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Bruce Boudreau

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    hockey,football, some other sports, females

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  1. Jake Virtanen, who turns 21 in August, doesn’t need another year in Utica. -Ed Willies

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. VanGnome


      I'm not just hoping, but I'm suspecting that he may actually stick with the team this year. It all hinges on what kind of shape and mentality he comes to camp in. Greener saw the progress he made last year, chances are he's going to be given every opportunity to play here.

      When Virts was a rookie, he actually played well for the minutes he was given, but seemingly wasn't afforded a lot of trust by WD, then the following training camp came around and he had no option but to go to Utica. He's got all the tools, just need to see if he's motivated enough to put them together at this level.

      He's got the physicality and skill we need.

    3. jstewboy


      I would honestly love for him to continue progressing under Green. He's the one who got him going, he can be he one who gets him to adapt to the NHL.

    4. Salmonberries


      What a clueless bozo this Willes is. GTFO of town loser. Get moving. 



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