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Twilight Sparkle

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Everything posted by Twilight Sparkle

  1. i was actually reading through that. i think bret's been bombarded on his twitter about the 4/10 thing that he's using it for everything XD
  2. oh ok. all i know is evan bourne defeated el generico in his return match
  3. i think most of those guys are on NXT. evan bourne is too after he was out for almost a full year with that injury. bo dallas is back in nxt. that thing with wade barrett was a waste of time. i guess it was to show them what it's like being on TV, whereas... the score doesn't show nxt anymore does it? i'm not sure if nxt is on cable tv, maybe only in the states
  4. i can try make one now. i'll send you a pm with a draft also i thought ezekial jackson was at the fan axxess thing with christian
  5. i think rocky is well off enough. to me, his latest run he didn't really have it all in him. i guess i can live with it since 2013 was pretty busy for him, but if the E wanted him to return, at least let the guy get through all of his stuff instead of cramming **** in at the last minute with no real build up for rock/cena II. i know those guys could have put on a better match, but if rocky was really injured (i dont know whats up with the 'controversies' surrounding that) the guy was simply overworked with wwe and the publicity stuff btw new aj siggy. yay, or nay? just wanted something more simple
  6. get so pumped when i listen to this song, especially before i start a busy day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Oh8K5tTcig
  7. ministry of darkness was the most badass angle of that time. immortal was just a generic stable
  8. i give the E credit with the whole ryback angle. in a way, he's not really a heel since he's just blaming cena for leaving him out to dry and stuff and leaving him to get his ass kicked by the shield and the only guys who really helped him out at times were sheamus and orton. they actually gave that a story... like it has an actual background. we know what ryback's motive is and isn't all like, i'm tired of getting jerked around and im coming after you cena cause you're always on the top, more like, i trusted you to have my back and you stabbed me. the crowd's lately have been a little more vocal which is nice, especially a few people with air horns. when ryback dodged out of the ring the crowd was on his ass and a little pop for the shield when they came out. i do agree with ryback being cena fodder, now you have the shield in the mix for the ultimate "overcoming the odds" gimmick, but i'm liking where it's going. i'm always all for the shield on my tv. really the only complaint i had with the show is the weird booking with dolph. that swagger win was pretty shocking, kind of like, "okay, whatever" i agree with the preds thing. only time i decide to dodge out on a game it turns out to be a good one
  9. wonder what's up with sandow. like he and rhodes are in the doghouse or something temperarily using one of my old aj siggies until i make a current one. so much stuuuffff
  10. gotta love people's holier than thou attitude. to each their own. if someone finds wwe entertaining then why go around talking down to people
  11. i love that album. cry from the street is my favourite off the album
  12. i've come to accept where wwe is now. it's not going anywhere. i just don't care anymore, dude. i loved the attitude era as much as the next guy. that's what i grew up with, but those days are over whoa gotta get that foley dvd
  13. love it when people say that gotta love the crowd tonight. egging brock on to F5 slater "one more time" and brock is feeding off of it brock/triple h rubber match at extreme rules. i'm down
  14. what the hell, man. i don't watch on a monday and we're winning? eff
  15. and from what i heard rvd say in interviews he was happy in tna since they had a lighter scehdule and he could take time off to be with family and stuff, where he can't do that in wwe. rvd was the face of ecw, but that's it. wwe didn't create rvd, rvd wasn't even that big of a draw during his time there. he was just another guy on the roster at that point. i won't disagree that he still has what it takes to go, and is respected for how he shaped wrestling in the 90's but it doesn't really go far beyond that. rvd would probably be at the bottom of the barrel, so to say, to wwe. about the PG thing, you people really need to let that go
  16. i don't think rvd is committed to working a wwe schedule again. i don't think he's quite earned the right for a legends deal or a "part timers" deal. his wwe title run a few years ago was enough. i do think he can go in for 1 more run, at least with the IC title, or helping young guys go over since the title picture is pretty much set in stone for the next little while
  17. new mlw show. the guys bring up a good thing on the dudleys
  18. doubt it. he's pretty much a role player at this point in his career
  19. thats what im saying, that they don't really have the fan base to do so, and they're still stuck and not really growing. honestly, WWE's main fan base are casual fans or fans who stayed loyal, thick and thin because there's history, and just families who take their kids to see john cena, randy orton and all these guys. not really gonna have a family all riled up saying, "let's go see aces and eights!" have to understand that no one really takes pro wrestling seriously anymore and the casual fan tunes in to see production, and just the general population knows what wwe is, even if they aren't a wrestling fan. so TNA isn't going to pull away WWE's casual fan base with their minor league set up when they can watch big time WWE production. that's why the E isn't so focused on wrestling anymore-- and more on looking good on TV. if you're watching wwe for "real" wrestling, then you're watching the wrong product at this point, but fans tune in and show up to the arenas because being in a sell out crowd has a better atmosphere than being in glorified school gym that is the impact zone, and that's the reason why no one wants to give it a chance. because whatever tna does, they've seen it already and it just looks so cheap when they do it. they had something going for them back in 2005-2006 kurt angle is pushing on 45 years old and jeff has milage, same with AJ styles. they don't have too many guys who are up and coming and just living off of what WWE throws away. can't really call all of those guys top stars anymore just by their name. in time, no one will remember who aj styles was. no one will remember who samoa joe was, guys who were there from the beginning. then you have hogan and bischoff and now brooke and **** the E adapted to a changing of the times. it's more modern, and more focused on entertainment and not so much on wrestling. it's pretty much like the cirque du soliel if you wanna see it that way. it's is where the big boys play, it's where the big boys will stay and it's where up and coming guys hope to be at i understand that tna is growing but some people who go on a limb and say tna is "better than wwe" is a matter of opinion. i don't think so, so we are at an impasse. argument over at this point. all i'm stating is how people seem to think that if tna is so much better, and so much richer than wwe, then why haven't they done something about it. where are the TV deals and selling out arenas? where's the big TNA star that people will pay to see? no excuses, no "it's only been around for 10 years"-- if some people want to go out and say tna is better than wwe, then i'm going to voice my opinion on why that isn't so. i'm 24 years old now and i'm more of a casual fan at this point. i grew up a wwe kid, is the standard for my entertainment (oh boy, this'll be fun), i gave tna a chance to get me interested, they blew it, then they blew it again with the aces and 8's angle. i'll always tune in to raw on mondays, but if there's a hockey game on, i will switch the channel, because i just don't care anymore. i'm just living in the now anyways, if anyone wants to hear austin's podcast he's doing now, it's hya http://www.podcastone.com/program?action=viewProgram&programID=436 the second show with hbk is worth a listen. highly enjoyed it and loved when austin called shawn out for being a dick back in the day, they laughed about it, and the feelings shawn had heading in to wrestlemania 14
  20. at first i was on the fence, but after a few listens to beady eye's new tune, i'm mad fer it. <3 u liam

