!

  14. I got goosebumps so many times. That was amazing. The orca was by far my favourite bit as they're my favourite animal.

    The story kinda reminded me of the Royal BC Museum in Victoria, dunno why.

  15. I have missed most of it, drama around here.

    I hope it's good for the rest of it, have I missed much? other than the countries coming out?

  16. I'm alright, super stoked for the games, opening ceremony should be ace. In the winter games Great Britain has only ever managed 4 gold at one time, in the 1920's haha, suckers. I hope they win one though.

    I am about to put the one i like on my profile, i edited the colours on it but i no longer have the original to hand i'm still waiting for my old hard drive!

  17. I like that picture, my fave is one of them on a beach, i might put it up. I looked at Williams' twitter the other day and she didn't piss me off, maybe she's calmed down now haha.

    Are you watching the Opening ceremony later?

  18. I didn't say it was a bad thing.

    Aye you did, when I first signed up I was gonna have a Hayley something or other but then I thought it was too girly haha!

    How's life anyway?

  19. I've been on a Paramore binge all day, I blame seeing Hayleys face all over cdc for this. So thanks.

  20. haha :) so true. Have you ever seen games from a Pittsburgh feed? My mate is a Pens fan so I have seen a few (ESPN360 is biased like that as well) and then the Canucks game was from a Pitts feed when they played here. If we wouldn't of won I woulda stopped watching, it was terrible.

  21. Yeah, I like Ovie.

    Like, Crosby is an awesome player, don't get me wrong, but the media bias towards him is outstanding, it's so irritating, that's why I can't watch Penguins games. He won't even be on the ice but the guy is going off about him! Even the UK papers this weekend "ones to watch" in the Olympics, Sid the bloody Kid!!

  22. I watched the Canucks/Bruins game, didn't see the Caps/Pens game today, though I'm sure it was awesome as the Caps came back to steal the show. I love it when the Penguins lose :)

    Lu was brilliant for us against Bruins.

  23. Yeah I know it's cough syrup, but I've never heard that expression before.

    That sucks on the job :( do you have to pick something else instead then?

  24. She's really selfish and ungreatful. If that's cool personality trait then i'm clearly doing it all wrong in this world.

    You have to be fat and old and going bald to date her, I mean look at Chad. Ew.

  25. Her twitter posts are what changed my opinion on her.

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