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WHL rocks

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Everything posted by WHL rocks

  1. Walk out of what? The rest of NHL season? If they walk out they lose billion dollars in salary. They don't want to walk out anymore than the team owners want to shut them out. NHL is a business. Players and owners are 50/50 partners in the business. This isn't an owners vs players issue. They are partners and equally motivated to keep playing. If the league gets shut down it will be with agreement and a plan from both sides, players and owners combined.
  2. What an exciting and entertaining game.. I'm actually nervous watching this game like it was a play-off game lol..
  3. Not gonna happen if barely miss playoffs . New rules, Only bottom 11 teams are eligible for the 1st overall pick.
  4. The new GM will be an assistant him self. Lol Everyone is an assistant to........ Jim Rutherford..
  5. SA I'm not 100% certain but I think it was sn650 after Jeff Marek show. So around noon. Marek show runs 9am to 11am. After that it's the local guys. I was medicated had radio on so I'm not 100% but I know they were saying word is starting to leak out that it was Benning and Wisebroad on the in side and the rest of the management staff on the outside. Pretty much those two ran everything and knew everything.. everyone else was out of the loop.. I remember hearing that and thinking about Stan Smyl. I'm thinking that guy is original Captain Canuck and he's 1 man who deserves to be respected enough to be atleast consulted and kept in the loop no matter who runs this team. Just from a matter of respect...
  6. Let's simplify it for easier understanding.. The GM will be part of the Crew that works for JR. Everyone works for JR. Hes the Bauss. He makes the decisions. GM AGM etc etc all work for JR...
  7. Pens were cup contenders almost every year last decade plus.. they traded away many 1st rounders.. It started with Hossa trade when Pens gave up a 1st for Hossa and Dupuis. Well before JR showed up in PIT They made great trades too. Usually late 1sts but got very solid returns for those 1sts.. I think Kessel was a 2nd rounder and Leafs ate bunch of his cap.. Great trade .. 2 Cups.. Ya JR understands canucks are at a different cycle and he doesn't want to trade away 1sts. We shall see how his picks go. I'm really happy with the direction we ate taking.. JR and BB will lead a smart, intelligent and hard working group. We in good hands now..
  8. I see. Wisebroad sucked at his job. Never liked him as our AGM for 1 single day .. But gotta say the Miller trade and some of the draft picks were great. If Weisbroad was responsible for the bad decisions he must be credited for the good ones
  9. Ya the worst mistake of Bennings tenure as GM here was to have Wisebroad as his sidekick. They are both cut from the same cloth. Both meat and potatoes guys.. Benning needed a guy opposite of his own capabilities.. Benning needed a younger, smart, executive type.. a guy highly qualified and trained in business side of things.. No need for a carbon copy of your self. Need someone to compliment you and bring skills you don't have to achieve your goals.. JR is doing exactly what should be done. He knows what he's doing.
  10. Ya I think there are a few posters on here who can really go into detail and explain what transpired with that situation.. But briefly, my understanding is Linden wanted to keep drafting and rebuilding thru draft for another 2 years.. but Benning and Wisebroad sold Aqua on the team being ready to take next step and start adding pieces to contend. Two 1st rounders traded away plus 2nd rounders traded.. Linden wanted to be more patient and continue drafting and developing.. Apparently Linden was right.. and JR has also said this team is not at the time of cycle to add older players. He said he won't be trading away 1st rounders.. JR said the moves he makes will be for younger players and won't involve hight picks going other way.. Very interesting next few months. Going to be fun being a fan of the Canucks because there will be action and movement.
  11. So he's the new Judd Bracket for amateur scouting and will also oversee pro scouting. ?? So pretty much he's JRs point man on making trades and drafting... Very important part of the team .. as important as it gets when you think about it. This guy will be front and center in all trades we make.. Clancey's stamp will be on all player movement for Canucks moving forward..
  12. Not sure if it was on local radio sn650 or some other broadcast, but guys were talking about how it was the Benning and Wisebroad show.. that those two made all the decisions, ran the ship and everyone else was pretty much out of the loop... With JR it will be very different imo.. This is a good setup and I would do the same thing if I was Aqua.
  13. Plus every other NHL team would be all over it.. Top pair RHD is very rarely made available for a trade. It's like trading Demko or EP for us.. #1 RHD is an elusive creature..
  14. JR is the boss. GM and AGMs will all answer to JR. JR is 72 years old. Maybe 73.. he will have a GM to mentor and guide. The GM will be guided by JR. AGM won't be answering to GM. Both of them will be answering to JR..
  15. I wouldn't be surprised if we got Zucker and Pettersson from PIT.. There will be trades. There will be player movement.. going to be fun seeing who goes and who comes back.
  16. Not at all. Because JR is in charge. He approved BB as coach before he took the job. BB is in reality JRs hire as the coach of this team. It's JRs show. The GM will be the point man and media guy for JR but all hockey decisions will be JRs to approve.
  17. Athletes have to follow China's laws on covid when in China. So quarantine could be 3 to 5 weeks.. maybe a guy like @mll can clarify he usually has his facts right. But Petro said he's hesitant to commit because he could be away from his family for 4 or 5 weeks if positive test and quarantine in China. And if players miss NHL games due to covid they don't get their NHL checks for missed time..
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