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About J.I.A.H.N

  • Birthday 06/01/1957

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Canucks Franchise Player

Canucks Franchise Player (12/14)



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  1. With no hockey...…………….

    I feel like I am in the middle of the desert needing water!

    1. -DLC-


      This time of year is usually my very favourite - winter starts showing signs of spring, BBQ's are fired up and hockey is really getting good.


      It's a weird thing because, for me, as one sport "ends" I turn to another.  I've even taken an interest in basketball recently.  So it's so weird with...nothing.  Not even curling?  My good God, this is painful.  But necessary.


      Time to reflect on how we can bind together, as human beings, and take care of each other.  Get through this and put down all the conflict and adversity to focus on being united.

    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      if you run into alf in the desert and you’ve got some scotch, you might be able to make a trade. he might even give a ride on his scooter. if your lost in the desert, just start playing solitaire and for sure, someone will come by and remind you of a move.

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