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WHL rocks

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Everything posted by WHL rocks

  1. Follow the story... Listen to what he said.. Did Rutherford call Blake Price to tell him this info? This is so ridiculous it's sad JR hasn't even given an interview.. not 1 person knew ahead 9f time that Green was about to get fired.. not 1 person knew BB was going to be new coach.. not 1 person knew ahead of time that JR is president of hockey ops and new interim GM. Not one person knew Smyl was new interim GM.. not 1 person knew anything regarding hirings and firings.. .. no one knew that 2 AGMs would be fired.... BUT Price got some information... his words.. that Burke pushed JR to canucks and JR will bring along Pens front office staff and will make trades with the Pens... Really? Did JR call Price and tell him that info? If I was 12 yrs old I might believe Price... or if I was an idiot.. He has no insider Info.. sekeras used to do this all the time and I would post on here about sekeras Never insult your listening audience's intelligence... fastest way to lose credibility and lose ur show on radio.... people aren't stupid.. I'm embarrassed for Price for pretending he got inside info on this.. it's so ridiculous... embarrassing ...
  2. Oliviera with the submissio... Great fight.. I wanted him to win.. 1st round didn't look all that great for him..but he's the best submission guy in ufc. Great fighter.. 10 wins in a row. KOd Gaetje submitted black belt jiu jitsu Poirier Amazing
  3. Exactly He was acting like he had inside info and heard it. But just lieing.. it's common knowledge.. nothing more.. no insider secret info... Sekeras was famous for making up things when he and Price had a show together.. now Price making up things too.. Price said he got information recently that Brian Burke played a part in JR coming to canucks and front office + players from Pens could soon come to canucks. Hogwash.. he didn't here nothing. He didn't get any information.. he's making it up...
  4. Oliviera in trouble. He's gonna get KOd Poirier elite boxer. One of best in ufc
  5. Wow. What a great night of fights. The preliminary card was good too.. Amanda Nunes just quit.. WoW... Pena didn't have undertooks in.. just a soft choke working on getting her legs wrapped around and Amanda quit.. WOW!!! Honestly I'm a huge Nunes fan but I wanted Pena to win.. time for change of scenery.. Nice
  6. What a stupid article.. what's wrong with Canadian hockey media.. just batching and whining about something all the time.. https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/firings-canucks-undermine-unexpectedly-upbeat-week/
  7. Exactly I heard these comments earlier and was like wtf?? It's nothing. He goes don't be surprised if Canucks and Pitt make a deal if not now then in off-season.. lol Not thread worthy...
  8. Cheers my man.... Trying to have a decent day. Laying here on sofa all day with multiple broken bones and high on morphine... tomorrow going in for surgery.. maybe my brain not working right.. lot of pain stress and drugs ... lol
  9. Players sign offer sheets all the time.. Even a prominent Canucks player... Ryan Kessler signed an offer sheet with Philadelphia Flyers. He was willing to leave the Canucks for more money in the US. Why can't Tryamkin go back to his home country while getting more money than he would with the Canucks..
  10. The way you speak of him "ran back to Russia with his tail between his legs"... "accomplished nothing " Clearly you are emotionally attached to him going back to Russia and find him going back home to be a very negative thing.. Your opinion is clearly biased. He got more money to go back home and play in his own country. It's a job for him. He's not a teenager from Vancouver emotionally attached to being an NHL player in a romantic way .. no.. it's his job. It's a business... that's all...
  11. Lots of players put up numbers. But building a team that's going to compete and win playoffs is not just gathering bunch of guys who put up numbers.. To build a successful team you need all types of talent and size and skill and personalities. Every Olympics or World Cup team Canada management and media talk about it.. you dont throw together top 30 point scorers that are Canadian. You need checkers and hitters and defensive specialists and grit and size... that's how a team is built.
  12. No need to worry. JR is essentially your new GM.. the guy coming in won't be picking up the phone trading Miller and announcing it to JR after the fact.. JR will clear all transactions.. he is the boss. He's just going to have a guy handle more of the day to day stuff and media duties etc so JR isn't working 16 hours a day. He's 73 yrs old.. he'll want to take it easy But all the hockey transactions will have JR'S fingerprints on them. Trades will go thru JR.
