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Twilight Sparkle

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Everything posted by Twilight Sparkle

  1. >watched homeward bound and cried, 6 times. don't judge.

    1. EmployeeoftheMonth


      I'm judging you and I think you're a sweetheart.

    2. Tearloch7


      .. me too .. "Pay It Forward" next? .. :D .. that is good for a whole box of Kleenix

    3. EmployeeoftheMonth


      Wait did you just say K-pax. That one made me teary.

  2. gotta hand it to del rio for taking that loss like a champ. instead of phoning it in, he stuck with the kayfabe injury and made that match real interesting to point the point, for that one second, he might actually successfully defend it with the rock working a limited amount of dates and flaking out for movie dates, he doesn't have much of a say in how the story plays out or what the outcome is
  3. it's kay gd. you can say, or do, anything you want to me
  4. vince has been out of touch for years. turning ryback on cena was probably the only nod he gave that made sense in years. we all knew cena was never going to turn heel. they can poke fun at the IWC all they want (with cena trolling everyone with the "turning a heel" gimmick), but we aren't stupid, despite what they think. Any one with a brain would have known cena will never turn heel, and dirtsheets reporting anything on that need to just burn. wresltemania 29 was a good example of trying to "one up" the IWC who they thought we had everything all planned out... Well, we still did. Only swerve they really got us at was no zigs cash in and a couple of botched finishes. so they need someone to fight super cena, so why not have a heel ryback go for it to try end the "goldberg chants" against a guy people are just tired of seeing "overcoming the odds" time and time again that's my rant
  5. we're not on bjb anymore. i'm not going to let you get in to my head with your bring downs
  6. more emotion, more fan reaction. i popped when zigs cashed in
  7. curse this 15 minute delay from the score. like whats the point
  8. love mark henry no selling cena's crappy promo lol@the we want paige sign
  9. pretty much. his first ever "official" wrestling match at wrestlemania. all you had to know from that match was JBL ****ing on fandango saying he doesn't deserve to be at wrestlemania against someone as accomplished as chris jericho and thats why i love JBL. just tells it like it is
  10. also never forget extended video packages and replays :D
  11. well when austin walked out it was health issues and he was just burned out at that point. if i were the rock, healthy, can still go, at wresltemania 29, one of the biggest attendences of all time, 80,000 people, millions and millions watching around the world... To put on a weak match like that? it's something chris jericho said in an interview-- if he feels that he can't put on a decent match anymore, he's going to call it a career. actually, it'll be interesting where chris goes from here because his match last night was also pretty bad. can't blame it all on him though, working with someone as green as johnny curtis, even JBL was like this doesn't make sense
  12. My predictions: Intercontinental Championship: Wade Barrett © vs. The Miz Who I want to win: Wade Barrett Who will win: Miz My gut tells me this is what's going to happen. They've invested a lot in to the Miz, he's been improving, getting the Figure-Four down a little better. Looks a little less of a joke. They really need him to be an edgy face though. That has to happen. His current face run is so pandering to the audience, he's not a real threat to anybody at all. Wade has the look of a guy who would jump the table and whoop your ass. If Wade retains, good for him, but Miz needs the win after all they put in to him. Wade doesn't need the IC belt. He's a World Champ in the making, but I feel they really haven't done much to improve the Wade Barrett character Tons of Funk & The Funkadactyls vs. Team Rhodes Scholars & The Bella Twins Who I want to win: Rhodes Scholars Who will win: Rhodes Scholars Rhodes and Sandow need that win more to go after the titles. Funk will get revenge on RAW or something Tag Team Championships: Team Hell No © vs. Dolph Ziggler & Big E Langston Who I want to win: BIg E/Zigs Who will win: Team Hell No Makes no sense to have Zigs hold two titles. It'll look cool and that stable will look dominant but it'll just be a cluster **** in defending the World title and the tag titles-- where the tag titles mean very little as it is. It'll be like Shawn holding the WWE strap and the European title back in the day Sheamus, Randy Orton & The Big Show vs. The Shield Who I want to win: The Shield Who will win: The Shield Sheamus, Orton and Show will have more to deal with later on. It'll be interesting where the Shield go from here. I like all those guys Chris Jericho vs. Fandango Who I want to win: Jericho Who will win: Fandango Eh. Predictable. All Jericho has to do is carry that match and make Fandango look less of a joke. Maybe the fans will stop chanting, "you can't wrestle" World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio © vs. Jack Swagger Who I want to win: Alberto Del Rio Who will win: Alberto Del Rio Doesn't really matter who wins this one. Zigs cashes in Ryback vs. Mark Henry Who I want to win: Mark Henry Who will win: Ryback Obvious. Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H Who I want to win: Brock Lesnar Who will win: Triple H Just going with the predictable theme here but I wouldn't completely rule out Lesnar losing since he's signed another deal, but with family in Triple H's corner. Trips get revenge The Undertaker vs. CM Punk Who I want to win: CM Punk Who will win: The Undertaker Another obvious outcome. Hopefully it's a good match for what it's worth, but I'm still on that fatal 4 way bull**** that completely killed this storyline WWE Championship: The Rock © vs. John Cena Who I want to win: The Rock Who will win: John Cena Of course. No heel turn, sorry IWC, not gonna happen. Cena wins the belt and we live happily ever after. then why bother even saying it. When you have star power like Brock Lesnar and The Rock on your card, you're gonna tune in regardless. This year's card is one of the better ones in years
  13. Spinnakers' Nut Brown Ale is a strange brew. I like it

    1. Gustavo Fring
    2. Drive-By Body Pierce

      Drive-By Body Pierce

      Strange? Perhaps. Delicious? Definitely!

    3. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      it is delicous. i bought it at the liquor store on carall across the T&T at stadium. will definitely pick up a few more bottles tomorrow

  14. nice! love honky and glad he's back in the fold. austin's doing a podcast. something i will definitely check out
  15. his promo on raw seemed a bit odd saying "you'll witness something you've never seen before" or something along those lines also, i can't get enough of stone cold ET. this guy is hilarious. watched his video at some family wrestling show where he was with big daddy v and his gimmick is downing reese's pieces and whoopin some ass!
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