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WHL rocks

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Everything posted by WHL rocks

  1. I think we'll be good. He's signed for just this season with an option for next season. It's a let's see what you can do contract.. His interview are very interesting to watch. I look Forward to hid presser just like I fo the game. Talks openly, shares his thoughts and opinions , gives off grat energy.. I don't think we'll turn on him too quick. This season and next season we'll be ok .. after that it's a different story..
  2. I been wanting thT trade and posting my thoughts in here for past 2 or 3 weeks.. Most people don't want him anywhere near our team but I think he'd be great... He's gotten older , been thru a lot, made many bone headed mistakes... but I'm hopeful he's learned from those mistakes and coming home to Vancouver he might act like a grown up ... Lot to ask for but it's nothing compared to the types of changes I've seen people make in my life and past job.. he could be a home run acquisition for us..
  3. Ya he probably will.. But i bet he brings in some toughness before end of season.. I think he's going to want some guys that are harder to play against and drive the net..
  4. Wow!! Canucks gave up 5 goals in 4 games since coach Gaby been here. 1.25 GA per game.. How about that defense improvement..
  5. Ya me too. Will be waiting for JR to come on and talk about his plans for the team. Don't expect too much info like Price claimed he herd Pens staff and players will be joining Canucks. lol... But just listen and see what he thinks about this roster and potential changes...
  6. EP40 saying locker room feels good .. gotta be humble and keep working.. think few things need to be cleaned up and they're working on it every day in practice... Players loving the fresh start and aggressive playing style..
  7. Lol. Surgery got canceled this morning.. maybe tomorrow now..Laying on sofa double dosed on morphine pills. High has &^@# watched nfl and canucks all day.. Feeling pretty good I think.
  8. Podz had 29 seconds PK and was on the ice in defensive role when Canes had their goalie pulled.
  9. Podz 15:39 toi 5th most on canucks forwards Only Miller Horvat Boeser Dickinson had more
  10. Canes 2nd guessing themselves and looking for perfect shot to beat Demko. That's what happens when facing an elite goalie. Demo is on fire last few games..
  11. Wow!!! Can't believe the difference coach Gaby has made.. It's his attitude, personality and way of getting across to his players.. Good times Canucks fans..
  12. Really. I haven't tried it .. what are the toppings. If I do fast food burgers I prefer Wendy's. Maybe I'll call skip
  13. Doubt it. Cruz is 9th ranked. O'mally isn't even ranked and he's been taking light competition.. he's a low level fighter with green hair and lots of tatoos at this point. He's not good enough for top 15 fighters. Cruz is 9th... Even Dana said O'mally is not ready for ranked opponents.. Cruz was talking about fighting Aldo last night.. 3rd ranked. Cruz has no reason to fight an un ranked fighter.. does nothing for him.
  14. Dom Cruz .... can't stand him. Such a douche.. Pretends he's brothers with DC and loves him.. Threw DC under the bus, talked all sorts of crap about his job performance abilities, and pretends he doesn't know why there is anything wrong with what he did.. Dom keeps saying can't I have an opinion? Even the Count Bisping tells him you can but saying all that stuff to media is out of line for even a regular co worker... let alone someone you pretend is your friend and brother.. Say those things in private.. don't go on ufc ppv fight promotions and start talking crap about how your co worker sucks and isn't prepared... what a clown.. Then keeps asking DC to critique him.. DC doesn't.. DC says some positive things tells Dom he's very good at his job.. but gets told again to say a negative.. DC tells Dom he's dry... Dom gets mad about this. Takes it as an insult.. what a clown.. never liked his personality but now i can't stand him.. Now you're gonna have all sorts of fighters call out DC on his job.. they'll do it for attention.. just like the green hair guy Sean O'mally did today.. Who needs enemies when you have friends like Dom Cruz..
  15. Yes completely agree with you entire post. When Pena started repeatedly connecting with the left jab it was a tough go for Nunes. Pena showed great heart and just willed her self to that belt. From the pre fight interviews and press conference to the fight it self. She came to win and made it happen. Hard not to cheer for a person like her.. Most likely there will be a rematch between Nunes and Pena bit after that maybe Valentina tries to move up and go for the 135lbs belt again. Wonder how she would do against Pena But honestly I like it better with each weight class having own champion. Nunes 145 Pena 135 Bullet 125 Rose 115.. Works for me. Even though I'd love to see Shevchenko become a 2 division champ. She's a great fighter.
  16. Valentina Shevchenko, "Bullet" is my favorite female mma fighter. She is just too good. So technical and a highly advanced fighter. Couldn't beat Nunes because Shevchenko doesn't have the size Nunes does.. can't compete in that high wait category.. she's just not big enough.. Pena is going to be one of my favorites now. I've liked Amanda Nunes for ever but I was rooting for the underdog Pena last night.. needed a change to liven things up. Nunes was champion for ever. Wanted Oliviera to win as well so that was good. Great night of fights last night. Good entertainment.
  17. 3 - 2 CAR Aho gwg Canucks score first Boeser first goal
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