  13. Ok... I don't understand what you're trying to say... Are you saying Karmanos would say NO to being GM of the Canucks if JR called him??
  14. Why is it different.. Kovalchuk came here played and in his prime went back to Russia. Jagr came here played and still playing at a very high level went to his home for 3 yrs Tryamkin came here played parts of 2 seasons.. his wife moved here with him. They got better money to move back to Russia to play the same game. They moved.. People forget that this is a business.. fans get way too attached to minor issues surrounding contracts or teams or players switching teams.. over and over you hear it from the players that this is a business. It's their job. You get more money doing the same job living in your own country rather than half way across the planet different language different culture and not to mention its an enemy country with people hostile to Russia. Easy choice. This is a business. Not a romantic story about a little boy giving everything in his life just to play in the NHL. Players say it over and over that this is a business.. A couple of years ago there was talk about Chinese basketball team offering 50 million per year to NBA star players to play in China. A reporter asked LeBron James if he would go to China for 50 million.. James answered immediately saying where do I sign. LeBron is willing to go to China for more money. Tram stayed in his own country for more money.... It's a business. Nothing to do with drive..
  15. Lots of players do things like that.. U need some bad boys on the team. Some attitude would be good.. We have too many undersized pretty boys. They're more worried about their hairstyles or breaking a nail rather than breaking the opposition players will with a hard hit or cpl punches to the face.. This is a hockey team. Not a church choir...
  16. Like I said he paid his dues for it. No need to make it into to a bigger issue than it is. He had a 21 game suspension.. Players do a lot worse..some of the best players in the NHL have done worse. You pay your dues for your &^@#up and move on. Do people speed in their car? They get a fine and move on. Not lose their license for rest if their life and get fired from their job because they could have killed someone because they were speeding. Ppl make mistakes serve their punishment and move on.. that's life..
  17. Ya and Botterill is in Seattle. Either one of those very well could be our next GM. Both are close to JR.
  18. Has nothing to do with drive. He's put in the hard work all his life to be able to play professional hockey and even make the NHL.. It's just a different league. One in his home country vs one across the world.. He chooses to stay in his home country. NHL doesn't equal drive.. he has drive that's why he got so good in the first place. He wants to be close to his family and friends.. instead of living in a country that is hostile to his country.. Kovalchuk left 10 million per year on the table and went back to Russia to play in his own country.. he was one of the best players in the world at the time. Jagr did the same thing..one of the best to ever play the game. He didn't lack drive. these guys consider KHL to be very near NHL level. Some may even consider them equal. He plays hockey for a living. It's his profession. He makes more money playing at home. I would do the same thing. He made the better decision for himself and his familie's life and all the while making more money. All positives nothing negative about that decision..⁰
  19. Like what.. He faked a covid Vax. NFL star player did same thing he got 4 games. Plays with Brady. No one making it into a bigger issue than it is..the guy did 21 games .. he paid his dues. Heck of a player. Brings everything canucks desperately need. His wife made some false accusations against him. She's getting mental health help and he got custody of 16 minth old baby. No issues. Bring him in..
  20. We all will soon find out what we trade.. Someone from the roster will have to go if he wants to get better because of cap reasons.. money out money in.. Lets see which players he trades away..
  21. These firings mean JR will be bringing in his own capologist.. no surprise.. JR might bring in Karmanos or Botterill ... maybe both... Can't wait for him to start making a couple of trades.. desperately need to upgrade the D with some size and physicallity.. plus right shot 3C I'd love it if he traded for Evander Kane. Big physical heavy guy. Lays hits and drops gloves..
  22. Making more money than he would in the NHL playing in his home country close to family and friends.. He doesn't have to travel to other side of world and live in a country with different culture different language and outright hostility towards his country Russia due to internal American politics.. I'd rather stay home close to my loved ones and make more money at the same time too..
  23. I came across thiss.. loved it.. thought would share... These two been buddy's since we didn't have remote controls for our tvs Perfect.. ship is sailing the right way now.. Cpl men at the helm who been around a while and know how to get things done...
  24. Kane × 50% cap retained for Pearsson. JR knows this team needs a bit of snarl , size, attitude and meanness.... Trade for Kane. Solid player... local guy still young.
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