    1. Scottish⑦Canuck


      Liam's the rubbish one.

    2. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      i'm disappointed noel's not coming out with an album this year :|

  21. doesn't really have anything to do with anything. with pockets that deep, you'd think all of the talent, not just a handful of ex-wwe talent, would be looked after, with guaranteed contracts on top of being paid by appearence, especially with a multimillion dollar house, such as wrestlemania, and not have to work outside for indie gigs when they're not on TV or on the road, and the knockouts wouldn't complain about how they're being treated/paid there (see daffney, and that whole fiasco with ex KO talent turning down a PPV offer) and tna wouldn't have to cut down their PPV's since no one buys them. having an identity own majority, if not, all of the shares doesn't translate in to success. can only milk the cow for so long. tna has to make money on its own and not rely on a parent company to look after them
  22. gotta love HHH playing off that brawl with lesnar a few weeks ago, when it looked like he pissed his pants saying something like, I'll never go to the ring on a full blatter again! TNA can't afford randy orton. TNA marks have to understand how business works. you can't seriously think that randy orton will be simply fired by wwe when he still has a following. TNA will never have a high quality guy like randy orton on their roster. i'm sorry, but wake up and smell the coffee. i'm all for TNA branching out and stuff but if you seriously think randy orton will go to TNA you need to give your head a shake
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